M a t c h m a k e 1 0 1

My Rebel Girlfriend






Taemin’s POV



“ Oppa! Oppa! Come on, let’s go to the sweet shop!”

“ Kyahhh, Jung Min Oppa! Don’t do that me me!!!”



“ Lee Taemin, what the hell are you doing in there?” Key Omma shrieked from the kitchen. Jung Min Oppa left me *sobs* “ Look, Jungmin Oppa went with Noona :O” I frowned and pointed to the television.


“ THAT’S JUNG MIN HYUNG, MINNIE. WHEN DID YOU TURN INTO A GIRL,” what...I’m  just too into the drama, hyung :(


“ Okay okay. What did you cook for Minnie?” I smiled at the covered dish in a beautiful plate...


“ Rice.” He replied sternly and opened the uncovered dish.




“ HYUNG! I WANTED GOOD FOOD! What...my lord is this?”


“ Get it or nothing. You choose...” something is definitely bothering my hyung...he always strives to be perfect in cooking! I mean...I eat it in the end but still...


“ Key Oppa! I’m here!” Eunnie Noona came in casually and fell exhaustedly next to Key hyung. What’s wrong with them?


“ Eunnie Appa? Gwenchana?” I replied in concern.
I stared at the couple.


This is not the parents I wanted!


“ Oh my god. Kim Jonghyun bothered me so much yesterday…Damm.” Key Omma sighed. “ Yeobo, did you see what Aerin did yesterday?! Scared my Oppa so much.” Eunnie Appa continued.


“ Hey , Omma, Appa. I have an idea :D” I smirked.


“ What?” they both diverted their interest to me.


“ Get those two back together so they won’t bother you anymore. When Jonghyun hyung and Aerin Noona were together, did they ever bother you? No! Plus, I can tell they like each other…” I smiled proudly at my statement.


We embraced silence for a few moments before Key sprung up in happiness.


“ Genius, pure genius my son! I LOVE YOU!” Key Omma pulled me into his embrace…okay okay, get off me now.


“ Minnie, I knew you weren’t that childish after all! You know about love,” Eunnie, emphasized but I denied her accusation. I grabbed the nearest lollipop and stuffed it into my mouth; I refuse to become an ‘adult’.


“ LET’S GO EAT PIZZA!” Key demanded and dragged us three out of the house.


“ YESSSSSSSS ! ICE-CREAM!” I commented.



Jonghyun’s POV



So, I really do like Aerin now? Really? But then, I don’t think I like her, I mean, who can like her?


I really don’t know.


Whatever. I went to the bathroom and began fixing my hair accordingly, then…




A bitter chuckle escaped from my lips. Where was that jerky that would yell at me all the time? I miss that booming voice of hers, ushering me to cook.


But, I have to get her out of my mind.




Since, I’ve always been alone in my lifetime, I went back to my orphanage when I was young and visited my favourite Sister (nun).


“ Jonghyunnie! Long time no see, my dear!” Sister Hyorin shouted, running towards me. She was in her mid 40s but she has been like a mother to me, providing helpful advice and directions for me to live wiser.


“ Sistar Hyorin! I’ve missed you heaps! Here, take this,” I passed her a fruit basket as a sign of respect and courtesy. No matter how many gifts and presents I give her, I still can’t repay her kindness of raising me up.


“ Jonghyun-ah, why are you here? Every time you come to the cathedral, you must have something in mind for me to consult! Tell me your worries, dear,” she cooed as we sat down onto the benches.


I choked on my own spit, alarmed that Sistar Hyorin knew me so well.


“ My friend needs advice. Onlove,”


“ Tell me their situation, I’ll try and give you my best shot...”


“ Well, my friend thinks he likes this girl but then the girl doesn’t love him back. The girl is constantly ignoring my friend and he wants her to forgive him but he doesn’t know how. My friend is really worried but he wants to confess and fix the problem. My friend’s crush is also very violent and rude and he doesn’t know why he fell in love with such a girl.” I explained *cough* my friend’s *cough* situation.


“ Well, that’s a pain isn’t it Jonghyun?” she laughed.


“ No! It’s not me, it’s my friend, Sister! I’m serious! Believe me!” I persuaded anxiously.


Honestly, Sister. This story is of my friend.


It’s just, it’s kind of similar to mine as well.


“ Well, if it isn’t you then why such a big reaction?”AISHHH. I’M TRYING TO CLARIFY MYSELF OF COURSE I HAVE A BIG REACTION. INROENEOR.


“ No, that wasn’t a big reaction at all. What are you on about Sister Hyorin? Now, please give my friend some tips!” I became slightly impatient and a tad more aggressive.


“ Okay okay. Well the best thing your ‘friend’ could do is to tell his true feelings to her even if he ends up getting rejected. I don’t know how the girl would react but she might like your friend as well but he simply didn’t notice. You never know, until you’ve asked her in person okay?” she advised through all the experience she had in ‘love’


HAHA, but she’s a nun.

But apparently, nuns became nuns because they loved someone and the person didn’t love them back and they didn’t want to love anymore so they decided to become a nun.

Right, I don’t make sense at all.


“ I see where your coming from, Sistar Hyorin! Thank you!”


“ I’m glad you confirmed that it was you and not for your friend. Jonghyun-ah don’t hide from your motherly me!” she exclaimed and I just nervously rubbed the back of my neck.


I’m just...shy, y’know?


“ Gomawo! Heheh, byee!” I shouted and scampered off.


This is so embarrassing.





Key: Ngaww! You finally realised! I was going to help you anyway!

Jonghyun: Really?! Honey, you’re so kind

Key: Hahaha, of course my darling. Now come to my house and we will discuss with Eunnie and Taemin baby!

