Sightseeing in London

Vigilantes At Sea

For my co-author/beta-reader/soulmate. A daejae ^_^ This time they are in london. Remember this scene?
 saw this and got the idea ^_^ enjoy ~~


            “That was delicious,” Daehyun rubbed his stomach as he and Youngjae left the restaurant.

            “I’m glad we were finally able to eat lunch somewhere besides on the ship,” Youngjae smiled as he walked beside Daehyun.

            “I love Yukwon’s cooking but, this was nice,” Daehyun sighed in contentment and looked around. He adjusted his black beanie, pulled at the bottom of his nice black button up shirt, and adjusted the backpack on his back. “We are in London?”

            “Yeah,” Youngjae interlocked his fingers with Daehyun, “Anywhere you want to go while we are here?”

            “There is one thing… but, it is more of if we pass it then we can stop. Why don’t you lead our date? You researched this city, right?” Daehyun chuckled as he saw Youngjae sheepishly smile, “Where do you want to do?”

            “How about we check out Buckingham Palace?”

            “Palace, huh?” Daehyun Youngjae’s hand absentmindedly with his thumb. They reached an intersection where they had to stop. “Are we robbing it?”

            “NO!” Youngjae looked around to make sure he hadn’t attracted attention, “No, just look. It has been around for a long time.”

            Daehyun laughed, “Youngjae, I was kidding.”

            Youngjae scowled and tapped Daehyun’s shoulder, “Not cool.”

            Daehyun kissed Youngjae’s cheek as his laughter died down. The light finally turned green so they started walking across the street. “Are we going the right way for this amazing palace?”

            “Yeah, we will make a right turn after we cross. It might be a long walk but, I’d prefer it after spending so long on the boat.”

            “Sir! Excuse me, Sirs!”

            The couple looked back and saw their waitress running after them carrying a to-go bag.

            “Oh! I forgot I had food leftover!” Youngjae said. “I’ll run back and get it. Meet you on the other side?”

            “Okay,” Daehyun kissed Youngjae’s hand before the younger ran back.

            Daehyun waited on the other side of the crosswalk. He watched as Youngjae accepted the food and apologized. He smiled as he stared at his boyfriend. They had not been going out very long but, since they had known each other since childhood they knew everything about each other. Daehyun chuckled as he tried to guess Youngjae’s exact words for the apology.

            Daehyun frowned as his eyes flicked to the pedestrian light, noticing it was blinking, “Youngjae!”

            Youngjae looked up and also noticed the light. He apologized once more and ran for the light, holding onto his jean jacket which was just sitting on his shoulders with his free hand and holding his camera that was hanging from his neck with the small bag of food. The light turned red before he could get all the way across.

            Daehyun shook his head as Youngjae stood in the middle island, safe from cars driving. Daehyun tuck his hands into his pockets as he patiently waited for the light to turn color. With nothing else to do, he watched Youngjae.

            ‘I’m really lucky to be dating someone like him, smart, handsome, and an amazing personality. It still amazes me that he couldn’t stick to one adoptive family—oh god Youngjae! Pulling your hair back like that, are you a model!?’ Daehyun chuckled and prepared a joke for when Youngjae reached him. ‘I think it is time… if we pass a stall or shop with rings—‘

            Daehyun grunted when a man bumped into him, slightly making him lose balance. “Watch where you are going!” Daehyun called after him.

           With a huff he looked back towards Youngjae. His eyes widened as a chill ran down his spine. ‘Where is he?’

            Between the driving cars, Daehyun saw the leftover food bag and Youngjae’s jacket discarded on the ground, without Youngjae there.

            “This isn’t happening…. This can’t be happening…”

            With shaking hands, Daehyun pulled out his satellite phone and called the boat’s main phone which was in the navigation room where Daehyun knew someone always had to be.

            “Daehyun, Wh—“

            “Youngjae! Youngjae was—he was there and I blinked and now—“ Daehyun’s panicked stuttered interrupted Cee who had answered.

