Heroes, Villains, and Everyone in Between (Nayoung x Sejeong)

Avocado Procrastinates
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"Hello, I have a package here for Miss Shin Hana?"

"May I ask where the package is from?"

"Yes, it's from..." The delivery man glances at the printed label on the box. "Cool Comics City."

"Ah yes, Miss Hana has been expecting that. I'll just accept this package on her behalf and bring it up to her myself."

"Okay. Please sign here." The delivery man hands his electronic signature pad to the dark-haired woman before giving her the package. "Are you her secretary?"

"No...not officially."

"Still, it must be nice to work here, assuming that you do receive City Hall perks and all."

"It is."

After months of trying to figure out what to do with her apparently useless double degrees and lacking resume, Kim Nayoung has finally gotten a job - at City Hall, no less. And she owes it all to her considerate childhood friend, Shin Hana, who happens to be the daughter of the city's current mayor. Hana was very aware of Nayoung's struggles (by paying for a broke Nayoung's lunch from time to time), so as soon as the circumstances were right, Hana made certain that Nayoung was the first to be informed of job openings at the great City Hall itself. There really was no place like local government, rich with networking opportunities and sociopolitical mobility for those with already powerful families. Nayoung had only begun working here a few days ago but she is already enjoying it: generous salary, City Hall perks, annoying government officials, and all.

There is just one teeny little problem.

How in the world is someone as weak as Nayoung supposed to protect City Hall from the bad guys?!

When Hana said that there were openings available at City Hall, Nayoung didn't think that she was referring to positions for the new security team. A security team that 'Noodle Arms' Nayoung was totally unqualified for. Being a desperate graduate with chemistry and physics degrees that were rendered useless due to her lack of practical experience, Nayoung had to consider just about anything offered to her, and this security gig seemed a lot more promising than the other jobs she'd been offered (one of which included being a clown-for-hire at children's birthday parties). Nonetheless, Nayoung is grateful to have a job, at the very least, and the job itself doesn't seem too troublesome...yet. As long as there aren't any real security threats or any more bad guys planning to kidnap Hana, everything will be perfectly fine and Nayoung will be a content security guard.

It's only temporary anyway, Nayoung tells herself as she lugs the package to Hana's office on the fourth floor of the building. Speaking of Hana, Nayoung had noticed some interesting - possibly concerning - changes in her friend after she had been kidnapped a few weeks ago. As demonstrated by this package she had ordered from Cool Comics City, Hana has taken a sudden interest to reading comics and engaging with other content involving superheroes, supervillains, and superpowers. The kinds of things that she would've crinkled her nose at before. Now Nayoung had to constantly drop off these nerd goods for her friend. She claims that it's only for research, but Nayoung disagrees - nobody does serious research with a smile like that. This strange development probably has something to do with the kidnapping incident, but Hana won't reveal much about it so Nayoung is left scratching her head at the whole thing.

Hana did however once mention a detail that had caught her interest, something about how supervillains have the potential for change. An individual who has committed so many crimes and harmed so many people suddenly having a change of heart...yeah right. Who would actually believe that crap? Only someone as naive as Hana, who despite having been kidnapped for ransom from City Hall itself, still believes in the goodness of human nature. These are superpeople being discussed though, so Nayoung supposes that there is some suspension of belief to be made.

While thinking about Hana's newfound fascination with all things super, Nayoung fails to notice the equally distracted young woman walking straight towards her. Naturally, the two of them collide into one another, stumble from impact, and drop whatever they were holding. For the other woman, it is a stapled packet of papers that can't even fly everywhere like they do in the movies. It descends neatly onto the floor. For the less fortunate Nayoung, it is Hana's box of nerd merch which happens to land right onto her foot, and she wonders how she could possibly fend off future assailants if a fallen box of comic books on her foot could make her double over in pain like this. She curses under her breath as the person in front of her lifts the damned box up, freeing Nayoung's poor foot, and picks up their packet of papers from the ground as well.

"I'm so sorry about that! This is so embarrassing. It was definitely my fault; I was so preoccupied with going over my assignments for the day that I didn't pay any attention to where I was going. As part of my apology, please allow me to help you carry this box to wherever you were taking it."

The very first thing Nayoung notices about the woman in front of her are her arms, her toned, muscular arms. (The second thing Nayoung immediately notices is the woman's megawatt smile, but it doesn't help her assess anything useful about her other than the fact that she's probably the cheerful type, also known as The Type of Person That Nayoung Prefers to Avoid™).

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Chapter 33: Awww, what a cute and funny story! I wouldn't even consider Jisoo being an unicorn before haha But it suits her so well? And unicorns rocks!!! Her relationship with Jennie was adorable and I'm sure that both of them weren't bored thanks to Jisoo. ^^ Maybe even Jennie got bitten by a vampire later and was able to live a long life with Jisoo? Who knows who knows haha Anyway, I enjoyed the story so so much! :D
Chapter 32: I wonder what business they meant hehehe But wow, a firefighter story! How original and creative! More of a drabble than a story... but nice nonetheless! ~(*u*)~
Chapter 31: But Chaeyeon T^T Jooeun was right though, Chae shouldn't be in such a denial if she wanted to make Heehyun her, right? I don't say it's her fault though. I just don't want Chae to be hurt but it seems like I can't do anything about it hah Still, I wish a happy ending for Chaeyeon. At least Jooeun and Heeyeon confessed to each other yay~!
Chapter 30: Is this a second part to the previous story? I'd like to think that yes. It was such a sad part though! I was pouting all the time when Heehyun basically forgot about Chaeyeon and paid attention just to Jooeun. Poor Chae! The ending tho... Woah. WOAH!
Chapter 29: I'm dying from fluff and it may be the greatest death ever??? Seriously, these stories make my days and I'm looking at the decreasing number of one-shots left with alarm. But on the other hand I can always re-read the stories so it's a good thing haha
I liked Heehyun's character so much! She was confident but not cocky and it was so cool~! But there was this soft side to her as well and I find such a character perfect to be honest >< What hurt me a little (okay, a lot) were the words that Heehyun told Jooeun about the idol life because they were so true :< Idols have it so hard T^T
Chapter 28: The question was suggestive as hell haha And I got caught thinking about the same thing as Jieqiong, but no one can blame us! >< We're all dirty minded~ But it was such a fluffy drabble, aw! I'm glad that Eunwoo talked about it with Jie and didn't hold it in :3 Do the same thing, people, talk about things and not dwell in your insecurities!!! >w<
Chapter 27: Wait, that's the end? B-but... Who kidnapped Hana!? Did Nayoung and Sejeong caught her? Did they get hurt? What happened later? +_+ I feel like you gave me an ice cream and I dropped it half-way through eating it haha But this story is pretty nice, it was my first time reading about heroes like that and I'm not disappointed! ^^ I want to think that after realising that the girl who kidnapped Hana was in fact in love with her (villain-turned-good like Hana has been talking about) Nayoung and Sejeong kissed for the first time with the sun setting in the background and got together at the end of the day haha That's how such things end I think? XD