Falling for you

Falling for you

Unfortunately, the perfect moment was ruined by a drunk, annoyed Xiumin.
"Yah, Baekhyun, why does my life so much?"he asked, making me and Chanyeol separate slightly.
"What do you mean?" Chanyeol asked him. 
"He's been with Suho all night and I just wanted one dance. Just one. Is that too much to ask?" Xiumin said, resting his head on my shoulder. "What does he have that I don't?" He groaned. I looked at Chanyeol who just shrugged his shoulders.
"What are you talking about Xiumin?" I asked him. He lifted his head off my shoulder and looked at me.
"Chen! Chen and damn Suho! They've spent all night together and I have to sit and watch Suho steal Chen away from me!" He exclaimed. I stood there in shock.
"You like Chen?!" I was so sure he wasn't interested in the poor guy. Xiumin nodded.
"But you never paid any attention to him when he flirted with you." Chanyeol said.
"I know. I've known that he liked me for ages. At first I wasn't interested so I ignored his flirting, but over time I fell for him. But I couldn't just start flirting back suddenly! I was waiting for the right moment." Xiumin seemed to have sobered up quite a bit. "But now I've lost my chance." 
"No you haven't. Go to him now. Tell him how you feel." I told him. 
"Yeah, go. Now. Before it is too late!" Chanyeol said pushing Xiumin towards Chen and Suho. 
"Yah! Game time!" Luhan yelled. "Gather round children." He pulled me and Chanyeol along with Sehun and several other people into a circle with a bottle in the middle.
"Are we seriously going to play spin the bottle?" Kai, a friend of Sehun's, asked.
"Yes, now who wants to start?" Luhan asked.
"Me!" Lay said, always enthusiastic to play games. He spun the bottle and it landed on Suho.
"Uh, do I...do I have to play?" Suho asked nervously.
"Yes, now kiss Lay or you will have to take the forfeit." Luhan told him.
"What's the forfeit?" I asked.
"Run around the house singing Barbie Girl." Luhan smirked. 
"Okay, come on Suho." Lay said pulling Suho forwards. Suho's eyes remained wide when Lay kissed him and everyone cheered at them. Once they pulled away it was Chanyeol's turn to spin the bottle. It landed on Kai and I suddenly felt sick as they leaned in towards each other. But it turned out to be the shortest simple peck of the lips. Still, I felt a sharp sting of jealousy.
"Your turn Baekhyun!" Luhan exclaimed. I felt nervous, I'd never had my first kiss before. Being one of the only gay kids in the school made it difficult to date anyone.
"Uh, I don't think it's a good idea to make Baek do it." Chanyeol said, surprising me. 
"He has to, or he'll have to do the forfeit." Luhan said.
"It's fine Chanyeol." I told him and spun the bottle. To my surprise, and joy, it landed on Chanyeol. We both turned and looked at each other as everyone else "ohh"ed and Luhan smirked at us. 
"I uh, if you don't want to do it then I'll...I'll do the forfeit instead." Chanyeol offered, but there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity to kiss him, game or no game I had waited for this moment for so long. I shook my head.
"No, it's fine. At least it's you." I told him, trying not to sound as nervous as I felt.
"Are you...are you sure?" He asked sounding as nervous as I felt. I nodded, not trusting my voice this time. He leaned in first, allowing me to meet him half way. I leaned in until our faces were an inch apart and I could feel his breath on my face. I was too nervous to take the final step, luckily Chanyeol wasn't. He put his hand on the back of my neck and pulled my face to his, closing the gap between our mouths. It was weird at first, since I had never kissed anyone before, but a good weird. His lips felt soft against mine as they moved in sync, and I wanted more. I felt explosions going off in my stomach and I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck, my heart was beating so fast in my chest I thought it might explode. We both forgot about the people around us as his tongue seeked entrance into my mouth. That's when I pulled away. I had let it go too far, Chanyeol was my best friend. My best friend who liked girls. It didn't matter what I felt for him, he would never feel the same. I couldn't let myself think that it could ever happen. Chanyeol looked confused and flustered when I looked at him. 
"I um, I've got to uh, I've got to go home." I said, quickly standing up. 
"What, now?" Sehun asked me. I looked briefly at Chanyeol who wasn't looking at me but he had a sad, almost hurt, expression on his face.
"Yeah, um, I'll see you on Monday." I said, quickly turning away and leaving the house. 


The minute I stepped outside I realise that my jacket was in Luhan's room. But there was no way I was going back in there, I'd just have to cope without it. I began walking, knowing it would probably take at least half an hour to walk to my house. Chanyeol was going to drive me home after the party. But now I'd be lucky if I could ever look him in the eye again. After that kiss I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold back anymore, it hurt. It hurt because when we kissed I realised that I wasn't just attracted to Chanyeol. I was in love with him. I was in love with my best friend. My very straight best friend. 

I was only down the next road from the party when I heard a car pull over next to me. I shivered and looked to my left to see a car I didn't recognise.
"Hey hot stuff, you need a ride?" A creepy looking guy asked me though the window.
"No thanks." I said and began walking again. But the guy in the car drove along beside me.
"Come on y. Come for a drive, I'll show you a good time." He smirked. This time I ignored him and walked faster, but he just kept driving along side me.
"Just get in the car and we can go somewhere private and have some fun!" He yelled at me.
"I believe he said no." A very familiar voice said from behind us. I turned around and saw Chanyeol.
"And who are you?" The creepy guy asked.
"I'm his boyfriend." 

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baekkieboom #1
Chapter 11: This is good!:D keep up author nim
Chapter 10: What the Baekhyun. Like, you admire Chanyeol and then you go kiss another guy? Ugh, . >:( #shadymuch
baekkieboom #3
Chapter 10: Its alright, the story is not . This is great:) pls update more;)
Chapter 10: Whaaaattt??!! I hope this is a BIG misunderstanding. Please tell me it is. TT^TT
Chapter 8: Oooooo Chanyeol you have to make a choice now ~
He he I can't wait to see what happens next