            “What about Youngjae?” Himchan cut him off briskly. “Speak slowly.”

            “Youngjae was stuck in the middle of the street waiting for the light to change and when I looked away he vanished. I don’t where he is! He was taken!” Daehyun shouted as his shaking hands gripped his hair.

            “Youngjae was taken?!” Cee shouted. Daehyun could hear voices coming closer on the other end of the phone.

            “! Okay, don’t panic,” Himchan said rapidly. “Jaehyo, I need you to track Youngjae’s phone. The tracking device number is written here on my phone.”

            “Tracking device?” Cee asked.

            “Good idea, Hyung,” Daehyun said. The light turned green and Daehyun ran to the middle island Youngjae was last at. He picked up the food and jacket for some type of clue but of course, there was none. He looked up and down the street for anything out of place but, nothing.

            “You all have them? Do I have one?” Cee asked with a hint of anger in her voice.

            “I… well… I didn’t want to put one on you without asking so… no?” Himchan said cautiously.

            “How could you not put one on me?! After what happened with Jongup in Canada everyone should have one! Why didn’t you ask?!”

            “I thought you would be mad!”

            “There was no winning that one,” B-bomb sighed.

            “This isn’t the time!” Daehyun yelled. He finished crossing the street and looked around desperately. “How can you be arguing about this when Youngjae is missing!?”

            “I--!” Cee sighed loudly. “I need an object for this anger… how dare they take Youngjae… who are they?! Do you all have enemies here?”

            “We’ve never been to Europe,” Himchan answered.

            “Daehyun! I got the location and it is moving fast as if he is in a car,” Jaehyo said quickly.

            “Send it to my phone,” Daehyun said as he hailed a cab.

            “Don’t do anything stupid!” Himchan and Cee yelled at the same time.

            “Both the second in commands, huh?” B-bomb sounded impressed.

            “I’m not doing anything stupid,” Daehyun said. “I’m going to teach these punks a lesson and get my boyfriend back.”

            “Where to sir?” The cabbie asked once Daehyun got inside.

            “Um… where to…”

            “I can’t send this to your phone Daehyun…” Jaehy said apologetically.

            “I need directions!”

            There was a running sound and then a panting Kyung could be heard, “Daehyun I heard about the situation and I’m here to help. I’ll try guiding you from here. Tell the cabbie what I say, okay?”

            “Thanks, Kyung.” Daehyun told the cabbie the first directions.

            “Daehyun, stop! Wait for us and then we can get Youngjae,” Himchan said.

            “!” Cee shouted and from the sound of it, punched the table.

            “Cee, tell him to stop,” Himchan said. “If we both tell him or get Yongguk then he will—“

           “No,” Cee sighed as Kyung told Daehyun more directions, “If I was in his position I would be doing the same. Plus, if it is Daehyun, he can definitely rescue Youngjae.”

            Daehyun’s anger was temporarily put aside with Cee’s compliment. He blinked a few times before the words really sunk in. “Cee…”

            “Dae,” Cee said a voice full of determination. “I’m going to call you back on another phone. Me and some of the other boys are going to commandeer a van and meet you at the location so, I need the directions to be mobile.”

           “Okay, I understand,” Daehyun gripped the phone tightly. When it went dead he told the driver to turn right. He gripped Youngjae’s jacket tightly. ‘I’m getting you back, Jae. I don’t care what I have to do.’

            He stuffed the jacket and the food bag into his backpack and then pulled out a Bluetooth and put it in his ear, preparing for the next call. He sat there, wringing his hands in worry as he thought about Youngjae alone with criminals.

            When Daehyun heard beeping in his ear he clicked the button on his Bluetooth, “Cee, I have you on my Bluetooth.”

            “Good call. I have you on speaker for the rest of the car which is Kyung, Jaehyo, B-Bomb, Jongup, and I. Himchan stayed behind to call everyone and inform them of the situation.” Cee said. “Kyung says to turn left on Dover street.”

