Fake Prince- LimaLemon

OC Bashing Shop {HIATUS}

If you want to check out this story, click here. Thanks to LimaLemon for requesting! Here's your review:

OC (Lee Jee Young): She, so far in the first fifteen chapters, is definitely... unusual. In the second chapter, she claimed that she was not "a damsel in distress", and a "twenty first century woman". In the first few chapters, I was doubting this. I mean... who has with guy she only knew for less than a day? Even if he was handsome, and she said she was "in love", it doesn't come across as sensible. I know this is a fic, but hey, you did choose the shop that hates this stuff! Later, she redeems herself slightly, she despises this organization, and does have a conscience. Overall, a pretty average character. Sure, she's a bit girly, but you can't expect all OCs to be perfect and not girly.

Score: 22/30

Percentage: 73 %



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SmilingDaze #2
Hey it's Pocpocpockii, I moved accounts and stories to this account. Would you mind re-adding me to the shop or should I fill out a form again?
Chapter 17: Thank you for the review!
Just to let you know, I was right with my use of the word . To be means to be very fussy and excessively orderly e.g. "I'm very when it comes to the way my silverware is arranged." = /-retentive. Just shedding some light so you understand what I was saying :)

Of course, the fic is still in the beginning. I'll make sure to work on the characters more to give them some flair :) thanks again!
Hey! Wanna be affies? ◕‿◕


- Real Fantasy Shop
Chapter 16: Thanks for the review :)
Chapter 13: Thank you for the review!
I've credited the shop in the foreword. :)
Chapter 14: Thank you!
requested :)
Chapter 11: 56.5/70 is a 80.71% not 39.55%
I've requested for a review ^-^