
One Rainy Day

Your POV: 

My eyes fluttered open to the sound of voices coming from outside my door. Yawning, I turned to my side to check the time. 10:24am. A groan escaped my mouth while I placed my arm above my eyes. For a minute, I didn't hear an voices outside the door. Maybe I'm going insane, I thought, pushing myself up out of the bed. Walking into my bathroom, the voices picked up again.

After cleaning myself up, and grabbing new pairs of clothing, I stepped out of my room and into the living room where I saw my gomo sitting next to a familiar young boy, with pigeon features, drinking tea.


The boy gazed up at me, giving me a shy, friendly smile. "Oh, ____! You're up." Eli set his cup down as he got up and bowed slightly to me. "I'm sorry I came without telling you, but something told me that I had to come see you. Your name has been flying all around school and there has even been some rumors that you had died." Eli forced a smile, even though he knew that, that news wasn't great. 

I only nodded as I sat down in front of him, next to my gomo. Getting myself some tea, I asked Eli, "Why is everyone thinking I'm dead?" 

Rubbing the back of his neck, Eli pursed his lips. "It's just a dumb rumor people started to spread." Eli added, "You know how our school is with rumors, right?" A little snort came out of him before he sipped his tea.

I chuckled as my eyes fell onto the stack of homework papers next to us. Eli's eyes followed mine. "You want me to help you? I'm really good in all of those subjects!" He smiled brightly, already setting down his cup again and ready to get a pencil if needed.

Knowing I was going to have to do it anyways, I nodded and watched as Eli sprung up from the couch and headed towards his stuff. He pulled out three different types of pencils, notebooks, and binders before sitting back down in front of me. He swiftly grabbed the first book on the stack and opened it up in front of me. 

When he looked back up at me, his eyes were shining with sparkles--as if he was a puppy who just got a treat.

I smiled to myself as I leaned over and grabbed my stuff and started to work with Eli.




"This !!!" I grumbled, throwing my hands into my hair and tossing the pencil down, harshly. I covered my face with my hands. "Can we just stop?" I peeked through my fingers towards Eli, whom was face first into the history book. 

Looking up, Eli frowned and shook his head. "We're almost done."

"Yeah, but I don't think my head can take any more..." I gazed at the books to my left, which were the ones we were done with. Five books to my left, three books to my right. I wanted to burn them all and throw them out the window! My head was throbbing and I couldn't tell if it was from the books or something else. And I wasn't ready to find out.

"Eli, please." I touched his hand, which I think shocked him a bit since he jumped. I sighed, "My head is hurting and I don't think I can push anything more into my brain." I rubbed my forehead. "Maybe we can finish this all later when I can think properly and can store more information?" I looked at him with hope.

Eli scrunched his face and looked to the left over stack. He frowned a bit and looked to show that he was contemplating on what he should say. Finally, after a few moments, Eli nodded his head and closed the history book. "Okay, I understand." He started to pack his things. "I sometimes forget that people can't consume as much things as I can." 

I chuckled, helping him place his things into his bag and helping him to the door. "Yeah, sadly not all of us are as smart. sweet, and kind as you." I smiled, patting his back as I unlocked the door.

Eli stopped and looked at me. "You think I'm sweet and kind?"

I nodded. "Of course! You came over and helped me, didn't you?" I grinned and gave him a small hug in which he returned.

"Thanks." Eli beamed as he walked out. 

Shutting the door, I headed back to the couch and sorted my work back into piles. I heard footsteps coming from the back room as I sighed and leaned into the couch. My gomo was soon at my side and wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "He seems like a really nice boy, don't you think honey?" 

I nodded. "Yeah... he's sure is...." I sat up correctly and looked at my gomo. "Hey, gomo?"

"Yes sweetie?" 

I gazed down and started to mess with my thumb. "If a guy liked you, what exactly would he do to show you?" I bit my lip as I glanced at my gomo. I could feel thumping from my chest as I hoped that my gomo would have an answer.

She whooped and turned towards me. "Are you trying to say you have feelings for that boy, Eli?" She nudged and winked at me. 

"What?! No, gomo that's not---"

"Oh, honey! It's nothing to be ashamed of! I've had a couple of nerdy crushes when I was your age!"

"Gomo, that's not why I was---"

"Sure, he may not be completely charming with his dorky smile and his nerdy thoughts, but you can get passed that!" 

"But Eli---"

"Look, sweetie, all you need to do is tell that boy straight up that you like him!" She patted me on the arm. "Sometimes the girl needs to be the one to say something first. It may be difficult," she winked at me again. "but if it's the right guy, he'd sure love you no matter what you do."

I smiled at my gomo. Even though she has the boy I like completely wrong, she still gave me something to think about. I smiled. "Thanks gomo. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to eat!" 

Laughing loudly, my gomo grabbed my shoulders and held me up. "You're right! Don't want Eli to be thinking you're a non-eater nor do we want you to be too thin! Ah! Let's eat something amazing!" She threw her arms wide as she head towards the door.

I giggled, putting on my shoes and exiting with her. 




