짜장면 (Black Bean Paste Noodles) - JaeRin345336

OC Bashing Shop {HIATUS}


Love your OC, she’s a babe and reminds me of my best friend. She’s got some spark in her personality, sassy, sarcastic and hint of sweet. I love how you make her so down to earth and not too, how do I say this; over the top? Her crush on her English teacher is a nice ‘twist’ to her, she’s not the cliché I’m not interested in guys because I have some bad boyfriend related problems in the past’ girl, because I honestly see her as a tomboy and most tomboys are like thatShe’s normal, with some spice. Excellent OC I’m expecting her to grow more as a character in the future, well done.

UPDATED: Sorry I forgot to past in the review for JaeJin ^^;;

We haven’t seen that much of him but I’m expecting some character development from him. So far we don’t know much about him and the only emotion I really got from him was his crush on MinAe. Despite this I really like him; he seems like the mischievous kind of guy that would do anything for his girl. With some more screen time and development he can grow to become a great character.  


Plot, clichés and reading flow

Reading flow was pretty good, yet some very minor errors like

‘I would advice you to visit Soul’.’  It’s not advice you it’s advise you.

I really like your plot, it’s simple and easy to read without getting confused but it’s still interesting and keeps you wanting to know what happens next. It’s a creative story line to say the least, and it’s not over dramatic (so far), I say keep it up and don’t make it overly dramatic where you have like a million love triangles. The story flows well together and the chapters fall into place, it’s not muddled up nor has P.O.V swaps randomly. It’s honestly one of the better written OC fanfiction I have read. Although you do have errors here and there in you grammar, I think you or your beta reader should pay more attention when proof reading. But other than that it’s well written and easy to follow along.


K-pop Idol

You did a good job with the members; I don’t know Infinite that well but from what I’ve seen from weekly idol and a few episodes of ‘This (Diss) is INFINITE!’ you seem to have got their personalities in check. They seem very realistic so far and not OOC (Out Of Character), I feel like they are the real deal! Well done.


Overall score- 63/70 or 90%

Well done! You have scored over 85%, you will now be featured in the Hall of Fame ^0^    


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SmilingDaze #2
Hey it's Pocpocpockii, I moved accounts and stories to this account. Would you mind re-adding me to the shop or should I fill out a form again?
Chapter 17: Thank you for the review!
Just to let you know, I was right with my use of the word . To be means to be very fussy and excessively orderly e.g. "I'm very when it comes to the way my silverware is arranged." = /-retentive. Just shedding some light so you understand what I was saying :)

Of course, the fic is still in the beginning. I'll make sure to work on the characters more to give them some flair :) thanks again!
Hey! Wanna be affies? ◕‿◕


- Real Fantasy Shop
Chapter 16: Thanks for the review :)
Chapter 13: Thank you for the review!
I've credited the shop in the foreword. :)
Chapter 14: Thank you!
requested :)
Chapter 11: 56.5/70 is a 80.71% not 39.55%
I've requested for a review ^-^