            Daehyun relayed the information to the driver, who was beginning to look suspicious.

            “Daehyun,” Jaehyo said to get his attention. “I’ve been going over what you said about what happened to Youngjae and what I know about local crime organizations.”

            “And?” Daehyun started to stretch his arms out. Doing so, he realized he was still wearing his nice black shirt and took it off and put it and his black beanie into the backpack so he was wearing only a black tank top and jeans.

            “I think he might have been taken by the Minster Boys.”

            “Minster Boys…” Jongup mumbled, “That name sounds familiar…”

            “I thought that gang died out,” Cee sounded like she was trying to remember the group. “My father talked about them.”

            “Daehyun, turn left here,” Kyung said.

            “They were around 20years ago but, the police took the gang down.After the attack on London 10 years ago a new group of boys took the name up again,” Jaehyo sighed. “They deal in trafficking more now.”

            “ trafficking?” Daehyun growled.

            “Picking people up standing out in the street is their thing,” Jaehyo groaned. “Especially people who look like tourists.”

            “I’ll kill them.”

            “Sir,” the cabbie said, “I’m not sure—“

            “Drive,” Daehyun glared at the man through the rearview mirror.

            “Minster… so they are in Westminster then?” Kyung asked. “Daehyun, that’s where it looks like they are. They’ve stopped.”

            “Am I almost there?” Daehyun asked.

            “Yes. Turn ri—wait stop!” Kyung said.

            “Stop here,” Daehyun said. “What’s up, Kyung?”

            “That area is in redevelopment isn’t it?”

            “What can you tell me about this area?” Kyung asked the driver.

            “I—I don’t know anything! No one lives here anymore.”

            “What else!” Daehyun snapped.

            “The government tried rebuilding the houses but people won’t move back in! Please, I don’t know anything. Don’t kill me.”

            “I’m not going to kill you,” Daehyun said sharply. “It is deserted, Kyung.”

            “Then have the driver drop you here and go in on foot. A cab going in there will be suspicious.” Kyung informed him.

            Daehyun paid the driver and got out. The cab sped off, not giving Daehyun a second glance. He looked around and noticed the deserted houses close together and their dying lawns. The cloudy sky probably helped the abandoned houses look better since sunlight would have shown more flaws.

            “Can you get me any closer? There are a lot of houses here.”

            “Seventh house in on the left,” Kyung said. “Jaehyo is trying to pull up heat signatures now but, it is hard to do on the go. Hacking satellites isn’t easy…so I’m told.”

            “Can you get me the blueprints at least?” Daehyun asked as he silently walked, on the street behind the house Youngjae was being held at.

            “I haven’t had time to hack into the government site either!” Jaehyo yelled in frustration.

           “Youngjae is the pro at doing that,” Cee said through tight lips. “Dae, don’t make a move until we get there. Give us ten minutes.”

            “At least 15!” B-Bomb cut in. “This is what I’ve been trying to tell you! We don’t want the police to catch us so it is better to drive properly.”

            “Maybe we do want the police…” Cee said with her thoughts furiously running in the background.

            “I don’t want any of them alive,” Daehyun gritted his teeth and he set up position, now on the other side of the back fence.

            “Daehyun,” Cee said seriously. “I want to get these guys too but, wait for us. I know better than anyone just how strong Youngjae can be. I’m not saying it is fine for him to be tortured but, a few more minutes will not change his position. Although, It could mean the end of your life.”

            “We’ll be there soon, Hyung!” Jongup said.

            “I’ll try waiting…If—“ The sound of a gun shot rang through the silent neighborhood. “That was a gun. Cee, I’m—“

            “Stop! Think of your entrance and exit plans! Don’t die!”

            “I can’t stay out—“

            “!” Cee shouted in frustration. “Daehyun, you have flash grenades and pepper spray on the bottom of your bag.”

