Chapter 8

A Story of Fangs and Clans

Chaerin hopped out of the first store, waving a couple bags at me and smiling like a giddy little school girl. She handed them to me and I nodded, slipping them to my elbow, “Ah. Can we go more?”

I checked my wallet, “Mom and Dad give me a good amount of allowance. I’ve been saving up for a good cause so…we can go a lot more.” She seemed happy at that. I poked her stomach, “Let’s get you a phone before we spend too much.” She followed closely beside me and slipped her arm through mine as we went up crowded steps. She muttered curses at some people and I smiled at her, “Do you want a phone like mine?” I asked and showed off my Samsung Galaxy S3.

She took it gently from my hand and flipped it, looking at it closely before saying: “What’s your passcode?”

I chuckled and sighed, “You won’t invade my privacy will you?”

“Of course not.” She insisted.

“Um…ok. But if I tell you my passcode, you tell me yours.” She nodded and I said, “G-Dragon.”

She laughed and teased me, “Aw! So cute.” I pushed her hand off and she continued to giggle, “Yeah. I want a phone like this. We can get me a different case so we can tell the difference between them.” She replied and gave it back to me.

“Ok. Where is that store?” She tightened her grip on my arm and rested her head against my shoulder, “You tired?”

She shook her head and held my arm to her cheek, “I like the feeling of your arms.”

“You’re such a girl.” I guided her to the Samsung store, looking around for a phone, “Oh. There.” She pulled me to the wall and began to scour the different types.

I heard something suddenly: “Ah. Bommie, do we have to?”

“Yes! My phone is being stupid. Come on. We have to check it.”

I groaned, “Holy crap. Why are they suddenly everywhere?!”

Chaerin looked at me, “Something wrong Ji?”

“Bom and Seunghyun are behind us…” I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled my hood up.

She stiffened and gasped, “W-What are doing?!-“

“Shut up. If they see us, we’re done for.” I hissed back, “Just keep up this disguise for a little bit.” She didn’t respond, but we could suddenly hear Bom and Seunghyun talking to the guy at the counter. Chaerin picked up an expensive phone and I told her, “Yah. If we get that, we’ll have to use my credit card.”

“Can’t I-?”


But that Lee mind thought of something else. She pushed up her shades and turned to face me, pressing herself into my chest and smiling cutely, “Can I please have it?” . Aegyo. I looked away but she cuddled into my neck and continued to plead, “Please, please. I promise to be a good girl.” She could tell I was speechless. Even when I tried to cuss, nothing came out and she giggled at that. “Please?! Please. Can I have it?!” Her arms wrapped around my neck and she smirked, “Please Oppa?”

I looked at her. Did she just say that? She smiled at me and pulled me closer. I opened my mouth and placed my hands on her waist, “Yah-I-jeez…”

Seunghyun whispered to Bom, “That guy sounds like Ji.”

“I know. Weird.”

I continued with Chaerin and she smirked again, “Oppa?”

I sighed and held my head down, “Fine, ok, we’ll get that for you.”

“Yay~! Thank you Oppa. I promise to be good.” Behind those shades, I could see her wink. Then she whispered in my ear, almost barely audible, “Ji-Oppa.”

“What?” I asked.

She waved the phone and sighed, “That’s gonna be my passcode.” Her cheeks turned pink. Aw. She’s embarrassed about that? I don’t why-I think she’s absolutely adorable like that.


Chaerin was getting tired in the car, as we went into tons of traffic. In fact-after hours on the road, we were still in the freeway. She looked at me and smiled, “I’m gonna call you Oppa from now on.”

“That’s what I keep telling you.” I said, shrugging.

She hugged her legs and bit her lip, “Sorry I went a little overboard earlier. I just wanted this badly.” She waved the phone and giggled, “You seemed angry at the clerk though.”

“He was totally flirting with you. Yeah that pissed me off.” I snapped, “I’m watching out for you. Not letting you go dating.”

