It Turns Out Good


A/N          Sorry for the late update and it's short too. Enjoy reading.


The next day, Jaejoong was allowed to go back home. After Yunho sent him home and settled him down, he went back to his apartment to freshen up. He made a call to Stephen and told him to meet him at the police station. He is going to face Hyeori and find out her reason for kidnapping Jaejoong.

The policeman in-charge brought Yunho to a room and soon Hyeori was brought in by another policewoman. When Hyeori saw Yunho, she was so happy that she dashed forward, asking for a hug but she was held back by the policewoman who accompanied her. She was forced to sit down a table length from Yunho.

Oppa, you came to see me.” Hyeori said with much anxiety. However, Yunho remained stoick.

Anger and rage. That are the two feelings Yunho feel right now. The feeling of wanting to kill Hyeori is so strong that he had to grib at the chair he was sitting. He looked at Hyeori with much hatret.

Earlier, the policeman who was in-charge with this case informed him that Hyeori had admitted all her crimes and plead guilty of all charges. Yunho was glad that she did but still he wanted to meet her, to know the reason behind her doing.

Why Hyeori? Why did you done all these?” After a long silent, Yunho finally asked, holding his anger in check.

Why? You asked me why, oppa? It's because I love you!” Hyeori shouted desperately. She was so frustrated that Yunho still did not see her love for him. The policewoman once again held her back and told her to be calm in her much authority voice. Hyeori calmed down to not offence her more.

Love? Hyeori, you and I, we are just two people who happened to work in the same field of job and we only worked together once. There is nothing between us but only proffesionalisme.” Yunho spatted out his thoughts.

No, oppa! I had been loving you since my trainee days. You are always kind and caring to me. You were the first person who came to me when I first went into the company. You gave me flowers on my debut day. There is one time, when I was sick and I still need to perform on the concert of our company, you took care of me at the backstage . You bought me porridge and medicine. I had always love you since then, oppa. Why can't you see it?” Hyeori was crying, big tears were falling on her cheeks.

Yunho looks away from her. He don't want to see how miserable and pathetic she is. It will haunt him for the rest of his life. It's his fault too for misleading this poor girl.

I am sorry, Hyeori, for making you misunderstood, but I never love you. I always think of you as my houbae, my sister. The one that I love is my fiance, Jaejoong. Always be, always will.

Oppa, what did you see in him? I'm much more prettier than him. You are not gay, you can't be gay.” Hyeori cried louder.

My ual preferrance is not your concern, Hyeori. He is my fiance since the day he was born. We are getting married soon and he bore my child, my flesh and blood who you tried to kill, twice. I can forgive you if you did something to me but I can't forgive you when you hurt the people I love. You are hurt because of me and you are mad, I can understand that but Jaejoong and my unborn child are innocent and you tried to hurt them.” Yunho talked louder and louder, his emotions showed. Hyeori was too stunned to say anything after she learnt the truth from Yunho.

I'm sorry, Hyeori. Burry your love to me and move on because you will not see me again and you will not get what you seek in me. Goodbye.” Yunho departed with his last word. He stepped out from the police station with Stephen who waited for him at the lobby. He headed back to where he belongs which is beside Jaejoong.




Junsu sat on the lazy chair at the balconi, reading a book that Yoochun bought for him yesterday. After a week and three days staying in the hospital due to bleeding, he was finally allowed home after his condition got better. Heechul gave him strict order to just stay at home until he deliver his babies.

With Karam off to Paris for his honeymoon and Jaejoong spending his time with Yunho at his studio, Junsu was so bored staying alone. Luckily Yoochun was always with him whenever he can. They did everything in the house, watching movies, playing video games, even dating and having romantic candle light dinner at his garden. He was so grateful that Yoochun is such a nice guy, doing everything for him.

Suie ah, what are you doing?” A soft, angelic voice called from behind. Junsu smiled and looked up from his book.

I'm reading, Joongie hyung.” Junsu made a room for Jaejoong on the lazy chair and Jaejoong sat down beside him.

Did I disturb you?” Jaejoong asked.

Of course not, hyung. I'm happy that you can keep me company. Where is Yunho hyung?” Junsu asked when he did not see Yunho around.

He went back to studio because they are going to launch their new album next week.” Jaejoong answered while letting Junsu leaned into him.

Oh, yeah, I remember Chunnie told me about that. He is so busy right niw and I miss him already. I am so bored just staying here.” Junsu pouted which made Jaejoong chuckled with his cuteness.

You just met this morning, right? Already miss him?” Jaejoong teased Junsu making him blush.

Let's take a walk around the garden.” Jaejoong said with much enthusiast.

Helping each other getting up from the seat, both boys headed out their house and walked into the garden, hoping the fresh air can wash away their boredom.


A/N      It turns out very good. So happy.

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EvaKim2804 #1
Chapter 27: Too bad this story was no longer updated, it only remained to meet the baby of the yunjae. So sad
cutepenguin #2
Chapter 27: Can't believe it was updated after I lost my password and email to! Hoping you can complete this fic.
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 27: Eeeeeh? cliffhanger p.q Hope baby Jung come out safely as well n join his/her cousin sooon :D :D
Elrhumy #4
Chapter 18: Hehe Kim brothers really united through anything.. they even expecting in the same time lol..
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 3: Aww that so fast.. but is this mean their parent not tell them about the arrangement yet..
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 1: Aaah really curious who the child who arranged with dr bae's son..
Chapter 27: update soon please... waiting here
I love this cute
Lady_21 #8
Chapter 27: One more chapter juseyooooo... i'm trying wait patiently.. jjang !!!
tsubakisworld #9
Chapter 27: Hehehe ^////^ I love this Story cant wait for the next Chapter author nim ^^
asianluvr #10
Chapter 25: What a cute story. Looking forward to the next chapter.