Chapter 15

Is this Love?-Completed
On the weekend Selina was in daze.She found herself thinking more and more of Jiro.Like his image is everywhere and he keeps on following her.The memory of last night still lingered on, and somehow his scent seems to stay with her.

The silence in the house did not help her either.Samantha is still in her friends house and won't be back until tomorrow. Alex came home as always at wee hour in the morning and left after breakfast for a round of golf with his friends.Selina did not bother to ask what time he will be coming back.

She started working chores in the house ,doing the laundry and cleaning up.In the afternoon she was all done and there is nothing to do but do some food shopping and remembered her car was left in the office parking lot.She decided to take a taxi and get the car in the lot.

Just as she was thinking about it,her phone rang and it is Jiro.Her heart start to beat faster.She wants to ignore it but part of her want to answer his call,and her feelings get the better of her as she flipped her phone.

"Hello,Selina,"Jiro started"I am sorry,I forgot that we left your car in the lot yesterday,I was wondering if you got it already,and if you need a ride to picked it up"

"No it is okay,I was just on my way to get it now,I am just going to take a cab to pick it up."Selina answered.

"Why don't I picked you up and I will drive you there"Jiro said.

"No,it is alright,you don't have to do that."Selina said. "Anyway I have some errands to do after that."

"No I will just pick you up,don't call the cab anymore,I will be there in a seconds."and with that Jiro hung up.

Selina got no choice but to wait for him.She is getting anxious,or whatever feeling she have right now.She can never understand herself anymore nowadays.She should stop seeing and communicating with him outside the business arena but he keeps popping around and it seems like he filled the void of whatever is missing in her life right now.

In few minutes ,Jiro arrived and Selina went with him.Both were quiet and anxious like something is in the air.I have to stop seeing him like this,Selina thought.This is getting to be so dangerous.She took a couple of deep breathe like she could not get enough air.her hands are trembling.She wished she was in the security of her office or home,far from him where he is out of reach.

Jiro was also feeling tensed and apprehensive.He wondered if she remembered the kiss and even felt it.She did not say a thing.She just accepted it,no anger but silence. he does not know what she is thinking.He could not quite understand.He felt the tension between them.Somehow she look nervous,more like afraid of what ,he does not know .He saw the color on her cheeks and the sparkle in her eyes when she saw her.If only I can take her in my arms for that moment,I would have done that,even for once....

The ride to the office seems so short.Jiro wished for the first time that the office will be hundreds of miles away so he can be with his dear Selina for a longer time.Just being near her is enough for now...although he found himself wanting she let Selina off and he drove back home.If only I can hold her for once....

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Dailycommenter #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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Visiting old fics!
saludlang #4
yes it is!!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5