Kevin's POV:

I opened the car door and got up. Looking up at the familiar building, I gleamed and headed towards the door. Peeking through the widows, I nodded. "Yep. Still empty..." Checking my surroundings, I left the front porch and made my way down the familiar path. Even though it had changed a bit in the past five years, I could still find my way to the secret area. "Haven't been here in a while." I mumbled, making my way past the branches and into the center. Ever since bringing you here a while back, I had almost forgot about this place. Opening my cell, I checked the time. "I have enough." I closed it back and decided to just sit here for a while.

Thinking back, I remembered the days when we were young. How you had always been so cheerful and smiling. How your eyes would gleam for no apparent reason and how'd you always seem to dance, even though you were sitting. How you had been so innocent towards everything and everyone and not really knowing who was on your side, nor who was against you. 

Sighing, I layed back against the ground, looking up through the branches at the clear sky. I started to drift towards slumber when I suddenly heard a barking dog and screaming. 

I jerked up and stared through the openings in the branches. Looking out, I saw two girls, one boy, and a dog playing with a frisbee. Moving a couple of branches, I realized that they weren't really screaming. They were actually just playing.

"Stop it!" The girl in pink cried out, crossing her arms and whining. 

The girl and blue shook her head. "It's part of the game! All you have to do is jump and catch the frisbee!" 

The girl in pink frowned some more, but then smiled. "Fine! But after we are done we get to play a game I want to play!" The girl in blue only laughed as she threw the frisbee towards the young boy in green.

"Caught it!!" The girl in pink yelled out, running towards the boy and giggling. "It's your turn to be in the middle!" 

Making a face, the boy whined, "How about that game you wanted to play?" 

The girl giggled and shook her head. "Not yet, come on! Get out there!" The little girl playfully pushed her friend towards the middle, giggling the entire time. 

Shrugging, the boy made his way to the middle and was ready to jump. "Uff!" He yelped as the dog jumped on him. "Spotty! Spotty, stop me!! Aha!" 

The girls started to laugh as they joined the boy in the middle. "Oh, Spotty!" The girl in blue laughed as she helped the boy up. "Hey! I know what we should do! We should go eat some lemon squares!" 

The other two kids jumped in joy as they followed the girl in blue down the street with their dog close behind.

Leaning back into the area, I smiled at what I just saw. Three young kids, two girls and a boy, playing with each other in enjoyment. It sent weird butterflies in my stomach as they reminded me of a few other kids that used to play with each other.

"That was until Amber betrayed you and you left..." I sighed, wishing that things could go back the way they were. Although, being friends with Amber, I could handle without. Mainly what I wanted back was to share that feeling... that feeling of joy that I knew I could never share with anyone else. Only with you...

I snapped back to reality when my phone rang. Answering it, I realized that it was AJ asking me to hurry up and show up at Dongho's. I apologized quickly and hung up. 

Exiting the secret spot, I looked down the street where the kids disappeared to. I smiled again before disappearing and running in my own direction. 



Yay! ^-^ I finally updated :D -happy dancing- x3

Anyways, now that I have this chapter updated I can finally calm down a bit >.<  keke, and I hoped you guys liked this chapter :D 

@PikachuSneeze: basically, 'you' have been back for a year since you left, which was four years ago. And it's actually five years later, and they are 17. If I stated otherwise in my story, please do tell me. To make it easier, 'your' parents died and you had to leave. Four years later, you come back. It's been one year since you have been back. Does that make more sense? Please tell me if it doesn't~~~

That you all for subscribing and enjoying this ^-^ Each comment is like an antidote to my writer's block :D 

P.S. the intense parts are coming :D ....I think >.< kekeke~~

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 27: I really like your story author nim.... good job
Heipaadeg #2
Chapter 28: Awww I really liked your story!!! I wish you good luck in the future. :3 Kevin is so cute^^
kpopfreak210 #3
Chapter 26: KEVIN <3333333
I finally read this after having this bookmarked for so long... Eee! And I'm so glad that I read it! ^__^ (I was actually hoping for some rated stuff in the rated chapter... omgah /bricked) I'm so sorry but I adore Kevin so much... LOL.. Anyway, this was such a wonderfully written story. ^__^ I enjoyed reading all of it! Thank you so much for uploading this!
awwwww~ happy ending and Eli got married too!
and someone was actually Amber? TSKTSKTSK tell me who, i shall nag at her. And punish her
Its great that we kept you going just as how you kept me here on AFF^^
Hwaiting on your other stories! ^^
NOOOO!!! IT'S FINISHED TT__________________TT I was always looking forward to your updates, and I loved it ^^ wow, you really had a y girl in your life to steal your crush/boyfriend away from you? T__________T I would have beat the crap out of her LOL >w<" anyways, I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH!!!! the ending was so cute :') ahh, I think I'll read this again another time ^_^ HWAITING!!!!!!!!!
Cute final :D I really love this :D Was a great story x3 Fighting! :D
starlightdust #8
WAAAAAH its done ;( nice fanfic though ^^
and i feel sorry for you if you had an amber in your life
Hwaiting with the rest of your stories!
cute chapter!
Finally he tells her :D