Just you wait

Kiss Kiss Kiss


~Key POV~

I stood there, silent, mainly because I had nothing to say. It was like I’d forgotten how to speak. I don’t think I could even breathe right.

What should I do? I do want to kiss him, but not now. Nope, I just wanted to be in love.

I’m in love. I’m in love with this stupid dinosaur slash puppy looking idiot that is currently breathing on my neck with his hands around my waist, and he’s asking if he can kiss me. But, I don’t think it should happen yet. What if he’s just kissing me to make up for what he said earlier?

“Um. . .” I said slowly. He turned his head and looked at me. “Can you . . . let go?”

His expression didn’t change, he was so unreadable. But still, he let go and I was starting to wonder if I should regret saying no.

I don’t think I should though, because he just smiled brightly. “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me” he sighed. I just nodded silently and smiled back.

“It’s fine” I pushed him back into the dressing room. “Now, change because there are still many shops to go to!” I ordered him. I could hear him laugh behind the door and walked off.

I was so in love.


~Jonghyun POV~

Dammit, what the hell did I do? This is the second time I almost kissed him!

He probably thinks I’m some sort of ert or something now. I sighed and dragged my hand down my face before changing.

I put my hand over my heart that was still beating fast. I can’t believe I did that. I shook it off and finished getting dressed before dashing out to see him sitting patiently.

He flashed me that smile again and I felt like falling over. He was just too cute! “Hurry and go check out” he said. I rolled my eyes. All through this date, I’ve been told to hurry. Hmph. Diva.

I laughed and paid the noona before leaving with Key to yet another store. I hope things between us aren’t too awkward.

He just kept on babbling on and I just nodded my head, even though I wasn’t paying attention at all. Instead, for some reason, I couldn’t help but keep thinking about how close we were.

“Now, you should buy more clothes” he told me as he walked through the store. I sighed and laughed but obeyed.

I was looking through another rack of clothes when I heard him squeak quietly. “Ouch, shoot!” he hissed.

“Key?” I looked around and saw him pouting and rubbing his finger. “What’s wrong?” I asked him. He looked up at me and held up his hand.

“I got cut” he pouted and practically shoved his ring finger in my face. I looked at it closely and saw it was bleeding.

“Oh gosh, what did you do?” I asked.

He sniffled. “My ring, I think it cut me”

I looked down and picked up a small ring that was lying next to his foot. “This one?”

He nodded and looked shocked when I threw it across the store. “Hey, you ! I just bought that!”

He tried to get out of my grasp, but I didn’t let go of my hand. “Hold on, you’re still bleeding.”

He looked back at me and was completely out of words when I the red spot of his bleeding finger.

“Wha-what are you doing?” he asked, startled. I looked up at him and saw that his face was red, but I continued to away the blood.

“There” I sighed and my tongue left his finger, which he pulled back immediately. I smiled at him, but he just furrowed his eyebrows.

“I could have just washed it you know”

I shrugged and laughed. “But then, it wouldn’t have been as much fun to see your reaction”

His face just turned an even darker shade of red and he looked away. “You owe me a ring” he mumbled.

Huh? Oh yeah, I just threw his to who knows where. “Oh? So you’re asking me to buy you one?” I nudged him and he just glared at me, but I could tell he was trying to not laugh.

“Did I stutter?” he huffed as he stomped out. I chuckled and caught up to him. I guess we were going ring shopping then.


~Key POV~

I know I’m in love, but he seriously is pissing me off!

Well, not really, but he was just. . . teasing me. And did I like it? I didn’t hate it. I actually think it’s more fun like this. But still!

I could hear him humming behind me as we walked into a small shop. What was he so happy about?

My mind brought me back to the incident where we were by the dressing rooms and I blushed again, but forced myself to stop when I noticed a whole table with rings sitting on it in a corner of the store.

“Oh!” I walked over to where they were with Jonghyun behind me.

