You don't have to apologize

Kiss Kiss Kiss

~Jonghyun POV~

Butterflies. All I could fell were butterflies tickling the inside of my stomach when I kissed Key.

His lips were so soft and so inviting and I wanted more, but we broke away eventually.

I put that kiss next to every other one I ever had in my whole life and decided that without a doubt, Key’s was the best.

He stared at me and I just stared back, realizing my cheeks were wet. Why was I crying? Because I was so desperate and so needy for him?

We stayed there for five seconds. Yes, I actually counted.

His expression was so unreadable unlike every other time I saw him. I couldn’t tell if he was happy or sad or angry or confused, but it seemed like a combination of three.

Then, without another word, he slipped away and ran off, and he ran fast and hard.

I just stood there, surprised at myself. He didn’t pull away. He didn’t move or try to. He just stood there, and he let me kiss him.

All the walls he had out up, all those feelings he had tried to push away, crumbled within seconds in the kiss. He wasn’t scared anymore of being kissed. He actually let me.

So does that mean he trusts me? I touched my fingers to my lips. His perfect cupid’s arrow lips were soft and plump against mine.

Before I could think anymore, someone tackled me from behind.


I bent over a bit from the force Yoseob hugged me with. I turned around once he let go and raised an eyebrow.

“Yoseob, what the hell?”

He pouted. “I tried calling your name but you weren’t listening.”


“So, what’s up?”he asked as he stuck his hands in his pocket. i opened my mouth to say something but closed it and thought carefully about what I should say.

“Yoseob, have you ever been kissed by a surprise?”

“Of course” a deeper voice spoke. I looked behind Yoseob to see a taller boy hug him from behind.

Yoseob smiled widely and spun around to hug Doojoon. “Yah, where the hell were you?”

Doojoon sighed and kissed the top of the younger’s head. “Sorry Seobie, I was busy.”

Yoseob pouted but turned back to me. “Anyways Jjong, yes I have been surprised-kissed.”

I pointed to the smiling Doojoon who had his chin resting on Yoseob’s shoulder. “Lemme guess, him?”

They both nodded before the younger cleared his throat. “So, it was like this…”


~Yoseob POV (YAY my fcking bias!! <3)

It was the school talent show, and I was sitting with my long time friend, Gikwang.

Some girls who were wearing dresses that could only fit an infant were singing and dancing on stage. I wasn’t paying attention at all until a squeaky voice spoke to me.

“Seobie oppa, you’re so cute!”

I looked over to the three girls who were waving shyly from their seats. I just nodded and smiled whilst they fan girled some more.

My friend laughed. “You’re so popular Yoseob. I envy you.”

I sighed heavily and slumped in my chair. “Buuuuuut I don’t wannnna beee” I dragged out. He rolled his eyes at me.

“It’s your own fault for being so cute” he shrugged and crossed his legs, also leaning back in his chair.

I pouted but said nothing. It wasn’t anything new for Gikwang to say I’m cute, but maybe others thought it was because I could hear the guys in front of us whispering, calling us some not so nice things.

I heard “” and “gay” and I could tell Gikwang heard it too because he was making ugly faces at them. I giggled and poked his arm.

“Stop, they can’t see you anyways.”

“But they piss me off.”

I shrugged. “Me too, but who gives a damn? It’s not true anyways.”

That was a lie. Well, half of a lie. I was in love, but not with a girl. With a guy. Does that make me gay?

Well, no, because it’s just him. So I only like him, I’m not a or gay or anything. I love Gikwang, but not like how I love Doojoon.

He was just someone I had admired for being such a cool and kind hyung. It turned to something stronger over the course of the years and before I knew it, I couldn’t deny the fact I loved him. So I just accepted it. I hadn’t told anyone, even Gikwang. Is that bad?

I shook the thought from my head and tried to watch the rest of the talent show. Those girls were finally done singing and dancing and now someone else was singing.

