Fake Prince Pt. 2- LimaLemon

OC Bashing Shop {HIATUS}

Thanks to LimaLemon for requesting! If you'd like to view her story, click here.

OC (Lee Jee Young): Picking up where we left off (kinda), I still say that Jee Young can be classified as average and slightly girly. Also, after reading a bit more, I find her to be quite shallow. A bit of pity and remorse here and there, but a lot a selfish and vain thoughts. I feel like she's throwing "bratty teenage girl" fits in every chapter. "Ughh that douche!" "Again, MY LIFE !" This stuff comes across to me as bratty and whiny, since I'm a bit touchy with people like that.

She doesn't often think far from her troubles, often makes a fool of herself, and grouches about it later. Her sass is okay (a little weird and petulant), but I like it. I loved the "Wingardium Leviosa" in Chapter 17. Of course, there's the whole "I was in love with Kris" thing... slighly cliche of a girl like her. She redeems herself in Chapter 20, though. She totally told off Kris about the rule.

And here's something: I really, really, hate those girls who are so dang stubborn and not even adapting to others' beliefs. One of those cliches these days that authors use to make their characters seem cool, but Jee Young was able to adapt and I feel like she would be an okay friend. A little bit of redemption there.

Score: 23/30

Percentage: 77%


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SmilingDaze #2
Hey it's Pocpocpockii, I moved accounts and stories to this account. Would you mind re-adding me to the shop or should I fill out a form again?
Chapter 17: Thank you for the review!
Just to let you know, I was right with my use of the word . To be means to be very fussy and excessively orderly e.g. "I'm very when it comes to the way my silverware is arranged." = /-retentive. Just shedding some light so you understand what I was saying :)

Of course, the fic is still in the beginning. I'll make sure to work on the characters more to give them some flair :) thanks again!
Hey! Wanna be affies? ◕‿◕


- Real Fantasy Shop
Chapter 16: Thanks for the review :)
Chapter 13: Thank you for the review!
I've credited the shop in the foreword. :)
Chapter 14: Thank you!
requested :)
Chapter 11: 56.5/70 is a 80.71% not 39.55%
I've requested for a review ^-^