Comfortable Silence

I've Fallen for Us

For some reason it won't scroll down so I can't put my note down there, I don't know why... but thank you all for reading!! I looked to see how many people have read this fic on this and different site, and it really means so much to me, I love  seeing your guys comments too so please don't forget to leave those! Please go check out my other stories, comment and share on those as well. Thank you all so much, sorry for any spelling mistakes but most importantly, enjoy~ <3



I smile, yawning as I climb out of bed carefully, trying not to wake Jungkook up as I untangle myself from his sleeping body. Usually on a school day I would be dreading waking up, but today I'm not. 


Quietly, I tip toe to the bathroom with a pair of jeans and a black shirt in one hand, and my new black leather jacket in the other. I try my best to be quiet in the shower, but when I hear Jungkook knock on the door as he passes by I let out a sigh of relief, knowing I can now be as loud as I want. 


I turn off the water, room steamy as I open the door, not even bothering to put on clothes first, in an attempt to clear the air out. Within a few seconds of me picking up at towel to dry my hair I hear a sneeze and look up to see him standing in the doorway, one of my white shirts hanging off his shoulder limply. He's lost some pounds since he's been sick, and I'm worried. 


"Please let me take you to the doctors" I say, pulling on a pair of boxers then my jeans. He shakes his head, coming into the bathroom and shutting the door behind him before sliding down to sit on the floor.


His bare long legs are skinnier then they had been a week ago. I frown and sit in front of him, only wearing the boxers, but we're so close that even if I was the silence between us would still be comfortable. I hate when he gets any type of sick, because he won't eat until he feels better. He rests his head against the door behind him, eyes half lided.


"I just need sleep."


"No Kookie-ah you need food." I state, crossing my arms but sighing as I see the pained look that flashes in his eyes. We sit in silence for a moment, the coffee maker outside humming gently, sound floating under the door into our ears.


"Where are you going?"


"To go see Tae, then to pick up food for you because you need to eat." I say, ruffling his hair and ignoring the rather girly whine of protest. 


"Your eating. I'm going to go see my boyfriend first though." I say, getting up to pull on jeans and my shirt. His soft dark eyes watch me as I move, his skin pale. 


"You finally asked him out?" He asks, the biggest smile he can muster on his lips. I freeze at his words, sighing before grabbing my cologne and spraying it like crazy. 


"I'll take that as a no." He says with a sigh and I nod, slipping on my jacket. 


"You need to ask him out. " he states with a small shake of his head. I nod and kneel in front if him, taking him by the hips to slide him forward, his legs wrapping around my waist, arms around my neck. 


I lean back on my heels, pulling his small frame up and open the door with my free hand, his weightless body practically molding into my body. I smile as I leave the bathroom, catching a small glimpse of Taehyungs side of the room as I lean down to set Jungkook on my bed, his body instantly curling into my pillow, small snores escaping his mouth only a few seconds after. 


Chuckling quietly at his sleeping figure I grab my phone from Taehyungs side of the room, looking around at all the clothes and mess that my alien is, and smiling brightly. Genuinely. I can't wait to be in his arms today. 


I close the door behind me, not bothering to be quiet because I know Jungkook isn't going to wake up anytime soon, and rush down the hallway. 


I hail a cab, grabbing my phone out and let my finger hover over the keyboards on the screen, but decide against it. I want it to be a surprise. 


Slowly we make our way to the hospital, the taxi driver never once looking back at me until we get there to collect his pay. I smile at the man, handing over the money I owe then head into the hospital, one of the female nurses whom I've met many times smiles at me on the way in.


I smile at the warmness of the building, the buzzing of monitors beats softly behind closed doors. A few weeks ago I would have hated being here. Hated seeing the white walls, but come to find them not necessarily calming but interesting. The events that happen in hospitals are more then displeasing. 


"Hoseok!!!" A loud voice says from behind me, and I turn only to be jumped on by a small figure. Laughing, I pick him up in my arms, kissing the tip of his pale nose which earns me a smile. The nurses around us stop only for a minute to watch the encounter before buzzing back too work, voices never not filling the air around us. 


We go back to his room, me helping him walk along the way, hand in hand. No one looks at us funny and it makes me smile. He looks so much better today them he ever has, and I can't help but laugh and smile brightly at the little twitch of his mouth as he walks or the way his eyes flutter from face to face for a slight moment, taking their features to heart as we pass by. It's amazing how much more attention he pays since he's been here, I'm starting to wonder if I can even call my baby blank Tae anymore. 


