Chapter 7

Is this Love?-Completed
The blue water roars in front of them.The waves splashed to the sandy shore as Selina look at each waves that touched her feet.She is barefoot now.Her suit messed up and crumpled,her hair in disarray as the cold wind blew,but she didn't care.Her minds is in rumble like a jigsaw puzzles that she cannot solve.

Jiro just stayed with her all quiet ,not saying a word.Himself sitting in the sand,not caring if his pants got dirty or not.He look out at the blue horizon and it seems like the rain is looming for the clouds started to gather now,the gray clouds is starting to move in now.Pretty soon ,they have to go back.And yes like it or not Selina have to face the inevitable that is confronting her husband of what happen today..

He took her in his arms and he could feel his own heartbeat in turmoil as he felt her warmth and smelled her scent.It will be hard to forget this woman he thought.In as much as he wanted Selina to himself,he wanted Selina to kiss and make-up with her husband.Hell,this is marriage we are talking about,no I don't think I will want to cross that boundary.That sacred pledge that two people have made.No he does not want to be in the middle of that.And Samantha,they have little Samantha to think about....

"Selina ,we have to go"Jiro said,as he got up and brushed off the sands that cling to his pants.

Selina came back from her thoughts and it surprised her that Jiro called her in her first name and somehow,it sounds so nice and soothing which she cannot imagine possible.She looked up at him as he offered his hands to help her up.

"Thank you"Selina said."Yeah,we have to go." as she walked back.

Selina went back to the office and collected her things and went home.The house is so still and quiet.Samantha is still in her ballet class and it is Alex turn to picked her up.She showered and changed and have dinner ready before they arrive.

After an hour,Father and daughter arrived and Samantha was running with a giggle as Alex followed behind her.He was surprised to see her early and all dressed and the dinner ready.No signs of anger in her face.Alex was surprised,no angry notes,but then she refused to look him in the eyes,which means there will be something more,sometime.

He kissed her on the cheeks and went upstairs to their room.No words are ever spoken.He felt uneasy,it is better if Selina would just blurt out all her anger and her feelings than this artificial facade that she is playing.

They have dinner together.Selina attentive and loving to Samantha until she tucked her in bed.She went to their room where Alex was watching TV.Selina walked in and turned it off and look at Alex straight in his eyes without battling an eyelash.He never felt so afraid in his life....He does not know that Selina can evoke such is only a lunch date...what if it is more.Alex thought.I will be dead for sure...I'm very dead...

Alex have to explain every detail of how he end up having lunch with Cindy to Selina.Although,he did not add the little flirting that goes with it.Cindy is a beautiful girl and it give him some confidence when he learned that he can still attract woman,especially of that caliber.

But Selina is no fool either,she have seen the girl's eyes on her and on his husband and she is ready for a prey and the object of that is her husband.She must be foolish to think that I will just tolerate it and I'll make it easy for her.She will have it coming....I knew my husband inside and out and I will use that to win the battle...Poor Cindy..she got no chance,Selina thought....

And Alex in as much as he wants to ask Selina about the young guy she was with,he kept his mouth shut.No it will be disaster to confront Selina today,for sure it will backfire to him.Better be quiet about it.Hell,I hate her when she is like this,she was always on the upper hand....That is why you married her in the first place,Alex thought and he smiled and took a deep breathe.

Fan fic in progress:
>Perfect World- Jiro ,Hebe and Selina.

You're The Only Place in My Heart-Jiro and Hebe

Completed Stories:
>Reality Bites-Jiro and Selina,Arron and Hebe

Love Awakening-Jiro and Rainie,Arron and Hebe

Will Repost with changes
>Love Undefined-Jiro and Selina,Arron and Hebe,Calvin and Angela,and Genie and Danson...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
saludlang #4
yes it is!!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5