Chapter 11

Is this Love?-Completed
As expected Jiro was late for work.He almost ran to his desk so that nobody will notice his lateness.It is going to be two strike in a row for him.First was missing in action from work yesterday after walking away and today for tardiness.Somehow it will not seat good on his evaluation.

Just as he was seating on his chair,he heard Calvin called out to him."Hey you Wang boy,Jiro,the lady boss wants you in her office as soon as possible.What happened to you yesterday?"

"Oh I have a family emergency,I was unable to call."as Jiro lied and felt so guilty afterwards.

"You have to go now."Calvin said."I wonder what you have with the Lady Boss.You seemed closer to her than any other trainee here before.I was just wondering."

Jiro just smiled and shook his head.Calvin does not know what he is talking about as he got up and went to Selina's office.He found Michelle in her desk as she smiled at him sweetly when he came near.

"They said Sel...Mrs. Wang wants me"Jiro said.

Michelle laughed"Yes she wants you,"putting a double meaning in his words.Jiro's face colored at her words.He does not understand what is going on today.First it is Calvin and now Michelle.It does not suit good on Selina's image.They should stop doing that,he thought.

"You can go inside now."Michelle said.

Jiro went in and there she was,still lovely as ever.Her hair is loose today like when he remembered her in the beach.It was long and dark and shiny and suddenly he have the urge to touch her long dark hair.She look up from her paper and his heart raced when he looked at her eyes.He quickly pulled it away,less she will read what is inside.

"Good Morning Mam,you need me for today?"Jiro asked.

"Not really ,I just want to ask you what happen yesterday ?"
Selina asked."Somebody told me,you were out yesterday."

"I have a family emergency."Jiro said.He really felt guilty now,after lying the second time for today.

"You should have called,company policy,you should notify people if you are not coming to work."Selina continued."So is everything alright at home?"

Jiro nodded ,not trusting himself and not knowing what to say to her."Is that all?"he asked.

"And you were late today."Selina said."I hope it doesn't happen anymore."

"Yes Mam."Jiro said."I'm not gonna be late and missing from work anymore."somehow his tone make him laughed and Selina laughed with him too.

"You sound like chastised kid."Selina said."I thought only Samantha do that."Selina added.

"Anyway are you sure you are alright,if you need an ear,just let me know.You were there for me when I need you.The only thing I can do is to be there for you too,okay."Selina said.

Jiro nodded."Thanks,I will remember that" as he turned and left.....

Michelle called out to him as he was leaving."Jiro are you going to lunch soon?"

"No ,I just got here and I have things to do today.I might skip lunch today to make up."Jiro answered."Why?"

"No I was just wondering,if I can go to lunch with you because Selina have a lunch meeting today.And I hate going to lunch alone."Michelle said.

"Oh I am sorry"Jiro said."But I really have to finish the broadsheet that I am working on,if not Calvin will be pissed if I don't finished it today."

"Alright,there will be next time then."Michelle said with disappointment in her voice.

Jiro nodded as he walked away.

The whole day was consumed with work and work for Jiro.He did not know that Calvin dumped his work on him.Once Calvin learned his capabilities,he has been giving part of his work to him.Jiro does not mind the work,at least it will keep his mind off from Selina.

Days that followed,he seldom have any interaction with Selina.He just saw her in the hallway sometimes,in the elevator and in the parking lot as she was pulling out her car or coming in.Aside from that no other communication have transpired between them.He misses her a lot but thinking about it,it is best this way,he thought.

One Sunday afternoon,Jiro got out of the house bored to his wits end,and his friends busy with their girl friends.So he decided to get out and went to the mall,looking for some music pieces and CD's.

As he was walking around browsing,he saw Selina with Samantha.There it was Mother and Daughter holding hands,hanging together.Jiro stared at them and he smiled .They looked so beautiful together,just like Madonna and the Child.He found himself walking to them.

Selina saw him and smiled."So what are you doing here?Doing some shopping?"Selina asked.Samantha looking at him with a smile.

"Oh hello Uncle Jiro."Samantha said."Can you go with me in the Kid Place?My mom does not want me to go because nobody will watch me.So can you watch me?"

Jiro smiled at her as he bend down to pat her head."Sure I'll watch you."Jiro answered.

"Samantha,that is not nice,asking people to do things for you."Selina said."He might be doing something now."

"No really,I am done,I was just looking for some music pieces but they don't have it and the CD are out of stock.I have nothing else to do.I can watch her if you have to go somewhere."Jiro said.

"No,it is alright,she can go there next time.I have to look for a gift for somebody and we really don't have time to stop and play today."Selina said.

"Why don't you go and look for the gift and leave Samantha with me.I can watch her for you.I think Sam and I will have a good time,won't we,Sam?"Jiro asked.

"Are you sure?"Selina asked."I am not taking away your precious time ?"

Jiro nodded."Come on Sam,let us go and we will leave you Mom alone so she can enjoy her shopping time."Jiro said and lead Sam to the Kid Place.

Selina look at them together.Jiro is so good with little kids and she thinks Samanthat took a liking of him..She smiled at their sight together.Somehow she felt a sense of happiness seeing them together.She does not know why.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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saludlang #4
yes it is!!
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #5