Falling for you

Falling for you

The rest of the week went by as normal, until Friday. I had Science, with Chanyeol, and it started off as it normally did. We did some work and made some jokes, talked about the party and how excited we were. Then Jessica, one of the most popular girls at our school came over to us.
"Hi Chanyeol." She said in that sickly high voice of hers.
"Hey." Chanyeol replied. 
"So I hear Luhan is having a party tomorrow, are you going?" She asked leaning across the table towards him.
"Uh, yeah. Me and Baek are both going." He told her. Her smile faltered a bit at the mention of my name. 
"Oh, right. Baekhyun is going too. Well, I'm sure he can find someone else to cling on to for a little while so you and I can dance." She said to him, smiling sweetly.
"I uh, maybe." Chanyeol said. He looked at me, but I was staring at the table sadly. "But, you know, Baekhyun is my best friend and if you are going to talk about him like that then maybe you should find someone else to dance with you tomorrow." He told her, pushing her backwards slightly, away from him. I tried not to laugh at her shocked expression.
"Fine. Maybe I will." She said and left allowing me to finally laugh. Chanyeol turned and grinned at me.
"Her face! Oh god, it was so funny!" I had to lean on Chanyeol for support from laughing too hard.
"I know!" He said trying to calm his laughter.
"Seriously though Chanyeol, thanks. She's always hated me, ever since I came out and I really appreciate you standing up for me." I told him after I had calmed down. He smiled at me.
"Of course. Anything for you." He put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with a strange expression on his face. We just sat there staring at each other for a minute before the bell rang and we both jumped.
"Let's uh, let's get to psychology." Chanyeol said, breaking the awkwardness. I nodded, collecting my things, trying not to blush at the moment we just shared.

At lunch time I was sitting with Chanyeol, Luhan, Xiumin and Chen. Chen was a friend of Luhans who had a massive crush on Xiumin but refused to do anything about it, I could sympathise  with him. Luhan was telling Xiumin and Chen about his plans for the party when Chanyeol turned to me.
"Baek," he whispered so the others couldn't hear.
"Mhm?" I whispered back.
"Can I...I mean, I can tell you anything right? I mean, talk to you about...you'll listen and you...you won't judge me. I think...I think you'd understand. More than anyone else, you-" 
"Chanyeol, you're not making any sense." I whispered to him.
"I know, sorry." He leaned closer to me. "Can I tell you some thing?" He whispered, I could feel his breath ghost over my ear and I shivered slightly. I nodded, not trusting my voice with him so close to me.
"Baek, I think...I think I might be-"
"Yah! What do you mean?!" Luhans loud voice made us both jump and pull apart.
"I just mean that sometimes you can be a bit...you know, annoying." Xiumin said to a fuming Luhan.
"Annoying?!" Luhan was mad. Unfortunately he had ruined whatever Chanyeol was going to tell me.
"Well, maybe annoying wasn't the best word to use." Xiumin shuffled away from Luhan slightly.
"I think what Xiumin meant was that you're quite lively and loud and it's not really something that he appreciates." Chen added, trying to defend his crush. Luhan looked over to Xiumin who nodded his agreement, not wanting to anger the feisty blonde again. Right then the bell rang for the end of lunch and Chanyeol and I had different classes, before he could go I grabbed his arm.
"Yah, Chanyeol, what were you going to say earlier?" I asked him. He looked at me and I could tell he was trying to decide whether to tell me or not. 
"Nothing, it's not important." He's chose not to tell me, but we tell each other everything, why not this? 
"Oh, alright then." I said. He smiled at me. 
"I'll see you later." He said and left. I stood there for a moment, confused on why he would keep secrets from me, but then Chen yelling my name made me realise I was supposed to be heading to class. I shook my head and followed Chen to my next lesson.




Chapter 2 is here! Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and to the one lovely person who has commented so far! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will update soon! 


~ Cara xoxo

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baekkieboom #1
Chapter 11: This is good!:D keep up author nim
Chapter 10: What the Baekhyun. Like, you admire Chanyeol and then you go kiss another guy? Ugh, . >:( #shadymuch
baekkieboom #3
Chapter 10: Its alright, the story is not . This is great:) pls update more;)
Chapter 10: Whaaaattt??!! I hope this is a BIG misunderstanding. Please tell me it is. TT^TT
Chapter 8: Oooooo Chanyeol you have to make a choice now ~
He he I can't wait to see what happens next