After The Loving

Is this Love?-Completed
The trip back home was the most heart breaking for both Jiro and Selina.As Selina stepped out of Jiro's car and looked at him for the last time,she felt like her whole world collapsed,that she does not have a reason to live anymore.Tears after tears poured in as she drove back home.Thanks goodness,Alex is not even home.He left a message on their machine that he will be spending night somewhere.Selina was so numb to care and to think.She just felt her own pain as she cried.She never get any sleep at all.

She was taking a shower when her phone rang,as soon as she stepped out of her bathroom,there was Alex with a disshiveled look."That was Laura's Mom,Samantha is on her way back." Alex said.

Selina did not even looked at his face.She went down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and Samantha is coming home soon.She heard Alex in the bathroom taking a shower after her.He was so quiet today and he have a guilty look in his face.She wondered if he did it with Cindy.She does not care anymore.She stopped caring for all it's worth.

Just after she prepared breakfast,Samantha was home already,and she got loads of stories to tell Selina and Alex.Selina force a smile and Alex laughed at all Samantha's jokes.They were like a happy family,if only from the outside.

Monday comes and Selina is more sane now.She still cries at times when she thinks of Jiro,but that was all behind her now.She have to stop thinking about him,the sooner the better.

Michelle gave her a weird look when her hair was back on the updo again.She looks a matured and more stern looking now.She smiled at her friend and she smiled back but it is not there.She was wondering if the changes in her is something to do with a certain Mr.Jiro Wang.

Selina keeps looking around and she felt jumpy all day,she keeps hoping that his face will just popped out somewhere like he usually do.But she was disappointed after the day when she never saw the guy with that certain smile.I guess that will be the end for both of them as promised.

Jiro on the other hand,was in the building but dared not to go outside their conference room.He might be tempted to go up and see Selina,which will be going against her wishes.He just want this week done and then he will stay away from her for good.

Weeks went by,followed by months and then finally it is graduation time for Jiro.His friends attended his graduation with Chun,Arron and Calvin.He started dating again but somehow he lost the feeling for it ,until he finally gave up.

He still thinks of Selina now and then and sometimes when he is walking around in the mall,he wished he can see her there by chance,but he never saw her again.He never ventured near her place,that will be too dangerous.He never trust himself again to be near her.His friends knew about Selina,but the only thing that they knew was that he fell in love with his Boss ,and they never knew that Selina loved him back.They don't need to know,that will be our little secret,a secret between Selina and Me,Jiro thought.

In a month time he will be leaving for States to study and he decided to stay there until he finished his Master degree.Everything is set up already,he just need to go there.He used to get excited about the idea,but now it does not seem to matter.In fact,he dreaded it for the chance of seeing Selina is nil and he will be farther from his friends who have been his solace since then.

Her Mom have set up a graduation party for him.As they went to a restaurant with his friends and their girlfriends and his family which is his Mom and his Dad. Only Jiro is the one without a girlfriend,and it made her Mom worry,but then he will be leaving soon anyway.

After the party,the guys were left on their own as they celebrate and drank to their hearts delight without their girlfriends.They were talking and joking around.

"So Arron,when are you getting married?"Jiro asked.'You have to let me know ahead of time so I can come home."

"You have to go home for you will be my best man"Arron said."I still have to iron out some details with Hebe."

"I know Chun is not getting married till I come back right?" Jiro said."I guess we will never know with Chun."

"Come on ,I have been a good boy lately."Chun said."Give me credit for staying with one girl for three months."

"Big deal,Chun."Calvin in"You want to bet,if you can stay with the same girl for a year,then it is something."

"Deal,I can stay with the same girl for one year" Chun said."You're on,and what is it for me?"

"How about twenty grand?"Calvin said."No make it fifty"

"Uhmmm you're on"Chun said."What if I marry the girl after a year?"

"Uhmm,I'll pay for your wedding."Jiro said."That will be the day"

""Alright,I will have fifty grand and a full expense paid wedding.ha ha ha"Chun said laughing."Not bad"

"And if you lose,you are going to pay for my wedding." Jiro said.

"Good,I still can save if ever I lose,for I know it will take years before you forget you're lady Boss."Chun said.

Jiro looked at him,like Chun have hit a nerve somewhere. Chun felt sorry for even mentioning her,as he bit his tongue and Arron gave him a warning look.Jiro stood up as he took a walk.Arron,Calvin and Chun looked at each other.

As Jiro walked out and took a breather,and he was thinking about Selina,he saw a familiar face from somewhere,it is Alex and there was a girl in his arms and it is not Selina,it is the same girl that he saw in the Japanese restaurant.Alex was holding her,his arms around her as he kissed her in her lips.Jiro stared in disbelief,as he cried at the sight.Selina must be hurting now,that is all Jiro can think about.Alex is fooling around with another girl,while Selina is alone by herself.Anger rose to him but he have to control himself.He have no right anyway,no right at all.Poor selina ,he can only cry for her.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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saludlang #4
yes it is!!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5