He had a beautiful voice and I didn’t even have to look to tell it was Doojoon. I smiled from ear to ear and poked Gikwang’s side.

“Isn’t he amazing at singing?”

He just nodded and I turned back forward to smile and watch him. What ruined my good mood was those guys in front of us who were snickering and occasionally looking back at us to give me sneers.

If this was a cartoon, I’d have smoke blowing out my ears. I was two seconds away from jumping on them and calling them some inappropriate things when someone beat me to it.

“Shut the hell up you or I’ll chop your off, and that is if you actually have any” someone on my other side hissed.

I stared wide eyed at a very pissed and annoyed looking man who looked older than me. Maybe he didn’t go to this school. Other people stared too, including the three now quiet boys.

One glared. “Hey, you’re a too.”

The stranger rolled his eyes and put up his hand that had rings on three fingers. “Oh my God, you’re so ugly. Ew, don’t look at me.”

I roared with laughter including some other students. The bully looked a bit fazed by what this diva had said.

“Hey, listen you-“

“Shut yo mouth!” he interrupted, this time speaking in English. The three boys stared at him, probably because they had no clue what he was saying. But as for me, I did understand some and what I heard whilst this guy yelled and spat at the bullies were: “back up”, “hideous”, and “fake abs”.

I chuckled when the three of them stood up and stalked off finally when they couldn’t handle being confused and owned anymore. I watched them slump away before I poked the man who was glaring daggers at them still.

“Um, thank you hyung.”

He smiled gently and patted my head. “No problem dear, but you should really stand up to bastards like them. A cutie like you is an easy target.”

I smiled back and held out my hand. “I’m Yoseob”

He took my hand and shook it. “Brian.”

In the middle of making a new friend, I totally forgot about Doojoon’s performance. My head quickly turned back to the stage and I noticed he was staring at me.

I blushed a bit, why would he be even looking my way? Well, Brian-sshi did earn stares while he was telling off those bullies. But Doojoon wasn’t looking at Brian, he was looking at me.

His face crinkled into a smile as he continued too sing, but at the same time, he was actually making his way off stage. And towards my direction.

Gikwang grinned idiotically and nudged me. I just chuckled back nervously and wondered what the hell was my crush doing.

Brian was smiling too, and I could feel my face burning up. And maybe it was just the temperature in this room, but my whole body was almost sweating with the mixture of nervousness and embarrassment.

I probably would’ve exploded when he actually came over to my seat and grabbed my hand if it weren’t for Gikwang pushing me off my seat and into his arms.

I looked back and both he and my hyung gave me thumbs up. I gulped and let my crush bring me on stage.

I don’t think I was the only one surprised, since every other person seemed to be whispering about what Doojoon was doing. But I didn’t mind one bit, I felt like I was walking on air.

While he was still singing, he sat me on a chair that was onstage. He didn’t let go of my hand, he just kept staring at me and I found it extremely hard to look into his eyes except when the song was over and he was now smiling at me.

I managed a smile back when he pulled me to my feet and spoke into the microphone.

“Everyone, this is my dongsaeng, Seobie. Isn’t he just the cutest?”

Almost everyone awed and laughed, except for me. I was still the color of a tomato, and thoughts were still racing in my mind about what the heck he was doing right now.

I tugged his hand a little and he looked at me. “Hyung, what are you doing?”

He grinned cheekily. “Just wait Seobie.”

He turned back to the interested audience and spoke again. “If it weren’t for Yoseob, I wouldn’t be on this stage. He’s so helpful and encouraging, not to mention cute and full of aegyo. So that’s why I want to do this.”

Before I could say anything, he dropped my hand and put both hands on either side of my face. My eyes grew wide and I flinched, but didn’t push him away when he crashed his lips on mine.

My eyes were wide open and I could faintly hear everyone screaming about how cute and sweet this was.

