As of tonight

I've Fallen for Us

"Are you really going to do it?" Jimin asks besides Jungkook on my bed as we wait for Taehyung to come home. Kookie better enough, and new changes are being made. Since school will be over in two weeks, I gave him in enough money to buy his own apartment, away from Yoongi, who, even after trying to apologize to Jimin, hasn't tried coming around us once. Jimin got permission from Jungkooks mom to have Kook come live with him, promising that he'll stay in touch with his family and Jimin will take good care of him. 


I smile nervously, the small indentation of a smooth little box in my pocket showing where my future is going. 


"So your leaving Christmas night?" Jungkook asks, gently nibbling on Jimins fingers, a habit he's picked up since Jimins been coming around a lot more. I smile and nod, knowing it's going to be hard on everyone. But I remember Taehyung telling me this is what he wanted to do one time.


I texted Tae about an hour ago telling him to come home. It's now been an hour and ten minutes since, and I'm starting to freak out. 


"You'll be fine!!" Jimin says, pulling me down onto the bed with the two boys. I laugh, pushing them around gently before sighing, smiling still as I lean back on the bed.


"Hyung, aren't you scared?" A small voice asks, the voice unknown. My first instinct is to shake my head. Thats when I realize. The voice wasn't either of the boys, but it was a mixture of voices. Every voice I've ever heard, and the response that came was Taehyungs. That's how I know it'll be okay. 


"You made the reservation?" I ask Jimin, tilting my head slightly to look at him. 


"Yup, a private room." He says, looking down at Jungkooks head in his lap, his hair. I smile at the two.


All my life I've wondered what it would be like to hold the person you love most in your arms. It must hurt. Loving someone so much. But it hurts worse to lose someone. I'm not going to lose Tae without holding him in my arms a million more times.


A knock on the door startles us, and we sit up quickly, Jimin quietly going to the door while Jungkook fixes me hair. I nod to Jimin and he opens the door, revealing not Taehyung, but someone else. Someone piled with luggage.




"He has wayyyyy to much stuff." Jaehwan laughs, willingly handing Taes stuff to Jimin and Kookie. I hear two voices outside the door, then one appears. Finally. I wait patiently as Kookie and Jimin smother him, carefully avoiding the tube in his nose. His smile is genuine. He's wearing a simple white v neck, bright yellow sweat pants and a matching beanie that covers his fragile looking ears, but he still looks beautiful.


He approaches me, tank on as a backpack and all I see is a flash of yellow and white before I'm being squished. 


"Hi!" I laugh, hugging him back tightly, the smell of honey in his hair hard to miss, and even harder to forget. My arms fit around his waist easily. He's gained back some of the weight he lost while he was in the hospital. 


"I'm so happy to be home," he says, breathing heavily into my chest and I nod, kissing his forehead hard. No words can describe how much I missed this.


My eyes burn slightly, and I try to blink away the tears but it only makes them well up more until they're pouring down my cheeks, the tip of my nose stinging sharply as I inhale, shuddery quick breathes. He glances up at me and smiles with a knowing nod, his soft thumb pads wiping away the hot tears and I push my head into his neck, closing my eyes to protect me from the world.


Jaehwan left a few minutes ago. When I pull away, he presses a bruising, sloppy kiss to my lips and I sigh, a slight headache coming on, but I'm happy, nonetheless. 


"Hey so we're gonna go look for an apartment," Jungkook says, and we glance over to the two at the door with smiles on their face.


"You are?? Do you want us to come," Tae asks, going to get up but Jimin quickly interrupts.


"No no that's okay, stay with Hobi, I'm sure you have stuff you need to talk about ." he says, waving away Tae with a smile, shutting the door behind them. Remind me to thank him later, I think to myself with a smile, not noticing the hot lips gently being pressed to my neck.


I giggle leaning into him and closing my eyes. "God I love you so much..." 


"I love you too!" He says happily, a smile forming on my neck.


"So how was it at Jae's?" I ask, noticing the uncomfortable lump in the hip I'm laying on. The box! I think, trying to carefully move it without him noticing, and lucky for me he doesn't.


"It was fun," he says with a huff as he rolls onto his back, messing with his nose tube." He took me shopping ." 


"Clearly" I say, shaking my head at all the bags of brightly colored clothes on the floor.


"We wanted to go to the pool but... I don't know how that would work." He says slowly, looking from his tube to me then back to the tube.


"Mm I don't know if I really want you near chlorine." I say, sliding my arm under his head to cushion it. He smiles, shrugging slightly and looking at the white ceiling. The room looks so much brighter with him back in it.


"That's one thing I'll miss. Swimming." I sigh, nodding and smiling. 


"Me too." 


"Why you too?" He asks, raising an eyebrow as I mess with a strand of his hair.


"Because, if my baby can't do something, I'm not going to either." And with such simple words earns me a kiss. He laughs, smiling and linking our fingers together.


"Can we go to the beach?" He asks, looking up at me. I lean over him, cupping his face.


