Delivery boy


Rated M.



Delivery boy



“Hey, do you think we should order something for dinner?”

The grunt Seungyoon receives from the couch sounds more or less like a yes - if you’re willing enough to consider that inarticulate sound human. Seungyoon drags himself toward the fridge, dullness making him clumsier than he already is. When he hits the corner of their dining table and howls in pain, Taehyun scoffs at him, “the table, right?”, and Seungyoon holds back a not so nice curse as small tears well in his eyes.

After his pain subsides and Taehyun hurries him with another grunt, Seungyoon start studying the wall of colored flyers hanging on the fridge. He picks the first one on the left. “Chinese?”

“We had it Sunday, after we ran away from Jinwoo hyung’s party faking that… what it was-”

“I had to work Monday morning”.

“Right. We did it for a good cause”.

Seungyoon isn’t sure if the sudden craving for Chinese and then the even more out-of-the-blue impossibility to resist the other one - which led to almost having in a cab - is a good cause, but for once he doesn’t point it out and just goes along. Second flyer. “Indonesian?”

“Your obsession with nasi goreng has to stop, Kang Seungyoon-ssi, or you’ll soon turn in a ball of rice and I’ll have to eat you” - Taehyun’s voice sounds so innocent, a hint of slight annoyance right under the thick layers of plain boredom, but Seungyoon finds himself grinning like an idiot.

“Would you… eat me?”

“Maybe pizza would suffice”. Taehyun ignores him smoothly, or at least this is what Seungyoon thinks, but without being able to see his face - whether he’s smirking or not after that implication - he can’t be sure. He sets aside any symptom he’s now having, from his dry mouth to his heart bumping loudly in his ears at the idea of Taehyun eating him, and tries to find the flyer of that italian pizzeria Taehyun loves to bits, without success.


“On the right, under the plumber’s number”.

“It’s not here”.

“Look better, it’s next the brazilian one”.

Seungyoon isn’t that surprised when he finds what he is looking for; even less, of Taehyun being able to know exactly what he wants and replying even before Seungyoon asks him something. It’s a thing that has started some months ago, between their first anniversary and their moving in this flat for two.

He gets closer to the couch and smiles at Taehyun, who just keeps his eyes focused on the book he’s recently hooked on. “So… what would you like to order?”


It’s been twenty-minutes, thirty-seconds and a bunch of instants since Seungyoon ordered his pepperoni pizza (and some strange ham-something for Taehyun - “It’s San Daniele, not random ham, it’s PDO”, he has said, but for Seungyoon everything is the same) and he’s actually starting to get annoyed.

Taehyun sits beside him, his book in his right hand and Seungyoon’s thigh under his left one. Seungyoon has tried to get distracted with his smartphone, at first, but after scrolling down his instagram homepage and cringing at some photos on his facebook, he has decided that he had enough. He has hummed the song he’s working on this last week, but this made him even more frustrated. Then he has read a page of Taehyun’s book, leaning on his shoulder to catch what was happening in the novel, but after half a page of ship names and military stuff, he has given up.

And now he’s here, staring at Taehyun.

“If you’re bored, you could watch tv”.

“Don’t you think we’ve waited enough? I should call them to see where the they’ve lost our pizzas”, he doesn’t sound that convincing, as he’s half-distracted by the sharpness of Taehyun’s jaw and that small lovely mole he has on left cheek not so far from his mouth, and his voice sounds more compliant than he wishes.  

Taehyun chuckles and glances at him quickly, then goes back to his book. Seungyoon frowns. “Don’t tell me you really care about this David something and his ships”.

“Sir Davos and King Stannis’ ships”.

“Nevermind. I should really call them, I’m getting hungry”.

“Come on, it’s not been too long”, Taehyun is usually the impatient one and Seungyoon can’t help but settle down for a while, when Taehyun talks to him like that. He sighs and leans back on the couch, quivering a little under Taehyun’s touch, his fingers running on his thigh lazily, heedlessly, while he keeps reading his book.

Jeez, Seungyoon isn’t sure anymore of what he’s craving for. Pepperoni or Taehyun, either way he’s not sure he’ll be able to hold back for much more.