Which reminds me...  




"Hoseok walk faster!" I laugh, tugging him by his arm gently down the hall. My oxygen tank lays heavily on my back in backpack form, but I ignore it, and the tubes in my nose the best I can. I just want to be with my hope right now, and to not think of my condition. 


I hear a chuckle from behind me and I smile, not looking back at his face until we reach my room, his arms wrapping around my waist as I open the door. 


We enter my empty room, a sigh leaving my mouth as I set the heavy green tank down with a thud, soothing hands on my shoulders from behind cause me to blush and look back at him. He smiles and leans down, pecking my lips gently. 


"Hi." I giggle, hugging him tightly.


"Hi." He repeats dorkily, hugging me just as tightly. 


We sit in silence for a moment, me closing my eyes to just let my arms feel. To let my brain memorize everything that touches my skin, letting my brain sink in the information at hand. 


"We should watch a movie!" I say after a few minutes of silence. Not awkward, but I've never been good in quiet, even if comfortable silence. He nods, smiling and I notice how his eyes form full crescents, mouth shaped like a heart. I notice something else too, and raise my eyebrows at him.


"You look fancy today." I say, leaning back onto the pillow to look up at him, his hand sweeping my fringe out of my eyes for me to do so. Long smooth fingers trace circles on the palm of my hand and I smile at the soothing gesture. 


"I always look fancy." He states with a chuckle. 


"Nooooo. You always look like a kindergartener picked your wardrobe. " 


"That's because you pick my outfits for me." He says, tapping his finger against the tip of my nose causing me to scrunch it up. 


"Exactly." I say, pulling him down for a kiss. He smiles into it, his hand gently and carefully running down the back of my outside clothes, which I need to change. I don't move to stop him though, not even as he gets on top of me, never putting his full weight, all his movements gentle, soft dark brown eyes meeting mine when he pulls away. 


"You know, I could get used to a lot more of this." He says, smile never leaving his lips. My cheeks are hot, and there's no doubt in my mind that I'm the color of a tomato. I hit his arm playfully with a small smile. 




"Which reminds me," he says, climbing off me gently to reach under my bed. I raise my eyebrows at him.


"What are you doing?" 


"You'll see." He says, getting up off the bed because hanging off of it to look under isn't that effective and iF it wasn't for my death grip on his hand he would have fallen. 






"What are you doing though like.." 


"Found it!" He hollers, completely throwing me off.


"God... please don't do that you almost gave me a heart attack!!" I squeak, hitting his arm for real this time.


"Sorry!" He yelps, pulling me into another hug and I laugh, shaking my head.


"It's okay," I say, noticing the little box in his hand. "What's that?" 


He smiles, setting it on the bed in front of him to take my hands in his own. My heart beats at a million miles per second, but it feels painfully slow. 


"We've known each other since we were little. Our family knows each other and treat each other like they're blood. I know that life has been so hard for us recently, and even in the past it wasn't easy. But what I do know is well. That I'm falling for you, Kim Taehyung. I'm falling for my best friend. I've fallen in love with the way we are with each other. I've fallen for us babe. I've fallen hard," he says with a quiet laugh and I nod, blinking away the tears in my eyes. "The struggles we've been through aren't for nothing. They're not. I promise you that, and I can promise you so much more. Will you be my boyfriend?" 

I can't even speak. I'm crying so hard, and it feels like my heart is in my throat. I nod hard, watching as he takes one of the silver rings from the box and slides it onto my finger, the cold metal causing a shiver to run down my spine and I shiver, watching our fingers intertwine, the rings gently clinking against each other. I smile, even through the tears and let him wipe the last of them away with his other hand before kissing him again.


"Let's watch the movie?" He asks and I nod, scooting over in the bed so he can climb in next to me, his arm automatically wrapping around my waist to pull me closer, head resting on his chest.


"We were practically together before..." I whisper about halfway through the movie. We spent about twenty minutes looking for a movie on tv and ended up choosing some Chinese film which neither of us understand. 


"Well yeah. I just couldn't live with myself if we never made it official." He says with a smile, holding up our hands to look at the rings side by side. They may be pretty plain to the eye, but what no one would know is the inscription on the inside. I smile at the thought of that being our little secret. 


"Oh hey did I tell you?" I ask, sitting up to look him in the eyes better.


"No, what?"


"Baby your gonna need to clean my side of the room." I say, and his eyes widen.


"Why? What's going on? "He asks, his grip on my hand tightening. I open my mouth to speak but a nurse interrupts, opening the door before I can get the words out. 


