
I've Fallen for Us

"So what really happened?" Hoseok asks, making a face as we arrive back at the dorm. Yoongi's game took longer then we thought it would, so we're all exhausted, especially Yoongi, who Jimin had carried to the dorm and ignored his protests. 


"Let me take care of you hyung" was all Jimin said to Yoongi after he repeatedly said no I don't want to be carried. He shut up after that, going limp in his arms, face snuggled into Jimins neck. No one else knows the real reason why Yoongi always refuses to let people carry him but me. 


"I'm not fragile! I can walk on my own!" Is always what he yells when any of us, mainly Jimin, try to carry him after his games.


The real reason is because Yoongi has a fear of falling. Even if he's only a little off the ground, he's still terrified. Usually when Jimin picks him up unexpectedly, Yoongi doesn't have time to protest. He clings to him like a baby koala clings to a tree, Like it's life depends on it. Clings to Jimin like he's the only thing in the world, only person, that he needs, that he'll ever want.


Jimin carries him lovingly to his room, most likely then spending the night with him after long games, to take care of the poor, exhausted boy. Yoongi feels like he's a burden most of the time, but I know the truth. I know that Jimin loves Yoongi, and that he's no burden to him whatsoever.


Damn Jungkook. He had to go calling Hobi at work all frantic. Hobi is a nickname that I call Hoseok, because he's always so hopeful and smiling and just, hope. He's my hope. Everytime I'm upset, or in a bad mood he knows how to turn that off and make me happier then ever, with the smallest smile, wink of just the simplest touch.


"Nothing happened." I say, climbing into bed. I don't see what he does next, but suddenly he's laying next to me, arms around my waist with his face pressed into my nape, sighing contently. I can feel his hot breath agains my skin, which sends shivers down my spine. I can't see anything in the dark, can only feel and hear what's going on.


"I know something's going on Tae- ah..." he whispers, his deep voice close to my ear as he caresses my left hip. I'm laying on my side facing the wall, Hoseok pressed up against me.


Somethings..... going on?


I almost forget what we're talking about, to focused on his warm hands running over my body. He doesn't know how long I've been waiting for him to touch me like this, doesn't know how much my body craves him. But he likes someone else, I remind myself sourly in my head, bringing me back to reality. 


"Hobi we need to sleep" I grumble to him, trying to hold in a cough as the gravely hot sand still lingers in parts of my lungs. That's the only way I can describe it. Hot, gravely sand that will keep pouring and filling my lungs until I can't breath anymore. It's not solid however, it's liquidity, globs of warm sharp pain that doesn't ever really go away, along with the pain I have in my lower back, which is being suppressed because of his warmth.


"I need to know what happened" He whispers simply, hand resting draped on my hip, fiddling with the draw string on my sweat pants, dangerously close to the heat in my pants, which I hope he can't notice.


"Nothing... hap....pened..." I say gulping as his hands mess with my boxers waist line, which is poking up over my sweats.


"You don't sound to sure of that" He says, pressing his lips lightly to my neck. 


"What are you...?" 


"Shh. Sleep now. I'll find out what happened in the morning" He says, pulling me impossibly closer to him, almost suffocatingly so.


I lay with his chest rising and falling against my back, silently hoping that he can't hear my heart beating out of my chest.


I slowly start to roll over, carefully moving his arm while trying not to wake him up. The room is pitch black, my eyes adjusted enough to see his face half an inch from mine. I hold my breath and try not to move, his cold breath hitting my lips, sending a chill down my spine. I shiver and put my hand on his hips, pulling him closer to me so that our mouthed are only a few centimeters apart. I can almost feel his soft pink lips against my own. His body is pressed tightly against mine, back lightly resting on my , chest rising and falling shallowly.


I start to think about what had happened when he was at work, how the blood almost stained the counters. Unfortunately, the bleach I used to clean up made the counter super white in the spots I used it on, and so some of the counter is sparkling white and the other parts are just normal. I hope he doesn't notice, or think anything of it because I have no explanation for him. 


Hoseok moves his arm off of me, almost giving me a heart attack in the process. My heart feels like it's going to burst from beating over time and the sand is pouring into my lungs once again, But I can't do this. I can't do this now, while I'm in his arms, I can't. To make things worse, he rolls us over, laying on top of me with his arms wrapped around my waist, face pressed into the crook of my neck.


I try to move the best I can, but only mange to move slightly before he lazily hooks his legs around mine, pushing down hard against me, his front rubbing against mine as he does so creating friction that makes my body explode with feels.


I gasp quietly, trying to stifle back a moan with the inside of my wrist and focusing on my breathing, which was hard before but now is almost impossible. Every time I exhale, since our breathing is in tune, our chests meet, thumping against each other in a comfortable way, causing my heart to melt against his body. 


I should sleep. I should sleep. I can't.. but I need to. I have class tomorrow, and it'll take up a lot more energy then I'll have. The room is silent. I close my eyes to try and sleep but there's a warm, soft but gentle pressure on my neck that leaves me confused. 


