My Letter to Prince Charming- CapriquariusMei

OC Bashing Shop {HIATUS}

To read this story, click here. Thank you to CapriquariusMei for requesting! Here's your review:

Plot and Cliches: Since this story is very short, I'll be focusing on little details. It's, overall, very nicely written. It's kept short and sweet, but maybe too short. There weren't many experiences that were included, simply being acquainted, mistaking a gender, and a question about hair. Yes, these are key points in their story, but maybe an explanation about why Hyeri fell for Alex? Minute details, that's all. You noted specifically that you wanted things that would make your story better. Even though y0u didn't request grammar, there were a few oddities here and there. "For some reasons" would usually be "For some reason", "From then on, you always tease me" should be "From then on, you would always tease me".

"I never know being you was a challenging task that might take a long time." This sentence could have been very good, but clarity is a definite skill you need to convey the emotions. This is an angst fic, try describing the emotions better. Hyeri, as you have conveyed, is yearning and remembering Alex. Try including more emotion and experiences.

As for the ending, it's vague, but I think that's how you intended it to be. Nevertheless, try to specify at least some things, because I'm afraid it's so vague that it doesn't have a sense of closure, which I think would be a nice touch to end this excellent oneshot. Lastly, if I were to be picky, I'd like to point out that the line "Okay, that's it for now" slightly ruins the sense of closure, and the, up to that point, overall serious and wistful feeling to the story. 

Oh, and one more thing. You mentioned transgender in the tags, but not the fic. Just a little clarification... not, not clarification. If you like, edit your story in a way that prompts the readers to think the way you want them to.

As for the cliches I think it wasn't too bad. Just the kiss threw it off, but I believe it added to the slightly melancholy feel. Of course, there's that whole "I didn't like him/her at first, but then I slowly fell in love"... again, maybe some more details and experience in the letter can change peoples' opinions on that. 

Score: 24.75/30 (these little details, due to the short length of the story, contributed more than usual)

OC (Alex): One of those vague and mysterious characters in stories. I understand that Alex might be portrayed this way on purpose, you can never always know what the author is thinking when he/she is writing, but I can't relate to Hyeri when she talks to and describes Alex. When we read, we require at least a little sense of understanding of the characters. You can fix this by possibly describing Alex's best friend, his character, past, actions, etc. more thoroughly. 

You also requested that I judge his character. Well, by using what I can extricate from the story, I can only think about Alex's character as this: cold, caring, brave, a bit emotionless, and... oh, I don't know, Alex kind of gave me a sense of "Um, nope, don't want to get to close with that kind of person. Looks like one of those neglected kids who are possibly dangerous."

The character, the way I perceive it, is on the edge of expected, yet your style of vagueness gives a certain edge to the character that leaves readers confused of what to think. Whether you want to leave it like that is up to you, it's your writing style.

Score: 25.5/30

Percentage: 83.75 % (><) So close!!! Either way, at least you know some ways to improve your story now!

Foreword: As a bonus, you've requested that I review your Foreword. Well, honestly, I probably at forewords than you say you are! I think all you really need is the description. I just think of a Foreword as a small message thingy from the author. Nevertheless, these are some improvements you might want to make:

~ more content such as (optional):

           ~ excerpt (anything to make the oneshot sound more exciting, really)

           ~ now that you're editing, I don't think there's much need for the "Nothing is described explicitly" part. 

           ~ more appealing aesthetically (pics, colours, stuff supporting your theme)


~ GraceLily

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SmilingDaze #2
Hey it's Pocpocpockii, I moved accounts and stories to this account. Would you mind re-adding me to the shop or should I fill out a form again?
Chapter 17: Thank you for the review!
Just to let you know, I was right with my use of the word . To be means to be very fussy and excessively orderly e.g. "I'm very when it comes to the way my silverware is arranged." = /-retentive. Just shedding some light so you understand what I was saying :)

Of course, the fic is still in the beginning. I'll make sure to work on the characters more to give them some flair :) thanks again!
Hey! Wanna be affies? ◕‿◕

- Real Fantasy Shop
Chapter 16: Thanks for the review :)
Chapter 13: Thank you for the review!
I've credited the shop in the foreword. :)
Chapter 14: Thank you!
requested :)
Chapter 11: 56.5/70 is a 80.71% not 39.55%
I've requested for a review ^-^