Back to School We Go....

One Rainy Day

Your POV:

Going back to school wasn't easy, but I had to. It was nearing the end of the school year and I had to make up my missing days. Only three more months left, I mumbled to my self as I stepped foot into the school. Only three more months and then your free.

Or so I hope.

I gazed around the empty hallways. Of course they'd be empty, I thought. I had decided to come a little earlier than usual.

Okay, a lot earlier, but that doesn't matter.

As I made my way to my class, I noticed couples down a hallway. I softly laughed as a specific two pushing and nudging each other to no end.

Couples usually came early so they could spend time together before school. It was their time to joke and kiss before having to dread about the days work. Although not all couples did this, only those whom were serious with their relationship.

I smiled before opening the door to my class. I was surprised to see a familiar face sitting in my chair. My heart dropped and goosebumps climbed my arms.

The face of the devil stood up and glared at me. Her hair brushing perfectly to the side of her face, Her make-up just right to frame her dark, deadly eyes. She finished sharpening a nail before speaking to me. 

"Hello, _____. I'm so happy you're okay!" She obviously faked. She stepped closer while I leaned back. Her eyes sending daggers into my skin. "Have you seen Kevin lately?" Her smile sharpened at the ends.

Bitting my lip, I swiftly made my way past her and set my things down at my desk, glancing over at Kevin's seat. I gritted my teeth. "Amber, cut the crap and leave. Like you actually care for my well being."

"Oh, but I do." She crept to the front of my desk, leaning over and staring at me. I could tell in her eyes that she had something evil planned, and I didn't like it.

I scoffed. "Just go away. I don't want you here--"

"But Kevin does." She stabbed, grinning from ear to ear. She pushed her hair to the side as she leaned towards me. "Plus, the last time I heard, Kevin had something important to tell you." Noticing the light in my eyes--that were actually dreading sparks--she gaffed. "Don't get your damn hopes up, sweetie! When I last talked to Kevin, he told me that he was happy you were in the hospital so that he could finally get away from you!" She pushed my shoulder. 

Grabbing her hand, I threw it back at her. "Don't touch me--"

"Or else what?" Amber persuaded.

I clenched my teeth and looked away. She's probably lying, I thought, darting my eyes at Amber. But what if she's telling the truth? Yeah, she may be a and sore person, but Kevin didn't even text me when when he knew I was home. Nor did he come visit! Eli did and he barely knows me...

I crossed my arms and glared at Amber. "Just leave, okay? I don't want to hear anymore stuff from you."

Amber grinned, taking her things and walking away. "Just remember, honey. Kevin is a popular boy and what are you?" She turned her eyes at me. 

I looked away and sat down to start my work. By now, the hallways were filling with students and teachers. I groaned a tad, mad that Amber took my time. Either way, I didn't respond. 

Amber only chuckled. "That's right. Nothing." The doors closed swiftly behind her.




Lunch hit slowly and Kevin still didn't show up to school. His empty spot next to me was a huge reminder on what Amber had told me. I wanted to text him or call him, but I couldn't get the courage to open my phone and enter his number. Each time, I'd start to freak out and over think only to shut my phone, shove it into my pocket, and focus back on my work.

My head hurts so badly...

As I made my way to my usual spot, I noticed Eli was already sitting there with one of his friends. I smiled and cheered up a bit, happy that I wouldn't have to eat by myself. 

"Annyeong, _____!" Eli exclaimed as I sat down next to him. "I want you to meet my best friend, KIseop!"

Kiseop stood up and bowed towards me, making me slightly blush. For a guy with glasses, he was pretty cute.

"Annyeong." I nodded, smiling for the first time all day.

Eli turned towards me. "I noticed that Kevin wasn't here today, so I thought that you would be wanting some company" Eli smiled, shyly.

I looked at Eli for a moment. His sweet smile and sweet look tugged at me. Without thinking, I hugged him. "Eli... Thank you."

Then I was tearing into my lunch.




Eli took me home after school. I told him he didn't need to, but he insisted as he carried my stuff to his car. I thanked him repeatedly until he told me to stop, in which I stared saying sorry.

"Don't worry, girl!" Eli laughed, nudging me slightly as he stared the car. "Just sit back and relax!" 

Ten minutes passed when we finally reached my house. I thanked him again, but was cut off. "It was my pleasure." He beamed.

I grabbed my things, waved good-bye, and headed to my door. Eli didn't drive off until I was inside, shutting the door.

"He is sure one hunk!"

"Gomo!" I turned around to see my gomo smiling at me.

"What? Can't I say that about your boyfriend?" 

"He isn't my boyfriend, gomo."


"Aish, we're just friends!" I laughed off, glad that my gomo could make me smile. "And besides, he's not the guy I like..."

"Oh, he's not?" My gomo helped me put my things down before engulfing me in a hug. "So, what's his naaaame?" She pushed, leading me to sit down on the couch.

I rolled my eyes. "So you can call him a hunk, too?"

"Oh, no... maybe... okay, yes, but I'm a young gomo--"

"You're 42." 