"Anything you want. I don't know if you can go in the ocean, but we can definitely figure something out. Even if that means I have to carry you." 


He sighs, biting his lip before looking at me. "You can't carry me, I'm not-"


I cut him off, quickly but gently picking him up off the bed. He squeals, laughing and clutching me tightly. This is always something that has bothered me. He used to be anorexic, and so he thinks he's fat still, even though he's light as a feather. That's why I bought him the orange sweater. That was his goal weight, to be able to not swim in it. It was always a reminder to him to keep going and that it's possible to become healthy again, but it had a set back. It was always a reminder that he was gaining weight, and that terrified him. 


"Put me down!" He shrieks, pounding on my chest lightly with small hands. I gently let his feet fall the the ground, him spinning around to face me. I smile, picking up my phone and turning on a song before taking him by the hips, moving slowly. He smirks, rest ing his head on my shoulder and I prey that he doesn't see the box as we slide together perfectly, our hearts beating to each others souls as we move effortlessly. This couldn't be better. 


"What's happened while I was gone?" He whispers into me. 


I tell him about Jimin and Yoongi as we sway back and forth, and about Jimin and Jungkook too. He listens contently, responding with a quiet hum on occasion and I smile at the quietness of the world. 


By the time we stop dancing it's time to leave, and I lead him to the door, one hand laced with his while the other hand pulls along his oxygen tank. It's time. 


We arrive about ten minutes early, the night seeping into the spaces around us. The waiter let's us go back early because of our arrival, and leads us to a room off in the corner out of view.


Taehyung excuses himself to go to the bathroom and I give our waiter the box, which he takes swiftly to the chef.


After we sit down the same waiter comes back.


"What may I get for you to drink this fine afternoon?" He asks, smiling at both of us. The man, Joonmyun, is dressed in a plain black suit, with a white buttoned up dress shirt and bow tie. This restaurant is one of the most expensive ones in Seoul. 


"I would like.." Taehyung says, telling the waiter his order while I gently tap my fingers against my pants, waiting for it to be my turn. Another waiter brings out champagne and sets it on the table. "On the house" he says with a smile before disappearing off into the distance. The room is dimly lit, a couple lights glowing ahead softly, filling the room.


I'm grateful that Jimin's umma owns this place, because if not we would never even be able to afford anything here. His umma is letting tonight's meal be free in honor of the surprise.


"I love you ." he says, taking my hand on the table top. I smile, eyes forming cresents, as happiness eases the nerves in my heart, but only for a moment as I see the waiter heading our way, cake in hand. He comes up quietly directly behind Taehyung, and I drop his hand pulling it back into my lap, still looking at him. He frowns, hesitantly pulling his hand back, a hurt expression on his face.


"Is.. Is something wrong?" He asks, his nose tube glistening in the light. I nod, and the waiter lifts the cake over his head, setting it gently in the center of the table, words facing him. This causes Tae to jump slightly, turning around to look at the waiter, who bows before srutting away. I hold my breath, looking at the navy blue and white cake.


I hear a gasp and I look up to see a teary eyed alien, nodding and covering his face with his hands. I smile the biggest smile ever, plucking the ring from the navy blue smooth box and kneeling before him, taking his left hand. He watches as the cold metal slide onto his ring finger, and the world to me feels silent. His box smile, his cresents eyes, even his tube makes him look beautiful. I pull him into my arms, whispering I love you'd into his skin. Everything's changed, as of tonight. 



So I told you guys I'd update! I really hope you guys like this chapter and I hope it clears things up. You may be confused about Kook and Jiminnie. Jimin apologized, and now their okay. Please don't forget to share, COMMENT, like, subscribe and follow me! I really do appreciate all of you!! <3 until my next update, Saranghae!

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Chapter 35: I was crying !! YOU ! You. You are awesome. Cool story, I'm happy they're happy in the end :))
cpayan #2
Chapter 35: Omg the beginning was so sad at first and then I realized it was just a story that hoseok told the boys and I'm just like "shook and triggered"
abbieyen16 #3
Chapter 35: Omg yaaaassss!!!! Tae doesn't have cancer!!! And they live happily ever after!!!!! *claps like a mad man* amazing job!!!!!
Chapter 28: *best, Sorry my mistake
I think this fanfiction is the n'est i've ever read.... 'Don't know What to think about this
coffeelatteleo #7
Chapter 35: Got fooled there. Hahaha. At least it's a happy ending. Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 35: You... I should have known. This is karma and I'm so sorry to everyone. Why me.... T~T gah. You totally got me. My heart dropped then I was like. Oh. You. You can't do that. But okay.
XVLove #9
Chapter 35: AH It's so great!!! I love how it was end and I like it when you put the twist at the end and make it happy ending, I almost got heart broken because I thought taehyung really died. I really enjoyed it... Just a bit sad because finally, the story is completed... I hate it, but end is one of the most important things in live... I think I need a pillow now... It's just too sad...
Good Job, I look forward for your next works :)
Chapter 34: Take your time! Fighting!! ><