Falling for you

Falling for you

Baekhyun was ignoring me. He had completely blanked me every single time I tried to talk to him for the past two days. I had decided that I needed to end things with Dara and finally tell my dad the truth. So I organised a meeting with Dara at the cafe as soon as possible to get that part over and done with. Baekhyun was way too important to me and I wasn't ready to lose him. Ever.


I walked into the cafe where I first met Dara and took a seat at the same table. I had met her for a second time toe days ago and I found out that she was a really nice person. But she wasn't the person for me, Baekhyun was. I twiddled my thumbs nervously as I saw her walk in. She took a seat opposite me and smiled.
"Hi Chanyeol." She greeted me.
"Hey Dara, look, there's something I need to tell you. I'll just get straight to the point. I'm gay and I have boyfriend." I stated, wanting to get it over and done with.
"W...what do you mean Chanyeol?" Dara asked nervously. I felt bad for her, It's got to be pretty bad when you start dating a guy and then he suddenly tells you he's gay.
"I know it's a lot to take in and I'm really sorry for misleading you. It was what my dad wanted and I didn't want to let him down, but I see now that I can't do this because I love my boyfriend and I can't stand hurting him or leaving him." I told her.
"Okay. I guess...I guess that means we're over, right?" She asked and I nodded.
"Sorry, again." I said and she smiled sadly at me.
"If you love him then you should be with him." She told me and I smiled and said goodbye before leaving. Next I had to confront my dad, which wouldn't be easy.


I walked to my dad's office and knocked on the door nervously.
"Come in." I heard him say from the other side. I opened the door slowly, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves.
"Hey dad." I greeted him once I was in his office.
"Oh, Chanyeol. I didn't expect to see you today. Is everything okay?" My dad put his pen down and looked at me. 
"Well, you see..." I started fiddling with my sleeves, avoiding eye contact.
"Chanyeol, you know you can talk to me. I'm your dad, I'm here to help." He said and I finally looked at him.
"I'm gay." I blurted out, immediately covering my mouth afterwards in shock. I did not mean for it to just come out like that. I stared at the floor as the silence ticked on.
"Oh, okay. Well then, I guess I'll have to cancel that arranged marriage then." My dad said and I looked up at him in shock.
"Y...you're not...mad?" I asked and he laughed.
"Of course not. You're my son. It doesn't matter if you're gay Chanyeol. I know I've always said bad things about people who are gay, but you're my son. It may take me a while to adjust, but I'm not going to be mad at you over something you can't control." He told me and I stared at him for a minute.
"R...really?" I asked and he nodded.
"Now, don't you have anywhere to be because I am still at work and I have lots to do." He said, picking up his pen.
"Oh, right. Yes, sorry. Bye." I said and walked out the door. I was smiling from ear to ear. That was it. Everything was going to be okay now. All I had to do was go and see Baekhyun and tell him what had happened and we could go back to the way that we were. It was going to be perfect.


I was on my way to Baekhyun's, smiling happily to myself, when I saw him at an ice-cream truck. I felt as if it was my lucky day and began to skip over to him, planning to back hug him as a greeting. But I stopped short when I saw another guy put his arm around Baekhyun's shoulders. My heart dropped and I felt a horrible ache in my chest as I watched the other guy pay for Baekhyun's ice cream and Baekhyun smiled at him, the smile I thought was only reserved for me. The one where his eyes crinkle into little crescents and his mouth forms an oddly cute rectangle shape. Why was he smiling at some other guy like that? I was about to walk over and ask what was going on when Baekhyun leaned up and kissed the other guy on the cheek, blushing like a schoolgirl in love. My whole world crashed down around me as I watched them walk away hand in hand, smiling and laughing with each other. Had Baekhyun got so tired of waiting for me to sort myself out that he found some other guy to be with?





I feel like this chapter was rushed. I knew I needed to update, sorry if it really . I'm losing inspiration for this story. I mean, I have ideas, I just can't put it all into words very well. It's very poorly written and everything has moved really quick. But if you liked it then subscribe and got and whatnot. I may go back and edit this chapter agin later, but I don't know if I can be bothered. I had a doctors appointment today too, so I'm feeling a bit crap and it kind of shows in this chapter. 

~ Cara xoxo

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baekkieboom #1
Chapter 11: This is good!:D keep up author nim
Chapter 10: What the Baekhyun. Like, you admire Chanyeol and then you go kiss another guy? Ugh, . >:( #shadymuch
baekkieboom #3
Chapter 10: Its alright, the story is not . This is great:) pls update more;)
Chapter 10: Whaaaattt??!! I hope this is a BIG misunderstanding. Please tell me it is. TT^TT
Chapter 8: Oooooo Chanyeol you have to make a choice now ~
He he I can't wait to see what happens next