New York City

Is this Love?-Completed

The trip from Taiwan to New York City seems forever.They were many turbulence and air pockets along the way.But Jiro could not care and could not feel anything.All his thoughts were on Selina,the girl he left behind.He did not know that he cried on his sleep,as he felt the tears on his cheeks as he wiped it.His heart is heavy like he was living in a nightmare and he wants very much to wake up and get out of this situation.

He finally arrived in JFK airport ,as he saw his cousin Nathan to meet him as he waved his hand.The airport is crowded with a lot of different kind of people,.People from all races meets in here.He have never seen such mixture of people all in one place.

His cousin who has been living in the States since he was five,still can speak Mandarin but with different accent and Jiro have a good laugh just trying to understand him.And his cousin having a good time understanding his Chinese English .He thinks his accent is cute.

He met his Aunt and Uncle,Nathan's parents and some more distant relatives as they arrived in the house.Everybody seems to be a big happy family.He was surprised to see them all.

Jiro will be staying in his Aunt only for couple of days and then he is going to moved in an apartment near his school.He is going to attend New York University School of Business and hopefully finished what he have intended to do and go back to Taiwan to run their own business.His Dad have provided him well in order to further his studies.

At night Jiro looked around in the neighborhood as he looked around and take a walk.Everything seems to be so new,even the weather is different.Spring is almost over and soon Summertime is here.Somehow,he does not have anything to look forward to now,there is nothing to look forward to....

The next day,Nathan went with him in school as they took the subway.He taught him how to take public transport which is often used in the city and showed him the important spot around the city.

NYU stood right in the city.They called it downtown,there is uptown,midtown and downtown.You won't get lost here for the streets are just numbers and so is the avenue,only when you go to Soho and Chinatown area will you get lost.

The 9/11 memorial stood for the lives that were lost,for the hatred,for revenge and for the difference that was never accepted for.Forever there will be pain in the heart of their loved ones.The Chinatown,the Little Italy,Soho,Fifth Avenue,where the affluent and the thing that they stand for exist.The Central Park,The Metropolitan Museum,The Rockefeller Plaza,The South Street Seaport,The Broadway,so many things to do and see.But nothing can excite Jiro more than the sight of the girl he left behind.

The next day,he moved to his new place.The apartment is just a block away from school.It is not big or spacious.It is a small room with a little kitchen and a small receiving room.He was on the upper floor.He can see the people and can breathe out in his small verandah.

He only have the basic things.His bed ,a sofa a table for his computer and a chair and a small dining set good for two people.Whatever he needs he will buy it later on.As he said goodbye to his Aunt and his cousin Nathan.Nathan promised to visit him whenever he is free and he will hook him up with a pretty girl.Jiro only smiled.

After he got himself settled in his room,Jiro felt the pang of loneliness again.He thought the pain will get better but it is getting worst as time goes on.He missed home as he took his phone and dialed home.He spoke to his Mom and Dad and thank them for everything.His Mom cried on the phone, missing him too much.Jiro cried too.....

He also called his friends.He called Arron but he was with Hebe so he can't talk much and Chun is with a date and Calvin is not answering his phone,he must have forgotten it again somewhere.He still have the number of Selina and he was tempted to call her,he wants to hear her voice,maybe just hearing her voice will ease out his pain,but he have to keep his promise,let her start anew with her family,without me bothering her.I just want her to be happy.God,just make Selina happy.....I'll take the pain as long as Selina and Samantha are both tears start falling again...



If I Should Love Again

Oh my love
You were the only one
Now you're gone and I'm alone
All my friends
They say what done is done
I pretend but deep inside I know
If I should love again
If I find someone new
It would make believe
For in my heart it would be you
And though I hold her close
And want her now and then
I still be loving you
If I should love again
All day long
I keep remembering
All the night I think of you
All my life you'll be the song I sing
I'll get by ,but this I swear is true
If I should love again
If I find someone new
It would be make believe
For in my heart,it would be you
And though I hold you close
And want her now and then
I still be loving you
If I should love again

Just in case,you want to read the alternate ending in this story.I posted it in my other fan fiction
Random-Stories,Music & Thoughts...

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
saludlang #4
yes it is!!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5