“Oppa, I wasn’t even gonna accept his offer. I didn’t need you to step in.” She sighed and looked at me, poking me with her new phone, “I’m focused on family, you know.” I nodded and screamed at the street. “Whoa Oppa.” She chuckled.

“I’m so sick of this stupid traffic. We gotta get home-I got school!” I looked at her. In the dark light, she really looked beautiful. Her eyes were half-lidded, hair across her pale skin, her lips still full…

Chaerin reached out to trace my arm, “Do you want me to drive?”

“No. That’s ok. You look tired. Go ahead and sleep. We’re gonna be here a while.” I said and adjusted her seat back. She smiled as she laid down and I looked around the compartments. I pulled out a blanket and she looked at me oddly, “What? I keep this in case I’m in traffic like this.”

But she pushed it away, “I want something else.”


She tugged my sleeve, “Your jacket?” I looked at it and sighed, taking it off and handing my oversized sweater to her. She wrapped it around herself and sighed, smiling, “It smells like you…”

“Oh? No way.” I said sarcastically and smiled, “Sleep.”

“Wait…what time is it?”

I checked the clock and read the time, “Eight-o-clock.” I think she passed out right after that, because she didn’t reply or move afterwards. I gripped the wheel and stepped on the gas as cars moved forward. Chaerin moaned and I extended my hand to soothe her. The cars hurried out and I turned to go home. God, I’m so tired. But I parked and didn’t go straight for my room. I went to the trunk and slipped the shopping bags on my arms.

Then I opened the passenger’s door and picked Chaerin up with my jacket, shutting it with my hip. I managed to open the door and Mom and Dad saw me, “Hey son…you came home late.”

“Sorry. We got in a mix-up with Bom and Seunghyun in the same store as us. Then after we fed ourselves, we were stuck in traffic for hours.” I shook my head and sighed, “I’m going to set her to bed and then I’m gonna sleep. Can we talk tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Sure. Good night.” They went up the steps as I went to set Chaerin in her room. I placed her on the bed, roughly and set the bags beside the nightstand.

Chaerin opened an eye and smiled at me, “Goodnight Oppa.”

I smiled back and kissed her head, “Night Chaerin.”











A/N: I'm so sorry guys.... Last night I was like "Don't forget to update" then I went to bed and woke up like "SHIIZZZ"... Lol. I'm sorry. I had a super long Wednesday... I hope you guys enjoy, I'm doing my best to stay to this fixed schedule but to be honest, you guys know how that's going. BTW I started watching KPop Star Season 4 and it's getting me feeling super wound up...I'm stressed because of it nowadays. Lol (.^_^.)


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Due to some prior engagements, there will be no update today (the 18th). Sorry subbies. The next chapter will be posted on Friday the 20th. Happy Lunar New Year


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Chapter 20: Omg. Wht?! Whyyyy -_-
syeda_fz #2
Chapter 20: What the hell? ???????!!!!! It's not completed, author please please please a sequel please complete it god danm! !!!!! It's really awesome! !!!!
Songsong123 #3
Sequel sequel pleaseeeeee
hunchaejingyo_0328 #4
Chapter 20: sequel pls sequel
noitsthuy #5
Chapter 20: Sequel........... Please.......
GiianeGZB #6
Chapter 20: sequel pleaseeee...
Chapter 20: Author-nim why??? huhuhuhu I was immersed in reading that I want to read more huhuhuhu~ Please make it fast kekekeke~ great story btw, love it!
Chapter 20: Huhuhuhu you can't do this.. Huhuhuhu sequel pleaseeee... This is not the ending I want to see huhuhu..
Please authorninmm >.<
Btw, they released MADE teaser video !!! OMG I can't waiiiitttt!!! *extremely happy*
Shaosmyg12 #9
Chapter 20: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this story can't end like this.. Tell me you have a sequel for this!
Songsong123 #10
Chapter 20: Noooooooo author don't end it like this! :( update soon please