Twenty-seven-minutes, ten-seconds after Seungyoon has ordered their pizza and Taehyun’s book is set aside impatiently.

“This is the first time Mario makes us wait for this long”, Taehyun hisses, tapping his fingers on Seungyoon’s thighs without even noticing, frustration growing inside him.

Seungyoon nods and sighs.


Thirty-two-minutes, forty-five-seconds and Seungyoon’s urge is way too evident to hide it up.

He goes up, running away from Taehyun and his sneaky hand on his thigh - jesus, if he wants to play the innocent one, or the oh-so-pompous intellectual one with his books of a one-thousand-and-an-apple pages, then he should quit being this y and turning him on at his slight move - and he drinks a glass water in a hope he won’t have a dry mouth anymore. He wishes it was enough.

“I am not gonna pay those pizzas, you know”.

“Come on, don’t be an ”, Seungyoon places his hands on the dining table, dipping his head and sighing in frustration.

Taehyun laughs at him and Seungyoon thinks he probably knows exactly what’s going on his mind, because the next moment he’s up and reaches him in the small kitchen area.

“What?” Seungyoon dares him to say it out loud. Taehyun looks in to his eyes, a smug smile making him even handsomer. “Nothing”.

He doesn’t really want to let Seungyoon win and Seungyoon is even more frustrated, now that he can easily see how annoyance has been replaced by another kind of flaring emotion in Taehyun’s eyes and Taehyun’s body obviously wants him as much as he does.

“Want to spend our time in a better way?”, Seungyoon gives in, yet not quite. Taehyun comes closer, an evident question lighting up his face. Seungyoon knows the answer already, there is no need for words.

He reaches for Taehyun’s face with his hand and cups his cheek, his skin softly, teasingly. “I mean, I guess you’re hungry”.

“I’m starving”.

“And you said you could eat me”.
“Just if you’re a ball of rice rolling up and down this room, all white and smooth-”

“That sounds so wrong”.

“It isn’t that wrong in my mind.”

“Well, anyway, this is not the time to question your sanity. You know, I am quite hungry too”.

Taehyun  flashes a smile at him. “Seungyoon, stop trying to be cool and ask for it”.

Ah. This brat, Seungyoon thinks as his fingers stop brushing his cheek. Always trying to be the one in command, the smart one, the cool one; but after all of that, the impatient kid he always is, needy and heated and hungry - for so much more than that damned ham with unlikely fancy names -; the one who needs him more that he wants to admit.

Seungyoon smiles at him. Sure, ask for it. “I think you’ll be the one begging”. Taehyun just laughs, getting even closer, pressing his body on Seungyoon, but that’s when Seungyoon steps back, halting when he meets the table. “I mean it”, he says as he sits on the table and stops Taehyun from coming closer, raising a feet between them. “You shouldn’t be this eager, you know, shouldn’t I be the one asking for it?”

Seungyoon ps his pants and slides them off on his bare legs, struggling at the ankles for few seconds, giggling at the certainty of Taehyun staring at him right now. The silence in the room is getting thicker and heavier by any moment and Seungyoon can feel his skin burning right under Taehyun’s glare.

So obvious - he shouldn’t play like he’s the cool one, when he so easily gets silent after his boyfriend starts stripping before him. Seungyoon smiles and looks at him. Taehyun stares back and swallows.

Seungyoon is still keeping his legs close and his t-shirt is long enough to cover his lower belly sufficiently, but he can see the struggle in Taehyun’s eyes right away.

“So what?”, Taehyun scoffs, in an attempt to act normal. Seungyoon doesn’t want to be too obnoxious and remind him that those pajama pants he’s wearing aren’t enough to hide anything - and that’s why Seungyoon likes them so much and bought that set for Taehyun at first, because they are even better on the b-side, wrapping his more than nicely.

“I don’t know”, he plays the nonchalant card, looking around like he’s bored. “I think I’m so hot because I’m way too angry for this delay. They shouldn’t play around with their affectionate clients”, he fans himself, pouting and frowning, “it makes my blood boil - I can’t take this anymore”. He takes his shirt off, revealing the rest of his body. He spread his legs a bit, his hard-on throbbing in excitement as he catches Taehyun peeking at him.