"Sir, visiting hours are over." He says and I nod, offering him a smile before leaning over to kiss a dumbfounded Hoseok on the lips, before shooing him out of the room. 






"What's goin-"


"See you tomorrow!!" I yell, waving as the nurse drags him down the hall.


I smile one last time at my ring. 




"What's going to happen to him?" I ask the nurse who had pulled me down the hall. He shrugs and walks off, leaving me mouth agape in the middle of the hallway. 


God what could be happening?


My phone buzzes and I pull it out quickly, hoping its an explanation from Tae but sigh when I see its a call coming in.


" yoboseyo?" I say, walking out of the hospital.


"No I don't need to hear those details Jimin!!" Jungkooks frail voice booms in my ear right before a loud bang, making me question my sanity. 


"Sorry hey when are you coming home?" He asks quietly, waiting for a response. 


"Soon, I need to pick up your food and medicine. Why's Jimin there?" I ask curiously, walking faster then before because frankly I just need to be home right now.


"Ahh. Well. They came back early because Yoongi has a game tonight but he's not exactly walking correctly I think you know why." He says quickly in a shameful tone.


"Jimin topped?" I say in disbelief.


"Apparently," he says and I hear a deep muffled voice, Jimins to be exact, then Jungkooks shrill squeal. "NO I DO NOT WANT TO WATCH! IF YOUR GONNA DO THAT GO TO YOUR GUYS ROOM!" He yells and I shiver, laughing at the situation.


I hear a laugh and a door shutting before Jungkook speaks again.


"How's Tae? " he asks, and I frown, looking down as I walk to avoid eye contact with anyone passing by.


"I don't know. He said yes but right before I left he told me I'm going to clean his side of the room. What does that mean?" 


"I'm not sure... we can talk about it when you get home." He says, pulling the phone away to sneeze. I wince at the sound and nod to myself.


"Yeah I'll be home soon. Bye." I say, hanging up.




"So what do you mean he said to clean his side of the room?" Jungkook asks, plastic container of soup in his lap. Yoongi and Jimin have been gone somewhere for a few hours, and its just me and Kookie in the dorm as far as we know. 


"I mean exactly that, word for word I think, that's what he told me." I say with a sigh, sloshing around my spoon in my own soup. Suddenly I'm not so hungry. 


"I'm sure it'll be fine!" He says, giving me the best smile he can before sneezing again, an angry expression on his face.


"Damn cold!" 


"Hey let's go bed." I say, taking his soup for him and setting it aside, plugging my phone in next to me and setting it on the table before getting into bed, pulling him to me in which he automatically wraps his arms around me, going to sleep instantly. I smile, kissing the top of his head. His hair smells faintly of coconut and I smile, glad that I don't have to spend the night alone. I close my eyes but my phone buzzes, startling me but not Jungkook. 


I reach behind me as carefully as I can, turning my phone on. My heart stops at the message I get, and it takes a minute for me to decide wither I should wake Jungkook up to tell him or not. But seeing the limp boy in my arms I decide not to, and set my phone aside, closing my eyes to sleep. 




From: Taehyung.


I'm getting released tomorrow and I wanna come home to a clean room. I miss you babe! <3

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Chapter 35: I was crying !! YOU ! You. You are awesome. Cool story, I'm happy they're happy in the end :))
cpayan #2
Chapter 35: Omg the beginning was so sad at first and then I realized it was just a story that hoseok told the boys and I'm just like "shook and triggered"
abbieyen16 #3
Chapter 35: Omg yaaaassss!!!! Tae doesn't have cancer!!! And they live happily ever after!!!!! *claps like a mad man* amazing job!!!!!
Chapter 28: *best, Sorry my mistake
I think this fanfiction is the n'est i've ever read.... 'Don't know What to think about this
coffeelatteleo #7
Chapter 35: Got fooled there. Hahaha. At least it's a happy ending. Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 35: You... I should have known. This is karma and I'm so sorry to everyone. Why me.... T~T gah. You totally got me. My heart dropped then I was like. Oh. You. You can't do that. But okay.
XVLove #9
Chapter 35: AH It's so great!!! I love how it was end and I like it when you put the twist at the end and make it happy ending, I almost got heart broken because I thought taehyung really died. I really enjoyed it... Just a bit sad because finally, the story is completed... I hate it, but end is one of the most important things in live... I think I need a pillow now... It's just too sad...
Good Job, I look forward for your next works :)
Chapter 34: Take your time! Fighting!! ><