I stared at his face. His eyes were closed but he looked so full of thought so when he pulled away, to my disappointment, he was blushing as well. Well, not as much as I was but still.

He smiled shyly and spoke into the microphone. “Seobie, can I be your boyfriend?”

I looked down and didn’t even realize that he had the microphone under my mouth so everyone could hear me when I said a shy and stuttered yes.


~Jonghyun POV~

“And since then, me and hyung have been the happiest people ever” he finally finished with a loud and happy sigh.

I sighed as well and stretched. “Dude, you could have just said he kissed you onstage once. Didn’t have to tell me your life story.”

He pouted and looked like he was going to jump on me if his boyfriend wasn’t holding back. “Anyways, why are you asking Jjong?” he asked.

I sighed and put my chin in the palm of my hand. We were sitting on the bleachers now. “I sort of kissed Key..”

Both their eyes grew wide as Yoseob jumped with excitement, his boyfriend laughing at how adorable he was.

“That’s great! Why are you so sad?”

“Well, I don’t know if he loves me back.”

He let out an exasperated sigh as he plopped down on Doojoon’s lap.

"Why are you so complicated? Do you ever think 'what if'?"

I raised my eyebrow. "What if?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Think about it like this Jjong. What if Key-ah is actually somehow in love with you?"

"Then I'd tell him I love him back and ask if he could be my boyfriend."

"And what if he hates you?"

It took me  little longer to think about what to say about this one. "I wouldn't give up. I'd stay with him until I can make him fall in love with me."

He nodded. "So, let's say he does love you. Now, go do what you said you'd do."

My eyes grew wide. “What kind of advice is that?”

“Okay, why don’t you?”

“I...” I tried to reply, but i honestly couldn’t think of what to say. He was right. Why don’t I?

Yoseob sat back in his seat and grinned, satisfied. “Exactly. See, Jjong, you don’t really have anything to be afraid of.”

There’s nothing to be afraid of. I have nothing to lose.

“Okay” I sighed. “Next time I see Key, I’ll tell him I love him.”


~Key POV~

I was curled up like a ball with my forehead to my knees, against the wall crying when I could hear footsteps.

I at first thought it was Amber, but then a deep voice spoke to me. “Kibum-ah?”

I picked up my head barely and looked at Onew-sshi through my watery eyes. I rubbed them and forced a smile. “Onew-sshi.”

He looked concerned as he knelt down in front of me. “What’s wrong Key-ah?”

I sighed heavily and dropped my head back down to my knees. “Jonghyun kissed me.”

It was mumbled and my sobs were still making my words almost unrecognizable, but I could tell he understood him from his loud and maybe over-done gasp.

“What? Really?”

I nodded numbly.

“So why are you so upset?”

I shrugged and picked up my head again to look at my hyung. “Maybe because I was supposed to be mad at him. I was supposed to hate him, and now he just made me love him by kissing me out of the blue.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, why are you supposed to be mad at him?”

“He made a stupid bet with my ex. Whoever gets my first kiss gets to be my boyfriend.”

His mouth dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. “That’s pretty low.”

I threw up my hands. “I know right? But, well, he only did it to protect me from getting hurt if Seunghyun was my boyfriend again.”

He nodded again as he tried to comb my hair out of my face. “So, you’re supposed to be mad at him.”

I nodded.

“But are you?”

I bit my bottom lip and shook my head. “No. No matter what stupid thing he does, I can never hate him.”

“So why don’t you tell him that?”

I sighed heavily and shrugged again. My tears were mostly dry now. “I...”

I couldn’t think of what to say. I was completely tongue-tied, there was no reason on why I can’t tell him I love him.

I was too shy? I’m never shy. I’m afraid of what he’ll say? I honestly don’t care what he says or thinks about me. Just so long as he knows I love him.

“Y-you’re right hyung” I said, choking on sobs. He patted my back as I stood up slowly.

“Good. Now, we should head back now or your group members will get worried.”