"I'm younger than a lot of gomo's I know! And it doesn't hurt anyone if I"m saying things about--"

"Gomo!" I yelled, jokingly, nudging her to the side.

She laughed. "Oh my gosh, I'm kidding! Besides, I have you Samchun." She squeezed me before asking, "So, what's his name?"

Fidgeting, I looked down at my hands.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear mumbles. I'm not an eagle!'

"His name is Kevin.." I mumbled louder. My face was flushing as I said him name.; butterflies flying in me as I thought of his face.

"Your ears are pink!' My gomo cooed. "Oh, girl, I think you're more than just liking this boy!" She death hugged me. 

"Gomo! Let go! I can't breath!!" 

"Sorry." She let me go and kept smiling "Ah! My little girl is growing up so fast! When can I meet him?" Her hands quickly fell to her lap. I chuckled since she looked like a puppy asking for a treat.

But my face soon fell as I gazed at the floor. "I'm not sure. I haven't talked to him since the last day in the hospital.." I sighed, fiddling with my fingers.

"Oh, honey..." My gomo wrapped me in her arms as I started to tear up. "Don't worry, he's probably sick himself. You should give him a call, maybe he's thinking the same things you are." 

"But Amber said he was glad I was in the hospital!" I let out with out thinking. I covered my mouth and stared at the ground.

With a confused face, my gomo asked, "Who's Amber" Her voice had gone soft and slightly cold.

Shivering, my eyes continued to tear up. Removing my hand from my face, I sighed. "She's a girl from school that used to be a friend of mine..." My eyes never left the floor. "She told me that he had something to tell me, too...""

Taking my hand, my gomo sighed and shook her had. "You can't always believe what people say--"

"Then why hasn't he called me or texted me?" I bursted. Suddenly, all of my feelings started to pour out. "Eli, whom I barely talk to, came to me the day after I got out! Kevin told me that he would but Eli came instead! If he was sick, he could of texted or called but he hasn't done anything. And it's not like he and I barely talk--we always talk! Like, almost everyday!" My tears were flowing now as my gomo clung to me, her shirt soaking in seconds.

"Shhh... don't cry!" Pushing me away, she took my chin and made me look at her. "Listen," She started, wiping my tears away. "give the boy a call and settle things out. Going on instinct or what someone says isn't good. Here, let me tell you something...'

Getting up, my gomo grabbed me a small box of banana milk before speaking again. "You know how your Samchun is always away?"

"It's because of military issues, right?" I sniffed, sipping my drink.

Nodding, she continued, "Well, to tell you the truth, we weren't always the best of friends.'

"But you two are always happy with each other!"

She chuckled. "Yes, hold on!" 

I nodded and payed attention to her story. 

"I had a great friend of mine named So min. She was my bestest friend in the entire world! We shared secrets, told stories-- everything! We were inseparable!

Well, that was until your samchun showed up. So Min and I were at a party with friend. She actually met him first, so when him and I were introduced, she was already head over heals for him..."


My eyes swept across his face, taking him all in. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green and his hair was beyond short. I blushed at the sight of him, but knowing So Min, I stayed back. "Annyeonghaseyo." I bowed, smiling like an pabo the entire time.

His eyes shined as he said hello back. "My name is Choi Taeyoung. And yours?"

"Park Ha Na." I blushed, nervous already.

So Min gave me a death glare as she pulled Taeyoung away from me. "Come on! I have something I want to show you.


"A week went by and we chatted and spoke a bit at a time, but the entire time he was with So Min. When we did talk, he told me about the life of being in the military and also told me about how he was going to have to go back a month later. We only did get to have a real talk once, and it was pretty funny what happened..."


"Ha Na, I want you to meet some of my friends." Taeyoung smiled, pointing out a couple of guys.


"Gah! I can't remember their names!!" My gomo sighed in frustration.

I chuckled. "It's okay, gomo. Just go on with the story."

She nodded and continued.


I nodded my head at each boy. They were all different, one having short brown hair, just about his ears, while the other two had buzz cuts. Taeyoung then introduced them to So Min. 


"I also have to add, that during these times, So Min was trying everything to get me away from him. She told him lies, pushed him away from me when were having alone time, and even tried to frame me for something. But each attempt, she failed."


"Hello, So Min." The one with the longer hair spoke, bowing and kissing So Min's hand. "It's nice to meet such a beautiful lady. 

So Min pulled away quickly, grabbing Taeyoung's arm. "Yeah, uhuh. Nice to meet you, too." Her eyes were then up at Taeyoung and could care less about the rest of us. 

I sighed and shook my head. I've known this girl for years and it was as if I didn't even know her at all!! It surprised me how much a person could change over one boy. I clicked my tongue and looked away as So Min tried her best to receive a kiss from Taeyoung. She could only get his cheeks. 

The night passed, and all of us went out to eat and then caught a movie. I'd already seen all the new movies with Taeyoung, so I just sat there and went into a daze. But I couldn't help but laugh at the boy with the longer hair as he tried to make a move on So Min: touching her legs, messing with her hair, kissing her cheek--it was hilarious to me!