            “I have what?!” Daehyun whispered furiously. He pulled his bag off and dug to the bottom.

            “Hidden bottom.” Cee said, knowing he was looking. “I put them in there just in case.”

            “Daehyun! Doesn’t look like there is a basement in these neighborhoods!” Jaehyo shouted. “I found something dated but, it should be accurate.”

            “So…” Daehyun cut the bottom of the bag and out fell the bombs and pepper spray, “Jesus Cee…”

            “Don’t complain, you need them now,” Cee snapped. “Throw the flash bomb in, make sure to cover your ears, and then go in, guns blazing.”

            Daehyun twirled the bomb in his hand and put the other on the side pocket of the backpack, leaving the pepper spray on the ground, “Thanks.” He started for the weak spot in the fence but, on second thought picked up the sprays just in case and tucked them into his pants.

            “Don’t get killed in there. We’ll be there soon. Leave communications open,” Cee said angrily, upset she wasn’t there with back-up yet.

            Daehyun would have smiled if the situation wasn’t so dire, “Sure thing, Boss.”

            “Wow, Daehyun just called you boss?” Jongup asked in amazement.

            “Let’s try not to wreck a good thing, huh?” B-Bomb said.

            Daehyun put their noise, mostly B-Bomb teaching Cee more about car chases, into the background as he kicked a plank of wood out from the fence and proceeded into the small backyard which was also where the driveway ended.

            He rolled behind a bush and from there looked at the house. ‘No one is watching the back… I’ll just run to the door. I have to hurry for Youngjae!’ Before he started his solo rescue mission he took another long look at the house, checking every window for people and once he saw no one he checked the back steps for loose planks or anything that would make noise.

            ‘Three story building but, not too wide with maybe two rooms on each floor… easy to check each room. New looking house but, abandoned so the flooring maybe creak. I wouldn’t keep a prisoner on the bottom floor but, it is possible.’ Daehyun sighed, ‘This isn’t going to be easy but, I’ll do anything for Youngjae.’

            Daehyun took a deep breath and then dashed to the back door of the house. He hopped over the first step which was loose and climbed the last three steps until he was outside the door. He looked at the flash grenade, examining how to pull the clip out, then he slowly opened the back door. ‘Fools for not locking the door… are they really that dangerous?’

            He peeked in and saw inside of the kitchen. After not seeing or hearing anyone he shut the door and frowned. ‘I need to take them out here…Crap! I don’t have time for this! Youngjae needs me!!’

            Anger took over Daehyun as he heard laughing from a higher floor.

            “I’m done with plans,” Daehyun grumbled.

            He swung open the door, letting it slam against the wall, and ran in with the grenade in one hand and his gun, pulled from his waist, in his hand. A rush of footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs, just like Daehyun wanted. He hurried out of the kitchen into the next room which was the dining room connected to the entry way and the stairs.

            Daehyun smiled up at the men coming down the stairs, “Glad you didn’t make me wait.”

            Before the men could get a shot off, Daehyun pulled the pin and flung the flash grenade up the stairs and ducked back into the kitchen, remembering at the last minute to cover his ears and close his eyes.

             “,” Daehyun groaned as his ears rung from the noise. He didn’t sit there complaining though, he stood up right after the loud bang, knowing the blinding light was gone as well, and ran around the corner with a gun pointing into the stairway.

            The men were groaning and covering their eyes. Instead of wasting bullets, Daehyun pulled a knife out from the inside of his jeans and as he climbed the stairs he stabbed the men in the necks, making sure they would die from blood loss.

            ‘Five down, I wonder how many more there are?’ Daehyun wondered as he reached the second floor.

            “Daehyun! Sec—“ Youngjae called out but, was ended in a grunt as another man told him to shut up.

            Daehyun narrowed his eyes, not liking that people had hit his boyfriend. There were two doors there in front of him. “Let go of my boyfriend, or die!”