I smiled and nodded as he walked with me back to the field. Jonghyun was no longer where I had last seen him, much to my dissappointment.

Next time I see him, I’ll definetly tell him how I feel.

I spotted Seunghyun and Minho and ran up to them after bidding Onew goodbye.

Seunghyun immediately enveloped me in a great bear hug and almost lifted me off the ground. I squealed and demanded I be put down.

Minho eyed me suspicously. “Hyung, were you crying?”

“Huh?” I rubbed my eyes tat must’ve been red. I shook my head, even though I knew they could obviously tell I was lying.

Seungyun practically shook the life out of me. “Bummie? What’s wrong? Was it that stupid dinosaur? I’ll kick his !”

I somehow managed to laugh but shook my head and sat next to them, ordering them to sit too.

“Well, earlier, we were just kind of... arguring. And then, out of nowhere, he kinda..” I looked down to hide my embarassed face. “..kissed me...”

Both their jaws dropped as Seunghyun shook me again. “And? What did you do?”

I rubbed the back of my neck. “I ran away actually. I didn't know how to respond."

They both slapped their foreheads. "Ughh... you're so supid hyung."

I pouted and sighed. "Whatever. But next time for sure, I'm gonna tell him how I feel."

Before any of us could say anything else, the principal announced for everyone to be quiet so we could start the events of the day.

I couldn’t really care less, but I started to hate this day even more when he called for our group to participate in the next event, the 500 meter dash.

I grumbled in complaint but was dragged down to the field, students cheering as other groups had to come down too.

I sighed and stood at the starting line with Minho and Seunghyun at both sides. From the corner of my eye, I could see them exchanging worried glances. Probably about me. I was in no way ready to run as fast and as hard as I could, since most of my energy has faded to my crying and because of a few sleepless nights.

But whatever, i’ll just deal with it. I’m the almighty Key, I don’t give in to anything.

I looked up at the many students sitting on bleachers, trying to find Jonghyun’s face out of the many unfamiliar ones.

I finally spotted him, next to Amber and Changmin as well as Yoseob and Doojoon.

And he looked… sad? And even more, he was looking right back at me..?

My heart hurt seeing him, I know I hurt him. I made him feel like he wasn’t loved, but really Jong, you are.

I wanted to run up to him right now and throw myself at him, telling him over and over again to stop looking so sad.

But then, the whistle blew and before I knew it, my legs were moving as fast as they could to keep up with the other runners.

During the race, I kept stealing glances at him. His eyes didn’t exactly meet mine, but I could tell he was looking at me.

I shook my head and tried to concentrate on just getting this stupid 500 meter dash thing over with, but i stopped thinking at all when one foot fell in front of the other, and I tripped. Hard.

I fell on my chin, my right arm crossing my left one making me twist in a kind of painful way. I shut my eyes tight, I didn’t want to hear everyone’s gasps at how I could trip over my own damn feet.

The last thing I saw was Seunghyun and some other people running up to me, but my eyelids got heavy before they reached me and next thing I knew, everything turned black.


My eyes opened the slightest bit when I could hear a few loud voices talking at once.

“Everyone move please”


“Bummie, is he okay?”

I didn’t feel like waking up just yet, but I could tell that someone strong was carrying me, past some crowding kids.

I let my eyelids shut again and my head fall back on my chest of my carrier.


“He just rolled his ankle and might have pulled one or two muscles in his leg. Other than a few cute and bruises on his arms, he’s fine. He should rest, he looks really stressed. He might’ve not gotten a few nights of sleep is why he’s so tired.”

Mn? I rolled over a bit, trying to block out these voices.

Wait, rolled over? My eyes popped open and I looked up to see myself in a bed. In the nurse’s office..?

I sat up on my elbows a little to see the nurse talking to someone in the other room. Was that Jonghyun?

So, the person that carried me was him?