I was chuckling to myself when I saw Taeyoung sneak away from So Min and moved over to me. Blushing, and a bit nervous, I acted like I didn't care. "Hey, Tae." 

"Ha Na..." He said, quietly. His voice barely reaching a whisper.

Looking over at him, I noticed how close we were. My heart started thumping and I could feel my skin heating up. I tried to look away, but Taeyoung kept me from doing so.

"Look, Ha Na, I have something I want to tell you..." His eyes never leaving mine. I couldn't speak, so I just nodded before he continued. "I've really had a huge crush on you since the day I laid eyes on you. I've wanted to get closer to you and to get to know you more, but your friend So Min wouldn't let me." His hand moved to my back as he leaned forward. 

We were inturrupted by So Min slapping the guy and yelling at him. We pulled away, losing the mood. Thanks, So Min, I mumbled.

When the movie ended, So Min was pissed off at the boy and made her way towards Taeyoung and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm sorry that I couldn't be with you, but your friend wouldn't leave me alone."

Taeyoung just shrugged as he darted an eye at me.

"Well, I guess it's time for us to go. Come on, Ha Na!" So Min released Taeyoung after giving him a kiss. 

Before she could pull me away, Taeyoung shouted my name. Shocked, I stared at him as he ran towards me, wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me into a kiss. Over my shoulder, I could hear So Min screaming and telling me to get away from him, but I ignored her as I swung my arms around Taeyoung's neck and kissed him back. 


When she was done, I was smiling. "So, you got him in the end?" I asked.

She nodded and gave me a hug. "So don't worry! If it's meant to be, it's meant to be! And if it's not, then that means that there is someone even better. Like Eli!" She added with a nudge and a wink.

I giggled at my gomo's silliness. Smiling, I pulled my gomo into a huge hug. "Thanks, gomo. You have no idea how much this talk means to me."

Hugging me back, she grinned. "Anything for you, sweetie." She squeezed me one last time before letting me go.

Getting up quickly, I turned to my cell. "I'm going to give him a call"

"You go, girl!" My gomo punched the air. "Fighting!"

I giggled again and pressed his speed dial number. 

It rang three times before it was picked up. My heart fluttered when I heard his voice on the other end.

"Hello?" A cough.

"Kevin?" I asked, more excited than I should of been.

"____? Omo, it's nice to hear your voice--" He coughed again. "Sorry, I wasn't at school today. I've been sick all week." Another cough.

"Oh, do you need me to come over and help you?"

"No, I don't want you to get sick."

"Too late, I'm coming over!"


"No buts!" I grinned. "I'm heading over!"

He didn't protest as we said our good byes. Getting my shoes on, I was quick to be out the door. 



So, how did you like that chapter? ^-^ What do you think is going to happen at Kevin's house? Hmmm?? :3 Sorry if it isn't as detailed as my other chapters, it's just that good parts are coming and I want to get to them x3 keke, omo....

@Elephinite: I wanted to add this a while ago, but your comment about this being the best Kevin fanfic really made me smile and jump with joy :3 I hope that you keep enjoying it ^-^

^^^same goes for the rest of you!! :3 I want you guys to enjoy this story because I enjoy typing it ^-^ Your comments are really helpful, like, you have no idea! (omo, I used "like" in the wrong way xD ...... -nerd-)

And again, sorry for such a long update~ I want to update more so you guys aren't guessing for days. I'm trying my hardest to update more ^-^ I love you guys! :D 

Okay >.< Thank you for reading!! 

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 27: I really like your story author nim.... good job
Heipaadeg #2
Chapter 28: Awww I really liked your story!!! I wish you good luck in the future. :3 Kevin is so cute^^
kpopfreak210 #3
Chapter 26: KEVIN <3333333
I finally read this after having this bookmarked for so long... Eee! And I'm so glad that I read it! ^__^ (I was actually hoping for some rated stuff in the rated chapter... omgah /bricked) I'm so sorry but I adore Kevin so much... LOL.. Anyway, this was such a wonderfully written story. ^__^ I enjoyed reading all of it! Thank you so much for uploading this!
awwwww~ happy ending and Eli got married too!
and someone was actually Amber? TSKTSKTSK tell me who, i shall nag at her. And punish her
Its great that we kept you going just as how you kept me here on AFF^^
Hwaiting on your other stories! ^^
NOOOO!!! IT'S FINISHED TT__________________TT I was always looking forward to your updates, and I loved it ^^ wow, you really had a y girl in your life to steal your crush/boyfriend away from you? T__________T I would have beat the crap out of her LOL >w<" anyways, I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!! the ending was so cute :') ahh, I think I'll read this again another time ^_^ HWAITING!!!!!!!!!
Cute final :D I really love this :D Was a great story x3 Fighting! :D
starlightdust #8
WAAAAAH its done ;( nice fanfic though ^^
and i feel sorry for you if you had an amber in your life
Hwaiting with the rest of your stories!
cute chapter!
Finally he tells her :D