*The next morning*


I wake up laying on my back, the one thing that I had last night gone. Hobi. He must have went to class, since he has classes earlier then I do. Last night was so strange. After I fell asleep I felt this dull, almost pinching feeling on my neck. 


I check my phone to see a text from Yoongi.


~To tired to go to class. Go on without me.~ 


Of course he's too tired. He always is, even without having a game. But I do understand, because after his games he's more tired to the point of not being able to function, so I get him the work to do and drop it off at his dorm. The room is silent, sun light flooding in through the curtain. Our room is pretty messy you could say, or at least my side is. I have many books and clothes thrown around everywhere because I've just been to busy with quarter finals and homework to clean up, whereas Hoseoks side is clean, with nothing on the floor, his dark green bed sheets neatly on his bed.


All of his books are on his shelves and his clothes all folded nicely in his dresser. My Hobi has always been a clean freak. I lazily roll out of bed, white tank top twisted around my body, slightly constricting me. I fix my shirt and grab a shirt from the floor and a pair of pants from my dresser. I hate when my pants are all wrinkled so that's the only piece of clothing I'll actually fold.


I go into the bathroom, locking the for behind me and setting my clothes on the toilet seat, turning on the showers water. Once hot enough, I throw my pajamas in the basket with Hobi's dirty clothes, along with his boxers which I guess I was wearing, and jump in, hot, steamy bullets off water hitting my body, creating the warmth that I haven't had some last night. But it's not the same warmth.


This is a flexible warmth, one that can be taken away from me if I step to the side out of the way of the water, but Hobi' s warmth was solid, locked in and trapped on top of me in one of the most sensual ways ever. I turn to face the water but quickly gasp in pain, jumping to the side so the water doesn't touch my body. 


The actual ? I think to myself. I look down but don't see anything, so I decode to shake it off with a shrug, rinsing my conditioner out and turning off the water. The bathroom is filled with steam, water droplets falling from the roof onto the floor as I pull on my shirt, the material brushing past the spot on my neck that hurts. I grab Hoseoks boxers out of the hamper once again, because I forgot to grab a pair of my own and sigh, looking at the steamy mirror. The only thing in my reflection that I can see is my dark brown hair.


I groan, irritated, and grab the towel off the ground, wiping the mirror off with it and opening the door so the room can air out. What I see makes me stop in my tracks completely.


Two marks. Both purple-reddish. One on my neck and the other on my collar bone. I stare at them for a minute, brushing my finger tips over them slightly, the skin throbbing.


I leave the bathroom, grabbing my huge orange hoodie and putting it on, before going back to look on the mirror. The Mark on my neck, a small but perfect mark, is low enough to be hidden by my hoodie, and of course the one on my collar bone, a large mark which must have taken more time to create, is hidden well beneath my hoodie. 


I close the bathroom door, grabbing my phone off the charger and head out to my classes for the day. On my way there I think about the recent events of last night.


I kick pebbles as I walk, when something makes me curious. It's strange.... but what is it? When suddenly I realize.


His breathing wasn't shallow when I went to sleep.


So I've been meaning to update for a while now but the day I decided to start writing and have it up by was horrible, (as u can see in the last chapter which wasn't a actual "chapter" if that makes sense. Thank you all so much for you caring comments on that, it really means a lot, and to everyone who likes and had subscribed and comments on all of my stories I love you all! I'm working on another story right now (the first chapter) so please look forward to that and it might be up today. It's called All the little lights,  so please look forward to it! Like always sorry for the spelling mistakes, and I hope you all like this chapter. Sorry if it was short or uneventful, It's building up for the story so yeah. Thank you all!!!!! 

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Chapter 35: I was crying !! YOU ! You. You are awesome. Cool story, I'm happy they're happy in the end :))
cpayan #2
Chapter 35: Omg the beginning was so sad at first and then I realized it was just a story that hoseok told the boys and I'm just like "shook and triggered"
abbieyen16 #3
Chapter 35: Omg yaaaassss!!!! Tae doesn't have cancer!!! And they live happily ever after!!!!! *claps like a mad man* amazing job!!!!!
Chapter 28: *best, Sorry my mistake
I think this fanfiction is the n'est i've ever read.... 'Don't know What to think about this
coffeelatteleo #7
Chapter 35: Got fooled there. Hahaha. At least it's a happy ending. Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 35: You... I should have known. This is karma and I'm so sorry to everyone. Why me.... T~T gah. You totally got me. My heart dropped then I was like. Oh. You. You can't do that. But okay.
XVLove #9
Chapter 35: AH It's so great!!! I love how it was end and I like it when you put the twist at the end and make it happy ending, I almost got heart broken because I thought taehyung really died. I really enjoyed it... Just a bit sad because finally, the story is completed... I hate it, but end is one of the most important things in live... I think I need a pillow now... It's just too sad...
Good Job, I look forward for your next works :)
Chapter 34: Take your time! Fighting!! ><