Seungyoon sighs, grabbing the bottle of water on the table and opening its lid. “I need a refill”, he complains, spreading his legs a tad more, almost chuckling as Taehyun gulps, frozen in his spot. “I think I’ll jump on the delivery man and ask him for a refund. This hunger can’t be placated by a cold, glutinous pizza. I need something more… substantial”, Seungyoon drinks from the bottle, few droplets running down his neck and chest. He can see Taehyun shaking in his place.

“I hope he’s good enough”, Seungyoon fantasies, the neck of the bottle to get some drops he has lost, “for I’m not easily satisfied”.

“Jesus… Kang Seungyoon”, and the way Taehyun says his name is almost a plea. Seungyoon looks at him, daring him to talk. “You’re so, so needy. Get a hold on yourself”.

Seungyoon shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t need that. I much prefer someone holding me, thank you very much”.

Taehyun groans, still too proud to give in and go for it. Seungyoon wonders if he’ll even get his precious hair cut for his flamboyant pride. That’s something he doesn’t understands - for Seungyoon knows his own limits and whether he should be proud or not, depending on the situation, without blindly ranting around and never bending to the different circumstances like Taehyun does. But it’s him, is favourite dongsaeng, so he can’t really blame Taehyun for anything in the world.

Yet, this is getting too long and he’s actually starting to feel cold.

“This is a shame, Taehyun”, he says, raising one of his legs to his chest, aware of how his briefs aren’t really that subtle. Actually, nothing about Seungyoon has ever been subtle, but that’s another story. “I’m pretty sure you’ve some quality PDO hidden there, but I guess the delivery boy must suffice. In times of war…”

And then Taehyun scoffs and reaches him, pressing his whole body on Seungyoon in a quick move. “What are…”

“You even implying?”, Seungyoon fills in. “Hey, I know you have a nice assets in there, but maybe it’s time for a change. You know, I love to taste new things from time to tim-”, he groans as Taehyun grinds on him.

Finally, the pressure and friction that Seungyoon needed. That they both needed - Taehyun snuggles in the crook of his neck, breathing unevenly, his lips flying on his skin as he marks him lightly, nibbling him whilst his hands roams on his chest and settle on his hips. “Don’t you dare say you would like to taste someone who’s not me”.

So naive and young, even if Seungyoon is older by just few months. That’s what Seungyoon loves of him. The way he always plays the cold one, but he’s actually the most passionate of the two of them. The way he always acts like he doesn’t need anything in the world - because he’s above everything around him - but he can’t live without Seungyoon.

And the way he’s so jealous of him, when Seungyoon is just playing, teasing, making him do what he really wants.

“I guess you’re angry for our pizzas, just like me”, Seungyoon chuckles. “What, didn’t you like my story? Don’t you wanna know what I could do to the delivery boy? Imagine my long fingers up his a-”, he moans loudly when Taehyun bites his skin, digging his teeth in his neck, his tongue lapping that spot as he it between his lips. Seungyoon closes his eyes and hugs him with his arms, rocking his hips against Taehyun’s .

“I - am”, Taehyun slides his hands on Seungyoon’s , squeezing his cheeks with his fingers, “freaking furious. Fuming”.

“Wrecked by all that anger”, Seungyoon his earlobe and it, humming as he does so. Taehyun pushes him on the table, making his back hit the surface. His hands are now trying to bare Seungyoon completely, and after two failed attempts, he manages to catch the waistline of his briefs and pull them down and down until Seungyoon is free of any cloth.

That’s when Seungyoon drapes his legs around Taehyun’s waist and pulls him closer. Taehyun just grabs his thighs and spread his legs further, getting down to kiss his . “You talked so much about how I wanted to eat you… well, I guess it’s true”, he whispers on his skin, as his tongue twirls around the head of his , his hand closed on its base to keep it still. Seungyoon’s breath gets ragged, and he whimpers when Taehyun’s finger enter him and he eats half his with his mouth.

“I’m still-”, he moans, Taehyun is one of his balls, his hand his up and down in a rhythm that Seungyoon doesn’t know whether to call angelic or demonic, “very angry and hungry. Hangry. Whatever”.

“I guess you can’t smart talk when I’m working on you”.