            “I’ll take option three and kill you!”

            “Daehyun! Be careful!” Cee’s shouting came through his Bluetooth as Daehyun lunged to the side, dodging the spray of bullets he knew would be aimed at him. At least now he knew where Youngjae was.

            Once the shooting stopped Daehyun ran back to the door and kicked it in, guns aimed in front of him. Youngjae was there strapped to the chair, blood dripping from his mouth but, no gun wound. There were two other men there standing on either side of him.

            Daehyun didn’t wait for them to beg before he shot them in the chest. They both went down, clutching their wounds. Daehyun quickly strode forward and cut one of Youngjae’s restraints free, giving him the knife to work on the others. Daehyun walked past Youngjae, still filled with rage and shot the men through the head, making sure they were dead.


            “Youngjae,” Daehyun turned around and immediately pulled Youngjae up into his arms. In an instance he was relieved. Warmth flooded through his blood as Youngjae hugged him back and nuzzled his head into Daehyun’s neck.

            “I knew you would come for me, idiot.” Youngjae smiled.

            “Are you really insulting the person who rescued you?”

            Youngjae chuckled, “You could have waited for backup.”

            Daehyun pulled back so that he could hold Youngjae’s face in his hands and smile softly at the love of his life, “I really couldn’t.”


            Daehyun moved in and kissed Youngjae’s lips. When he backed away he leaned on Youngjae’s forehead, “I was too worried about you to wait. Don’t make me worry anymore, stupid. Next time run back to me instead of being so polite, okay?”

            Youngjae smiled and kissed Daehyun’s cheek, “I promise.”

            “Did you lot finish the problem? What was going on down d’ere?”

            The reunited couple jumped in surprise, having forgotten that more people might be in the house.

            “Time to go!” Daehyun grabbed Youngjae’s arm and started pulling him out of the room.

            “Ouch!” Youngjae fell into Daehyun.


            “My leg,” Youngjae grimaced, “I twisted my ankle when they pulled me into the moving van.”

            Daehyun swore under his breath as the booming voice on the third floor commanded more people to check on the problem, “Lean on me. Cee, how far are you?”

            “Cee?” Youngjae looked up and nodded in approval when he saw the Bluetooth in Daehyun’s ear.

            “Almost there! We can see the sign for the road we need to turn down!”

            The two of them hobbled out to the stairs just as more people started coming down from the upper floor.

            “Jae, can you throw this flash grenade?” Daehyun asked.

            Youngjae pulled it out from the pocket on the backpack. Daehyun leaned them against the wall of the stairs going to the ground floor as Youngjae leaned around the corner and threw the grenade up the stairs.

            The boys covered their ears for the boom that wracked their ears and then tried to get down the stairs as fast as they could, having to dodge corpses and slippery blood.

            “ that was loud,” Youngjae groaned as they reached the last step.

            “What was that noise?!” A voice called from the back door. “I leave for five minutes and you lot are killing each other?”

            “!” Daehyun shouted.

            “Run!” Youngjae hobbled-ran towards the front door.

            “Daehyun!” Cee shouted. “Get out of the house and then take cover.”

            “Youngjae, Cee is planning something so we gotta get out of here ASAP,” Daehyun grabbed Youngjae and pulled him out of the front door.

            The couple saw a black van speeding towards them and Daehyun couldn’t help but gape at the view. “The hell… where did she get that?”

            “Get down!” Youngjae pulled Daehyun to the ground as Cee, sitting on the van’s passenger window had a rocket launcher in her hands and fired at the house.

            They hit the ground just as more men came out of the front door and Cee’s rocket hit the backside of the house. A huge explosion ripped the air, debris flew everywhere, a few small pieces hitting even Daehyun and Youngjae.

            The black van skidded to a halt and whipped around so that Cee, back in her seat, was facing the house, empty rocket launcher in one hand and pistol in the other, and the sliding door was facing Youngjae and Daehyun. Jongup opened the door and jumped out with Kyung to help the boys get into the van.

