Falling for you

Falling for you

Saturday came around pretty quick and before I knew it I was at Luhan's house along with Chanyeol, Xiumin, Suho and of course Luhan. 
"Is that what you're wearing?" Luhan asked me. I looked down at my baggy blue jeans and graphic tee wondering what was wrong with it.
"Ne, why?" I asked. 
"That just won't do." Luhan said shaking his head at me. "Come with me." He said, taking my arm and leading me away. I looked over to Chanyeol with pleading eyes but he just laughed and waved to me as Luhan dragged me upstairs. He took me to his room and opened his wardrobe.
"I have just the thing for you." He told me.
"I really don't think this is necessary." I said.
"Nonsense." He handed me a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark blue shirt. "Don't you want Chanyeol to see what he's missing?" He winked.
"What?! W...why would you think that...that I'd want Ch...Chanyeol to...to-"
"Baekhyun, it's so incredibly obvious. Chanyeol is just too dumb to realise. I know you like him." Luhan said. "So wear this and he'll be drooling over you all night." 
"O...okay." I gave in picking up the clothes.

After changing into the outfit Luhan gave me I was sat on his bed pulling at the shirt.
"Don't you think this is a bit tight?" I asked him.
"That's the point." He said. Then he picked something up from his dressing table and came over to me with it. 
"What is that?" I asked as he brought it closer to my face.
"Eyeliner." He answered, taking the lid off of the product.
"Woah, no no no! You're not putting that on me!" I pulled away from him shaking my head.
"Seriously Baekhyun, just try it. You'll look great." Luhan said, holding the eyeliner close to my face again
"Alright fine, but if I don't like it when you're done then you're taking it off." I told him. He nodded and began applying the eyeliner.

"Tah-dah!" Luhan exclaimed when he had finished. I got up and walked over to his mirror.
"I don't even look like me." I deadpanned. 
"You do. Just a hotter version of you." Luhan winked at me in the mirror.
"But people will laugh at me." I said frowning.
"No they won't, they'll hit on you." Luhan grinned. "Chanyeol will be lusting after you all night." He gabbed my hand, "Now come on, we can't leave him waiting!" And with that he dragged me back downstairs.

Once we were downstairs Luhan abandoned me, there were people everywhere. I quickly made my way to the living room, trying to find Chanyeol. It didn't take long to spot the tall boy in the crowd, his head poking out above everyone else's.
"Yah! Chanyeol!" I yelled as I got closer. He turned, hearing his name. When he spotted me his eyes widened slightly, shock on his face. 
"Hey, I know how weird I look. It was Luhan's idea, I didn't want to but you know what he's like." I mumbled, unable to look Chanyeol in the face.
"N...no. I uh, I think you look ama... I mean great! You look great, Baek." Chanyeol stumbled on his words slightly, which was weird for the happy virus.
"Uh, thanks." I said, avoiding his gaze.
"Yah! Why are you two just standing there? This is a party! You have to dance!" Luhan said as he passed us, dragging poor Sehun to the area of the room where people were dancing. Chanyeol laughed as Sehun just stood there while Luhan practically grinded against him, a look of shock on the younger's face as Luhans pressed against his crotch.
"Poor innocent Sehun." I said. Chanyeol laughed again and grabbed my arm.
"Come on, let's dance." He dragged me over near Luhan and Sehun and we began dancing to the loud music, still keeping a fair distance between us. Chanyeol wasn't the best dancer but he was good enough that no one stared or laughed, I on the other hand was quite good at dancing. I swayed my hips to the beat, not thinking about how ual it must look thanks to the tight skinny jeans. But Chanyeol noticed, he also noticed other people staring at me and a guy slowly approaching me. Suddenly, Chanyeol pulled me closer by my hips, glaring at the guy who had been approaching me. I was stunned and confused, if a little bit flustered.  
"Uh...Chanyeol?" I looked up at his face but he was still glaring at the guy behind me. I put my hands on his shoulders and leaned my head against his chest as we moved to the music. He looked down at me and smiled slightly, bringing me closer so our bodies were touching.
"Sorry." He mumbled into my hair. "That guy was looking at you like you were a piece of meat. I didn't like it." He told me. I felt like I was dreaming, Chanyeol was holding me close, his arms around my waist, head resting on mine while my arms were around his neck and my face pressed into his chest. I had the urge to pinch myself.




I know that the chapters are short, I'm sorry. I don't even know if anyone is actually reading this. I have most of the chapters to this written already but I'm just going through them and editing things first. I'm going to try to finish this as soon as possible because I don't really like the story that much. Thank you for reading and I hope you like it!

~ Cara xoxo

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baekkieboom #1
Chapter 11: This is good!:D keep up author nim
Chapter 10: What the Baekhyun. Like, you admire Chanyeol and then you go kiss another guy? Ugh, . >:( #shadymuch
baekkieboom #3
Chapter 10: Its alright, the story is not . This is great:) pls update more;)
Chapter 10: Whaaaattt??!! I hope this is a BIG misunderstanding. Please tell me it is. TT^TT
Chapter 8: Oooooo Chanyeol you have to make a choice now ~
He he I can't wait to see what happens next