Meet My Mom

If You're Not The One-Completed
Days that followed have been tough for both Jiro and Selina,Selina wrapped up her emceeing stint and end up crying at the end of the show.Jiro is busy with the promotions of their album coming up within a week.They barely have any communication,except for some text messages in between shows and phone calls at times

And on the day,that their album came out,it has a very huge response...their first album was a big hit,as the company gave them a small party for celebration.Selina is out of the country at that time,busy promoting their album there.

It is not after weeks after their album was launched,when Jiro finally have a day off.They finally planned to meet up for the day,but Selina have some photo shoot to do that day,so they end up seeing each other later that night.

They met in the studio as Jiro went their to pick Selina up and the photo shoot took longer than expected,with changes in wardrobes and backgrounds,it seems like it took them forever.Finally they wrapped up in the evening,and selina can take a breather.As Selina stood their tired and all,she wants to rest but this is the only time they can squeezed in their busy schedule.She tried to smile though her whole body aches.

"So finally,I get around in seeing my boyfriend." Selina said,as she gave him a peck on his cheeks."Congratulation to the new star,the new superstar.I am sorry I can't be there for you."

Jiro held her hands "It is alright,I understand,sorry when I wasn't there when you cried on your last day in your show.I want to cheer you up and be with you,but I can't."

"Yeah,but you did texted me,and you did made me laughed that
day.I miss you though.The real and breathing Dadong by my side,that's who I missed the most" Selina said.

"You just don't know how I missed you.And we are just on our first going two.You think,we can make it there?" Jiro asked.

"I hope so,what do you think?" Selina asked."And I know it is getting harder everyday,especially now you are getting popular,and all."

"I love you Selina,just don't give up on us.Our dreams can still happen.You are the ultimate completion of my dreams,only you." Jiro said as he kissed her on the lips.

Selina kissed him back.Missing him and feeling him now,somehow,it seems they can beat the odds after all.

"That one feels good." Selina said."Only you can make me feel like that"

"Better be." Jiro said."It should be only me in your heart,now and forever."

Selina smiled"Do you ever have any doubt?Of course it is only you."

"I am glad.Are you tired already?Are you hungry?" Jiro asked.Selina nodded.

"You think we can go out somewhere to eat out have a nice romantic dinner?" Selina said.

"Don't worry,I have something planned already." Jiro said."Come on before it gets too late in the night." as he took her hand.

There was car waiting outside and they took them to a house somewhere.Selina was surprised,it is an ordinary house and when Jiro open the door,and there was Wang Mama standing by the door,as Jiro hold her hand to lead her inside,

"I think it is about time you meet my Mom." Jiro said."She have been asking about you."

"And Dadong,you never told me about this.I am not even ready." Selina said.

"You don't need to,you look pretty enough for me." Jiro said."Mama this is Selina."

Selina bowed down"How are you Mama." as she smiled.her heart beating wildly in nervousness.

"Oh Selina I have been wanting to see you.I thought he was just bluffing,saying that he got a girl already." Wang Mama said."I am glad to meet you.And when he told me it was you,I didn't believed him at all,now I do."

"Come on here,I have the dinner ready.I hope he is treating you nice if not he is gonna hear from me." Mama said.

"Don't worry Mama,he has nothing but a good boyfriend to me." Selina said."Crazy and playful but he has always been good to me."

"I am glad to hear that." Mama said."I hope you like the food that I prepared.He sort of just told me today,something to do with both your schedule."

"Thank you Mama." Selina said,as she sat on the dining table with Jiro,and Mama went to the kitchen to get something.

Jiro and Selina ate as Mama watched and chatted with them.And after eating,the older lady shooed them out of the kitchen,when Selina tried to help up with the washing of the dishes.

"You go to the living room and watch TV with Jiro.I can do this by myself.Try to relax,you barely have time together."
Wang Mama said."I am just happy that I have met you and I am glad that he choose you." as she smiled.

Jiro lead her to the living room,as they watch TV.A little bit later ,she let out a yawn,having been out all day,and sitting on the sofa with Jiro feel so comfortable and it feels so right just to have him beside her.And before she knew she was dozing off on Jiro's shoulder.Jiro let Selina slept a little bit ,as she put her head on his shoulder.

After an hour,Jiro shook her up to wake her."Selina it is getting late.I have to take you home.They might start to wonder where you are.They might think I took you away with me." as he smiled at the thought."Although I am almost tempted to do it,at this very minute."

"You should have tried while you can.I wouldn't have mind.It will be nice to get away from it all and being with you." Selina smiled and let a yawn."I think I better go home.This is embarrassing,did Mama saw me sleeping."

Jiro nodded."Don't worry ,she understands.She went to bed too.You know she is old,she can't stay up this late.I told her I'll take you home after an hour.How do you feel now rested I hope?"

"Yeah rested.Thanks for your shoulder.It feels good on my head." she said as she laughed.

"Your welcome anytime.It feels better if ..never mind.I am getting bad ideas on my mind.Let us go before i forget myself." Jiro said.

And Selina just look at him and smile.Ahhh five years is just way too long,she thought,and Jiro is thinking the same,he must be crazy to wait that long....

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I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
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