            “Shoot, I dare you,” Cee threatened the rattled men.

            “You guys okay?” Jongup asked.

            “Oh fine, except that I’ve been in close proximity of three loud bombs today,” Daehyun glared at Cee’s back.

            “I’ll take that as a thank you,” Cee said.

            “We are all in,” Kyung slammed the door shut.

            “I better never see any of you again,” Cee glared them down as B-Bomb sped off. “ing bastards…”

            “Any injuries?” Jaehyo asked.

            “My ears hurt.”

            “Shut up, loudmouth,” Cee looking into the backseat, “Jae, you okay?”

            Daehyun huffed and looked at Youngjae, ignoring Cee.

            “Busted lip and a twisted ankle are all.” Youngjae grinned. “Thanks, everyone.”

            Cee smiled, “Of course, Youngjae.”

            “Glad you are okay, mate.” Kyung lightly punched his shoulder.

            “Now,” Cee rummaged beside her seat, “I think I brought another one of these.”

            “Dear god, woman! You don’t know where the bomb is?!” B-Bomb looked over at her worried.

            “With someone whose nickname as ‘bomb’ in it you would think you wouldn’t be so worried about a little—found it!” Cee brought up another rocket and loaded it onto the launcher.

            “What?!”  Daehyun looked up in alarm. “Are you firing that?!”

            “They deserve it…” Cee aimed at the house and then sighed. “I can’t get a good angle in the car. If I fire in here I’ll hit Minhyuk.”

            “Please don’t,” B-Bomb groaned.

            “I may have seen them take out a few crates of AK47s.” Youngjae said nonchalantly.

            B-Bomb looked at him through the rearview mirror, “Really?”

            Youngjae shrugged, “I know for sure they said things about selling weapons.”

            Kyung chuckled, “Feeling the need for revenge, Youngjae?”

            “I’m just saying what I heard,” Youngjae smirked.

            “B-Bomb, stop the car.” Kyung said. “We can’t be havin’ competition now, can we?”

            Cee laughed loudly as she stared back at the house. They had stopped at the entrance of the road and Cee got out. “I’m going to be really aiming then, yes?”

            Kyung smiled as he watched Cee kneel outside of the van, “Destroy the whole house and you only have to pay half price for the first rocket.”

            “You got it Kyung,” Cee chuckled. After a few more adjustments, Cee pulled the trigger. The rocket flew and hit the middle of first floor, making a huge explosion.

            Cee smiled as she climbed back into the van, “Good enough?”

            “Lass, I could kiss you it was so great,” Kyung winked.

            Cee laughed, “How about we just get back to the boat safely?”

            “I’m good with that,” Daehyun sighed as he pulled Youngjae closer into him.

            Cee smiled back at them and then looked forward, “So, Minhyuk… how do we get around the police that are coming?”

            B-Bomb chuckled softly, “Not hard.”

            As B-bomb explained to Cee and Jongup more diving tips, Jaehyo and Kyung called Zico and Yongguk to update them on the situation.

            Daehyun breathed in deeply and underneath the smell of smoke and wood, he could smell Youngjae, his Youngjae, and couldn’t help but smile.

            “I was so scared I lost you,” Daehyun whispered.

            Youngjae kissed Daehyun’s neck and grabbed his hand, “Can’t get rid of me that easily. If I can’t get free, I know you’ll be there for me.”

            “Of course,” Daehyun kissed the side of Youngjae’s head. “I’ll always be there.”

            “Oh, right!” Jongup turned around, “Did you guys buy rings?”

            “Rings?” Youngjae looked confused.

            “What are you talking about Jongup,” Daehyun tried laughing but, everyone could tell it was fake.

            Youngjae sat up straight and smirked as he looked at Daehyun, “You wanted to buy rings? That’s what you wanted to do?”