“You must be proud of your effect on me”, Seungyoon gives in just a little, but Taehyun beams in happiness even if he tries to hide it by putting another finger inside Seungyoon, distracting him. He curls and moves inside him, making Seungyoon arch on the table and curse at him.

“You have no idea of how much”, he cracks a smug smile, satisfied. “No one else should see you this way - all spread out and flushed and needy and-”

Seungyoon gets up to shut him up with a kiss. He bites Taehyun’s lips to get his tongue inside his mouth and twirls, tastes, discovers every corner of him as Taehyun’s fingers make him shake in anticipation. He grabs his hair, lingering in that kiss, happiness spreading inside him as he feels Taehyun under his lips and his tongue tangling with his own in a fight no one wants to end.

He brings him down with him and they stay like that, kissing and kissing until Seungyoon grabs Taehyun’s neglected and still-clothed and it quite eagerly. Taehyun gets free of his pants and boxers in a blink of an eye and settle between his cheeks, rubbing right on his entrance. Seungyoon smiles and pulls his legs up, keeping them still with his arms, opening to Taehyun, welcoming him.

Taehyun doesn’t need any other invitation and slips inside him. Seungyoon lets out a moan of pleasure, and Taehyun gets down to kiss his throat and then his jaw, his lips, his nose, his eyes, his lips again. As he slides his tongue inside his mouth, he moves inside him slowly. Seungyoon groans out loud, his breathing catching in his throat as Taehyun pulls and pushes, pounding inside him.

Seungyoon likes to be noisy - he’s the talkative one, between them, and he’s the one who sometimes feels the need to fill up their silence; even more, he’s the one who screams under the sheets - but this time Taehyun accompanies him, snarling and groaning along Seungyoon’s moans as he s inside him.

He must have felt truly annoyed at some point, Taehyun thinks, if he’s enjoying this so much - or mostly, he must have wanted this even more that he wants to admit.

Seungyoon clings on his , shifting his legs so he can push his heels on Taehyun’s , making him go deeper and deeper inside him. He can’t really think anymore, not properly, not when Taehyun is there inside him - his blood boiling in his veins, for sure, but not for frustration, and his breath dying in his throat, while he’s burning way too much to even function. A wave of incredible pleasure washes every other thought and he’s just in there, in the small bubble made of him and Taehyun, their sweaty bodies, Taehyun’s scent, Taehyun’s hitting right there, inside him, and driving him crazy - Taehyun and he, joined together.

Increasing his pace and panting on his chest, Taehyun uses his last glimpse of rationality to grab Seungyoon’s his and it, bringing him closer to his orgarsm. He pounds and pounds inside him, calling his name louder while Seungyoon says his, and then a last finishes him. Seungyoon follows him in a second, his hands scratching his back right under his t-shirt, while he hums weakly, the making him silent at last.

Taehyun falls over him, deadly tired all at once. He pants, his eyes wide open as he looks at Seungyoon without really seeing him, his hand his hair like he usually does. His affection showing even when absentminded.

Seungyoon curls over him with all his body, his legs wrapped over his hips and his arms thrown around his neck. He kisses Taehyun’s temple softly, once, twice, so many times.

They’re finally quiet and serene.

Then their doorbell rings.


“ing Christ”.

Seungyoon chuckles, elated, and Taehyun can’t help but giggle with him. He tries to disentangle himself from Seungyoon, but oh-god it’s so hard, especially when Seungyoon doesn’t want to let him go. “Might be our pizzas, at last”.

“I should be the one welcoming the delivery boy, then”, Seungyoon sets him free from his embrace and gets up quickly, but his legs gives in and he finds himself leaning on the table, “, Nam Taehyun, you beast”.

“See?”, Taehyun grins widely, so proud and satisfied with himself that Seungyoon just wants to punch him, “I must be the one who meets this phantomatic delivery boy and makes him go away as soon as possible”.

He grabs his pants and puts them on swiftly, sticking his tongue out to Seungyoon. “I should have bite that off”, Seungyoon mutters, still beaming at him nevertheless.

Taehyun hurries to the door and springs it open. He’s way more than puzzled when he sees his neighbor, Lee Seunghoon, standing there in the hallway, two pizza boxes in his hand and a smug smile tugging his lips happily.