I mentally facepalmed myself. Out of all the times he could’ve seen me, he had to see me weak. Fantastic.

He and the nurse finished talking and now, he was coming my way while she went to another room, probably to take care of another student.

I quickly dove under the covers, pulling the thin blanket up to my nose and pretended to be asleep.

I could hear the door shut, but just barely since my heart was beating so loudly I could hear it myself.

My eyes were screwed shut as I heard a chair scratch against the floor. Maybe he was pulling up a chair to sit next to me?


I flinched unnoticeably at his touch. He had somehow found my hand and was holding it lightly, drawing soothing circles on the back with his thumb.

“I know you probably can’t hear me and I probably sound like an idiot, but I don’t give two s.”

I gulped and continued to pretend to be asleep to listen to what he had to say.

“Maybe you didn’t want me to kiss you. Maybe it’s just my imagination and you’re not in love with me. So if it is like that, then I’m sorry. Sorry I took away your first kiss when you’re supposed to be mad at me because I did one of the most stupidest things in the world. Sorry if I teased you by giving you all those almost kisses. And… I’m sorry for doing this..”

He squeezed my hand tighter and I could feel his breathing on my lips. My heart was going to explode, and I was amazingly surprised it didn’t when I could feel his lips attach to mine in another amazing, heart stopping kiss.

I didn’t pull away or open my eyes, I just let him kiss me. He moved the tiniest bit to continue kissing me.

After a while, I lost track of the time, he pulled away and I could almost feel him staring at me. He didn’t leave or back away the slightest, I could still feel his hot breath on my nose.

“I’m sorry if your first kiss wasn’t perfect” he whispered so low, it was almost inaudible. I felt his lips press softly on my nose, but so incredibly lightly I almost didn’t feel it.

After a little longer, I could no longer feel his soft breath on my face and now instead, footsteps getting further away from me.

A door opened and closed, and that’s when I finally gave in to the tears that just seemed endless.

“Jonghyun…” I quietly whispered into the covers, well aware that he could not hear me. “You didn’t have to apologize.”

My first kiss was perfect. Because it was with you.



Ch 16~^^

UGH i seriously feel like i'm letting you all down by not updating so frequently :(

I'm extremely sorry, it's just....

Life is so complicated, y'know?

Love isn't all roses and kisses and make-ups instead of break-ups.

Speaking of which, remember N?

Yeah, i give up on him. something just happened and... there's no point anymore.

ANYWAYS, i'll love you guys forever if you watch this video:

It's me, talking and saying happy 8th anniversary to DBSK and stuff (:

Yepp, you get to see what i look like. comment if you have a youtube, but please don't mention my writing in your comments.

and, check out my cousin's stop motion videoon the song I Like it Like That:

AGAIN, don't mention my writing if you comment on it.

Thanks a lot!! ^-^


I'll try to update asap!! And, i also have a christmas one/two shot i wanna upload (: [yes, i know i'm pretty late uploading it but oh well :p]

Until next time~ x) Byebye c:

Anngyeong (~.^)


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Black_Cat21 #1
Chapter 7: Cute!!! ! I almost died!!!
danicabozic #2
Chapter 27: Whaaa so cute, how beautiful, I really love this story ! ^o^
Chapter 1: absolutely love this fic!
Chapter 3: wow jonghyun is really funny hahahaha he follow key every wher he go...I hop that key say his feeling to jong.
sassygirl100890 #5
Chapter 3: omg i love this story already. i hope you becomr a succseful writer in the future. ( sorry i spelled succsesful wrong) miane
NyShawol #6
Chapter 18: okay, sorry for being a silent reader =))) (how can you know? it really scared me :v)
just because the fic is sooo good that i can't help myself read it nonstop~ >____< thank you~ =))))
SteampunkInformants #7
Wow, I see my name in there for some reason...
Uh, can I know why please?
Chapter 27: Amazing story!
Um Im Kpop_Shawol123