            “I…well… I—ugh,” Daehyun looked away as his face turned red, “I wanted to buy promise rings.”

            A kiss to his cheek made Daehyun look back at everyone, including an excited Youngjae, “Sounds like a great idea. You should have just said so, silly.”

            “You want to get rings?” Daehyun smiled.

            “Of course! Because I want to be with you forever!” Youngjae wrapped his arms around Daehyun squishing him in his embrace. Daehyun smiled into Youngjae’s shoulder. All the emotions of the day were flooding him, making him so overwhelmed tears were close to forming. 

            “Minhyuk! Stop at the next store that sells rings!” Youngjae laughed.

            “Wha—right now?!” Daehyun asked.

            B-bomb chuckled, “Sure thing, Youngjae.”

            “We should look Youngjae over at the boat,” Jaehyo cut in, “And change clothes… you have blood and dirt on them.”

            “Right now,” Youngjae smiled at Daehyun.

            Daehyun stared into Youngjae’s loving face and naturally a smile appeared on his own. This was how things were; they were criminals who took down the bigger and badder criminals. It only made sense that they go like this. Any other way would have made the event seem like a lie—something that represented a carefree normal life, which was definitely not what Daehyun wanted with Youngjae. Carefree, maybe one day but, never normal.

            “Right now,” With smiling faces, clothes covered in dirt, blood, and pieces of wood, they kissed and once again were reminded of how much they loved each other and would continue to do so for a long, long time.

A/N: EXTRA INFO THEIR RINGS ARE ENGRAVED ON THE INSIDE 'MAY NOTHING BUT DEAD DO US PART' because I'm into Fall Out Boy right now and yes it is wedding-ish but it fits them and their lifestyle.

Hope you all liked it ^_^

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HEY GUYS! so sorrry about this last update being weird and going to sub/member-only. I was having troubles with blue writing and i still don't understand...


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officialegb #1
Chapter 13: I've missed this story so much thanks for the awesome update :) fighting!
Chapter 12: I love the story so far and he one shots are a nice way to lead up to the sequel. It would be nice to see some more moments of cee getting worked up by how cute zelo and jongup were like in the first book. Some cee/daehyun moments would be sweet as well, their usual sassy fights as well as some sweet moments where they connect.
Chapter 12: I also like the torture scene (is that bad...?!) lol! Maybe more cee x dae moments/stupid arguments over Youngjae?? Thanks for the amazing story!
PandaN00b #4
Chapter 12: Dude more torture AHAHA I find those scenes so funny 'cause im into gore a little I guess AHAH and I'd love to see more romance of course and more interactions (like moments) within BAP and it'd be cool to throw in those cameos too (x
officialegb #5
Chapter 11: Naw poor kyung.. and cee. I cant tell you how much i love this story author-nim ive read the main story gawd knows how many times and its always amazing, and these oneshots are just right to lead on to the sequel. I cant wait to read what adventures they get into next and see how they develop as a team now. Thank you author-nim and happy writing. Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 11: This story has been my favorite of all times. (not gonna lie that i've read the main one over 10 times.) Honestly, I admire the way you write and even the way things happens in the story. And even with those single stories/shots before the sequel; all of them are perfect and the events that happened on them. I'm just super glad that i happened to stumble upon this story. I really wanted you to know how much i love it. And i think you're amazing. Might have been a silent reader but really; much love for giving us this. ♡
Chapter 9: Woah!! That was deep! It really made me think!! I really like how you had the reincarnation topic! Just let me get lost in my thoughts for a moment...XD
Thanks for the update *u*!!!
Chapter 8: What is your friends story called?
I'm so excited!! Omg you have no idea like Really Living was actually what got me into BAP and now I'm writing my own fics with them sooooo basically you're my role model <3
Chapter 4: *European* ^^ I'm so glad you're doing this thing until the sequel cause Really Living was my first (if you remember my earlier messages somehow^^) and favorite fanfic!