The Missing Piece-Pocpocpockii

OC Bashing Shop {HIATUS}


Amy is a really cool character, she’s got that little sarcasm in her that needs to be let out more. Her image was really appeling to me, I’m glad you didn’t change her just tame her (;D). She sounds like an Asian that lives in the US, not white wannabie but a little more ‘daring’ Asian. She’s got spice and relatability (well, on the single part), I feel she’s a character that readers can connect with.



Unique plot, not cliché and quite intriguing. It’s a little exciting to read and gets readers wanting more, I’m sure all of us want a story like Amy’s (I know I do). The necklace confused me for a second but then I understood the concept after re-reading the forward. I’m guessing there’s a little supernatural in this story regarding the necklace? I can’t wait to see how Chanyeol falls into play though, I feel that’s what your readers are going to keep reading for. But really overall your plot is great, just try not making too complicated in the future with the whole necklace thing going on there.



We haven’t really seen much of Jung Ah but I love her. Great character and love how you’ve portrayed her. Jong In we haven’t seen much of either but he seems so in love with Amy and so happy it makes me a happy (and a little sick because too much happy). Chanyeol was unexpected, like talk about wow jealous much. I hope you give these character more screen time in the future and let their characters also be developed along with Amy’s.  



Your grammar wasn’t bad, you had very little mistakes in the first chapter but it soon disappeared. Maybe proof read it once or twice before publishing so you can pick out silly mistakes example using she instead of he or vice versa. The flow of the story was quite well, the beginning was a little confusing because of the whole necklace thing but it became clear shorty after. Everything seems to be fitting together and nothing has really set off course


89/100 OR 89%

The Missing Piece by Pocpocpockii

Well done! You have scored higher than 85%, you will be featured in the hall of fame section. Happy writing ^^


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SmilingDaze #2
Hey it's Pocpocpockii, I moved accounts and stories to this account. Would you mind re-adding me to the shop or should I fill out a form again?
Chapter 17: Thank you for the review!
Just to let you know, I was right with my use of the word . To be means to be very fussy and excessively orderly e.g. "I'm very when it comes to the way my silverware is arranged." = /-retentive. Just shedding some light so you understand what I was saying :)

Of course, the fic is still in the beginning. I'll make sure to work on the characters more to give them some flair :) thanks again!
Hey! Wanna be affies? ◕‿◕

- Real Fantasy Shop
Chapter 16: Thanks for the review :)
Chapter 13: Thank you for the review!
I've credited the shop in the foreword. :)
Chapter 14: Thank you!
requested :)
Chapter 11: 56.5/70 is a 80.71% not 39.55%
I've requested for a review ^-^