Jonghyun: They’re helping as well? You guys are the best, dear!

Key: Hyunnie! You know I love you!

Jonghyun: Saranghaeo! Coming soon! (:


I hung up, maybe this idea isn’t so bad after all....hmm.




"HELLO EVERYONE!” I greeted.


“ Hey Jonghyun!”

“ Hyunnie<3!”

“ Jonghyun hyung, anneyong! ^^”


I situated myself on the lonely sofa on the far right.


“ So, we are meeting here today to converse some plans on helping Kim Jonghyun, getting Kwon Aerin back. We are doing so because we think if the two of them are not stuck together, they will become two extremely irritating pests that’ll disturb Eunnie and me. On a side note, we are also extremely nice people that match-make other couples because we think it is an entertaining and worthwhile activity to accomplish. This idea of putting Kim Jonghyun and Kwon Aerin back together is the idea of my son, Lee Taemin’s! I’m proud to present you our plan, MATCHMAKE 101!” Key read from his elegant A4 sheet.


I cringed when he mentioned putting Kwon Aerin and me back together.

It sounded so wrong and right in many aspects.

Wait...wait what, ME IRRITATING?!

YOUUU KIM KIBUM! I thought you were always there for me...


“ Yah, so the plan is, Eunnie is going to frantically call Aerin and tell her that Jonghyun is in hospital and knowing her personality she would dash into the hospital in less than a minute. Then Taemin would unleash his aegyo on Onew, who of course would be stalking Aerin somehow since hr likes Aerin and a potential threat for Jonghyunnie...”


So many weird things happening today...


“ O—Onew hyung likes Aerin?!” I stuttered in shock.


Now, I didn’t see that coming.


He finally dropped that chicken-maniac personality and pointed his target at Aerin. I guess we have the similar taste, Jinki ;)


“ Hell yeah! Didn’t you realise?! Why would he tell you to ‘let go’ then huh? Why is he hugging her in front of your school in that bloody rich sportscar? Why is he offering her to stay at his house huh? Why? Why? Why?” Key explained in a diva-ish tone.






What does Aerin have that chicken doesn’t have?


s? HAHAHA, not chicken have chicken s. Oh I’m so lame.


“ Hyunnie, stop laughing at yourself like a lunatic!” Key shouted, destroying my bubbles of imagination.


“ Okay, I get it now. So Taemin is going to seduce Onew and restrain him from following Aerin to the hospital?!” I suggested but the boy shook his head furiously.


“ I’ll be pouring aegyo, not seducing! What are you on about hyung! I’m not going to talk to you anymore!” he huffed in anger and Eunnie offered him an embrace.

That kid...


“ Keep going with the story...” I nodded, hoping for some amazing plan that could ensure 100% victory.


“ Well then you would jump in the hospital bed and pretend that you’re dead or something and Aerin would express all her feelings to you and then you would see if she likes you or not!” Key proudly stated and stuck his thumb in the air.


That actually sounds quite...good. But Key never comes up with good plans...this is kind of suspicious; it must be the power of love that enlightened him to help his beloved Yeobo!



“ Oppa! That’s excellent idea but what are you going to do?” Eunnie inquired after successfully comforting Taeminnie. “ I am of course, going to direct you guys from home. Each of you will receive an y Keys Tracking Device Earphone (or SKTDE), that I invented recently. It has the newest GPS system, tracking device, phone device, texting device, camera device...”

I suddenly cut him off right there. “ Okay, we get it. Your professional at mechanical technology and you’re going to sit around and watch us do this act. Fine, can you at least go help Taemin like kidnap that hyung of mine? I doubt his aegyo would be that good...”


“YAH! JONGHYUNNIE HYUNGGGGGGGGGGG! ARGHHHH! My aegyo is IRRESISTABLE!” Taemin roared in anger and the three of us stared at the maknae in shock.


He just stormed into his room and slammed the door...hard.


The three of us congregated together, “You better fix Taeminnie up before asking him to do me a favour...” I gulped and nodded.


What will make my little baby happy?!



Next Chapter Preview!


“ Rinnie, I’m sorry to tell you but Kim Jonghyun is in hospital right now because he was involved in a severe car crash. Nobody knows if he is ever going to wake up—aga...” she stuttered in absolutely traumatic tone.

The cupcakes in my hands splattered onto the floor.

I pushed her aside and sprinted towards the hospital.

Don’t die, Jjong...Oppa.


“ If You really hate me that much, that’s why your bawled your eyes out when the doctor said I died, screaming, hooting begging for me to wake up, telling me I was an important part of your life? I don’t think so.”

“ Whatever you say, liar, jerk!” she turned away and I hugged her waist  from behind.

“ You know you love me! ;)”



Word Count; 1945

Omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wrote a chapter~! I'm so happy and I don't even know why! Hehehehehe xD

Sorry, if my jokes are lame and I'm not that funy anymore... =D

Was anyone even anticiapting this update? ^^

It took me many nights to think of something, not too lame and pretty...good-ish! 





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Chapter 21: I just read this, very interesting♥
Chapter 21: Love Your Story ^^
nice Ending :D
WAAAHHH~ SO BEAUTIFUL^^ . i love your storryy <3
Omg, this seems really interesting! I'll start reading this right away! Hehehe.
What a very nice ending.. :)
LOL poor Onew
new reader here!!! :D
GlassHeartedAngel #7
Aww i want to cry i dont want it to emd i loved this stoey nd omg jjomg and aerin getting it in oh la la lol aww i love this sooo cute
Aww this was really cutee lol. Shinsekyung like dissapeared xD
Cuuuuuuttttteeeeee <3
awww.... really an amazing story. i loved it very much ^^
great job!! :D