Misunderstandings and Differences.

If You're Not The One-Completed
Days that followed have been hectic with Jiro.He barely have any sleep.Between appearances ,promos and filming Idol series,his schedule was full.Selina on the other hand,since she took time off from filming,has been quite light.She started going to school and back to her almost quiet life,except for few personal appearances and promos with the band.

At first their communication between each other is quite often,seeing each other when they can,calling and texting each other when on break.Sending each other love words to warm each other heart.And then the meeting has been less and less.They couldn't get away from their appointments and much less on the press,who are on their tails all the time.

The second album of Jiro and his band was also a big success.now they have to travel all over Asia,mainland China,Hong Kong,Singapore,Malaysia,Korea and Japan to promote the album.Jiro has been quite known and there seems to be crowd of people following them where ever they go from one country to another.

At first they tried to see each other once a week and then once a month,and now lately,they have not seen each other for two months already.Their schedule has been way off.Jiro has been shooting drama series in between his appearances and he have barely have any time to sleep and rest.Even talking to Selina is like next to impossible.

At first Selina has been understanding of the whole thing,but lately she have been feeling ignored and taken for granted.She understood Jiro and his schedules but his hurried voice when they talk gave her a hurt feeling.He can be at least enthusiastic and happy to hear her voice.If before,Selina would call Jiro,not she stopped calling him.Let him call if he wants to talk to me,she thought.

Jiro started noticing that Selina have stopped calling and texting him.Unless he called,then he would not hear from her.Somehow,thinking about her,plus thinking about his career ,puts a load on his shoulder.She should at least make an effort to call him,and communicate to him,since she is not that busy to begin with .He called her less and less,until like they almost have no communication with each other.

They finally see each other again in one of the awards event in China.They don't even know that they will meet there,since they don't have any communication anymore.And Jiro was so surprised to see her.She did not even let him know that she is going to the same event.

Jiro was talking to some of the guest when he saw Selina walk by totally ignoring him.He was surprised at her actions.He knows that they have not been talking,but she could have at least acknowledged him.He didn't know that something was very wrong between the two of them.He know,he has been very busy but he thought she knew and understood what he has been going through,and that a few words of affection will be enough to bring back the smile on her face.

There have been rumors around him,but she should know by now that none of these are true.Rumors that he have been dating his partner is totally not true.Although,her partner have been talking about it on the press to use him.He is not interested at her the way she was talking about him.

Jiro looked at Selina,but she acted like she never knew him,Ella and Hebe gave him a look that he could not understand.He tried getting near her,but she kept her distance from him,and it is going to be pretty obvious if he followed her around.Jiro was so quiet and mad throughout the event and Selina likewise was not talking and totally ignoring his existence.

After the event,Jiro tried to get the venue where Selina and her group are staying.He even have a hard time getting the information so as not to be obvious.He finally found a way to be alone and tried to sneak out in Selina's hotel.
As Selina was walking back in her room,she was taken by surprised when Jiro came to blocked her way.

"Selina,I think we better talk." Jiro said.

"I don't think ,we have anything to talk about right now." Selina said."I know you are quite busy,I don't want to take your time away from you."

"No,you are talking to me here and right now.I want to know what is going on." Jiro said.

"Why I don't think that I am important anymore in your life." Selina said."I know you have better things to do in your life." as she looked at him,her eyes full of hurt and pain.

"I thought you understood me,you knew that I am doing this for us.Selina you have to understand." Jiro said.

"I am sorry Jiro,I am tired already.I have to think this through.I don't think I can do this anymore.I thought I can but I can't .I guess we just have to forget each other.Let us give each other freedom." Selina said as tears rolled in her eyes.

"Selina,I love,and whether you believe it or not it is the truth.And I am doing this for you and me and for our future." Jiro said.as he looked at her.

"I am sorry,I made up my mind,I want more from you and from our relationship,and i am afraid you won't be able to give it to me." Selina said."Good bye Jiro." as she walked past him and went to her room.Selina cried and cried for she still love Jiro very much,but it is better to say goodbye now,than tomorrow...or the next day,when things can be harder.

Jiro was left to stare at Selina's back as tears fell.How come he never knew that it is coming.How can he lose Selina just like that.The girl that he truly love gone from his life,without a word of warning.Selina just end it just like that.Somehow,there is nothing to look forward for the future,as he slowly walked back to his hotel.Selina is gone from his life.

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I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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