“These are cute~” I sand as I picked up a few rings. He just sighed, but reached in front of me. I flinched a little at how close he was. , why am I so nervous! This isn’t like me.

I forced my attention on the shining rings, humming to myself until I noticed one that seemed to stand out a lot.

“Wow” I sighed as I picked it up. I could feel that idiot’s chin on my shoulder, curious to what I’d found. I ignored the fact that my heart was racing still and slipped the accessory on my finger, happy about how good it looked.

It was the Fleur de Lys symbol, dotted with tiny blue gems that stood out especially. I grinned happily. “It’s so pretty!”

I was so focused on how beautiful it was that I didn’t notice Jonghyun reaching over and taking one that looked the same, but was dotted green. He slipped it onto his ring finger and showed me his hand.

“Now we match” he smiled.

I didn’t know what to say so I just grinned happily and let him take my ring to pay for it. “Are you really going to buy the green one?” I asked, peering over his shoulder.

He looked back at me and nodded. We walked out the store and sat at a fountain.

“Give me your hand” he ordered. I did as he told me and he took the ring from his hand and slid it on my finger.

I blushed. Again. It felt like he was proposing to me!

“Thanks” I mumbled. He leaned closer. “What’s that?”

I smacked the back of his head. “Don’t push it” I stuck my tongue out and he did the same before he sat back and laughed.

I smiled at how cute he was. “Well” he sighed as he stood up.  “Let’s go. It’s getting late”

I looked at him confused before I looked at my phone and realized how much time had already passed. “Oh, okay” I said, trying my best to not sound disappointed even though I really was.

I let his hand slip into mine, something that for some reason just felt natural to do. We were walking towards the exit of the mall, just talking about normal stuff, when I stopped and gasped.

“Omo, Jonghyun! Look, a photo booth!” I said happily and pointed to it.

“Huh. So it is.”

I rolled my eyes and pulled him to it. “Come on~! I’ve always wanted to try this~” I pouted and fluttered my eyelashes a bit, making myself look feminine and probably stupid. But eventually, he gave in and let me drag him into the small space.

“Do you still have money?” I asked as I fixed my hair.

“Uh huh. Because unlike some people, I didn’t blow it all on clothes” he said, peeking back at me and winking.

I huffed and sat back, but he really did have a point and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Okay~” he said as he finished putting in enough money. He sat down next to me and pulled the curtain shut. I smiled, but stopped thinking when he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

“What are you doing?” I asked. He cocked an eyebrow, which I found a little funny looking, but cute at the same time. “What? The camera needs to see you”

I bit my bottom lip and tried to avoid any more eye contact with him as we flashed smiles at the camera. “Hana, dhul, seht!” an invisible voice sang.

The camera flashed and as soon as it did afterwards, I blinked. “Gosh, that’s bright” I laughed. I could feel him tugging on my sleeve.

“The next one should be a funny pose” his face lit up and I seriously wanted to squeal about how adorable he was. He was almost like a little kid.

“Okay, fine” I sighed, but almost fell over laughing when Jonghyun made the funniest facial expression ever. I’m pretty sure the picture ended up as just him making a silly expression with me laughing hard behind him.

“Get ready for the third picture~” the voice sang again. Hmm, what should we do now?

“Oh!” I stood up a bit and leaned over, stretching my arms out to make half a heart. He raised his eyebrows at me. “Really?”

I gave him my diva look and he immediately stood up and formed the other part of the heart, flashing a smile brighter then the camera lights.

I laughed after the picture was done and we sat back down. “Gosh, we’re so dorky” I said. He chuckled and nodded in agreement.

“Last one~” the voice sang once more. I perked up. What should we do? This was the last picture, I wanted it to be special.

“Ready?” the voice was getting a little annoying.

“Waa~ what should we do?” I pouted and looked at him. He just shrugged, and I could tell he couldn’t tell how much I wanted these pictures to be perfect. It would be a really good memory to hold.

“Hana, dhul. . .”