“Oh… Lee Seunghoon-ssi, hi”, Taehyun stutters.

Seunghoon smiles at him, cheerfully, and that makes Taehyun even more uncomfortable. “They delivered your dinner to the wrong number. You see, you’re apartment 707 and i’m 708 so they must have messed up with the address and ended up at my door, searching for a certain Kang Seungyoon. You should give me 20 bucks, by the way”.

“Oh. Oh sure”, Taehyun just says, grabbing for his wallet.

“I hope they’re still warm. I wanted to come before but… I guess you were busy”, he blinks at him, “so yeah, a minute in the microwave should be enough”.

Seunghoon always talks like he knows something no else knows yet, cunning and wit as he is - like he can see right through you without even trying. But this time Taehyun guesses he has firsthand information to talk like that. Which means…

He pays him and thanks him profusely, even managing to smile at him when he just wants to dig a hole for himself and lay in there, and finally rushes to the kitchen, where Seungyoon is waiting for him, still gloriously .

“Would you please cover up, we have to eat”.

“What? Why?”, Seungyoon smirks at him. Taehyun sighs at himself as he finds him so attractive, his hair damp and his cheeks flushed for the they had, and his lips red and swollen for all the kisses he has stolen from him. Taehyun looks away. “Come on, tell me”.

“The neighbor heard us having and I want to disappear at this very moment”, he rushes his words, hoping this will save them from the embarrassment of reality.

“Oh”, Seungyoon is startled. Then he laughs, taking their pizzas from his hands. “This is nothing that good food can’t fix”.

Taehyun looks at him in disbelief.

Seungyoon just quirks his lips and giggles a little more. “Come on, let’s eat”.

For Taehyun, no matter how much time they spend together, Seungyoon is somehow still a mystery.








This is so random and silly and pwp. It's all Jiani's fault for sending me this prompt  and mentioning Kangnam + Seunghoon as neighbor. Well, thank you very much (LOL). And... this song literally accompanied me all day long as I wrote it, so yeah it's important (nah, I'm just spamming Taeil). 

(By the way, Taehyun is reading to A clash of kings)

Thank you so much, you all <3

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Nam4Kang #1
please make more kangnam stor, you;re such a good writer
Nam4Kang #2
please make more kangnam stor, you;re such a good writer
Chapter 19: What can I say? I just loved this collection of KangNam moments, how you go from a sweet love, to a lustful love, and then the pain, the longing, the problemas, and then the confort, the love, and the cumplicity.

I just loved this collection so much, they were amazing, and It inspired me <3 Thank you for this author-nim!
angel_YGbaby #4
Chapter 7: This chapter is sooo good!
The part where Taehyun & Seungyoon explain to Hyesung things about love is so perfect!
teripotz #5
Chapter 6: You write so good! Every story is written well!
Chapter 18: T.T this is so good,you’ve written it soo well!
My heart was aching during their confrontation. Ahhhh!! Taehyun is right,Seungyoon needs to think about himself as well. This is giving me so much feels ♡♡

Fighting Gaia!!
Chapter 18: jhsdjkfhskdjfhskdjfhks Finally i have time to write my comment here, as you know i love this fic so much, with all mu heart, yes with my heart on my hand and without breathing! thatsw me, i just re-read it and i have a knot on my stomcach! akjshsjdkaj How taehyun wanted m,ore of Seungyoon, he just wanted his leader being selfish, for himself, for taehyun, for both. ahhhh i'm rolling on th floor right now. Seriously, your words are amazing, and WOW i was witness of how your brain works. YOU ARE A GENIUS, *-* idk if this commment will represent how i feel, and how i felt while i wa reading it. but i totally love it.

All their scenes, and when Seungyoon was about to "get over" of this "kind" of relationship. OH GAIA i almost jumped of my sit bcs the pain of taehyun was real. but everything goes right. and now all is fine. *-*

and its been more than a year since the first time i read you, you are better. LOT BETTER.
/i love u/ whispers.

as expected im always proud of you :D my master gaia zombie <3
Chapter 18: haha OMFG gaia this the one i imagine with zoe and monica unnie while we talk bout kangnam moments rooming together have angst and hotstuff as usual