Just then, I felt a strong hand grab my wrist and jerk me foreward. Before I had a chance to react, i felt something soft and damp press against my cheek. I looked at the camera screen and saw that Jonghyun had kissed my cheek. My face turned a very noticeable shade of red that he noticed, but he just laughed.

"Well, that was fun" he said as he took the pictures that had printed. i looked at them. The first one was pretty normal, but we were close. Really close. The second one was the one of him making the most ridiculous face ever and me laughing my off behind him. The third one was of us and our heart. And the fourth and final photo was of him, puling me foreword and his lips pressed against my cheek.

“Which ones do you want?” he asked. Huh? He wanted to keep some pictures too?

“I don’t know, you decide what you want first” I said.

He screwed his lips to the side before carefully ripping off the second and third picture and handing me the other two, all while smiling that amazing smile of his.

I was surprised by his choice. “Thanks” I said, maybe too quietly. I took the other pictures from him and slipped them into my pocket.

We got into a taxi again and it dropped me of in front of my house. I climbed out and stretched before walking to the door, with him standing right in front of me.

“Thanks. It was fun” and I really meant it. I wish the time we spent together was endless.

“We should do it again sometime” he smiled.

I bit my bottom lip and forced myself to keep from attacking him right then and there. Dammit, why does he have to be so perfect?!

“Yeah” I nodded, mostly because I really didn’t know what else to say.

“So, um, goodnight” he smiled once more before walking away and I felt my heart ache. It was our first date, what a great way to end it.

“Wait!” I grabbed his hand and he looked back at me, a little confused.

“Um. . .” I blushed hard and looked down until I felt my chin being tilted up and he stared straight into my eyes before kissing my cheek once more, but longer this time. Almost passionately.

He stared at me again and pecked the tip of my nose.

I thought I was going to explode. Three times in a day, he kissed me. Too bad it wasn’t on the lips either times.

He yanked me closer and hugged me tightly. “You know. . .” he whispered. “You really drive me crazy.”

My heart beat a million times a minute and I was so afraid he could practically feel it.

When he pulled back, I could see he was blushing too. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I said quietly.

He just winked. “You’ll find out soon enough” he sang before turning on his heel and walking away.

I was about to yell at him once again when I decided to swallow my words and dash inside.

Imake him crazy? If only he knew just how insane I was about him.

“Just you wait” I sang to myself. “I’m going to make you fall for me.”

And I think I already know how.



Super fluffy chapta 6 just for you~~

how did u like it? :D sorry i kinda rushed it m(_ _)m

well, i didnt make them kiss bcuz 1) the story would be cut wayy shorter and 2) u wouldnt want their teasing to end right? (;

i think i'll make jjong and key tease each other more on ^^

btw, did anyone hear SHINee's new song Always Love (for their new Japanese album The First?)

Listen to it Listen to it!!! >w<


wauh i luv it so much <3 i cant wait for it to come out ofically x3

okie dokies, well til next time!!

And don't forget to subscribe + comment if you've enjoyed, ~!!

Updating soon! ^^

Anngyeong (~.^)

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Black_Cat21 #1
Chapter 7: Cute!!! ! I almost died!!!
danicabozic #2
Chapter 27: Whaaa so cute, how beautiful, I really love this story ! ^o^
Chapter 1: absolutely love this fic!
Chapter 3: wow jonghyun is really funny hahahaha he follow key every wher he go...I hop that key say his feeling to jong.
sassygirl100890 #5
Chapter 3: omg i love this story already. i hope you becomr a succseful writer in the future. ( sorry i spelled succsesful wrong) miane
NyShawol #6
Chapter 18: okay, sorry for being a silent reader =))) (how can you know? it really scared me :v)
just because the fic is sooo good that i can't help myself read it nonstop~ >____< thank you~ =))))
SteampunkInformants #7
Wow, I see my name in there for some reason...
Uh, can I know why please?
Chapter 27: Amazing story!
Um Im Kpop_Shawol123