A Blur of Light

I've Fallen for Us

"I'm going out!" Hoseok yells from the bathroom, me laying on his bed. I don't say anything, throat too sore and raw to let words come out, let alone my mind focus enough to form those words. He steps out of the bathroom, a thick white layer of steams rolling out after him, and I raise my eyebrows at his fresh, almost professional even, appearance.


"Where are you going?" I whisper, eyes watering as the vocals leave my mouth, dragging along what feels like miniature knives with them. 


"Huh?" He asks with a smile, fixing his wet hair in the mirror by Taes bed. I frown, shaking my head to roll over on my stomach, eyes slowly closing. My nose is as stuffed as it could ever be, so I lay with my mouth slightly open, ignoring the feeling of my ribs pressing into the soft mattress underneath me. I don't hear anything for a moment, and figure that he's still working on his hair in the mirror. 


After about a minute I move my head to the side, opening one eye to find Hoseok. But I don't. That's... uh. Where did he go? I think to myself, but quickly shrug it off, closing my eye once again. My head feels heavy on my shoulders, so I don't lift it for more time then I have to. 


I'm drifting off to sleep, my leg hanging slightly off the bed when I hear a loud "KYAAAAAH!!!" And my back gets heavier.

I laugh, despite the pain, fully awake now. My ribs push even further with my hip bones into the mattress, almost crushingly so.


"Hoseok!" I groan, laughing quietly as he adjusts himself on my back, laying flat against me on his stomach, pushing me even further into the mattress. His hands find my hips, resting them there lightly, his hair dripping cool drops on my neck.


"Your making me wet!" I yelp, but don't move. 


"AM I?" He says, laughing loudly, his thumbs slowly moving on my hips.


"Ewwww not like that!" 


"Sure sure." He says, smile full, and I can't help but smile back, even though I can hardly breath. He shifts off me, turning me around to lay on my back, giving me a better view of him. 


"Hi." He whispers, smiling at me, his white teeth exposed. I smile back as he cups my face in his hand, kissing the tip of my nose.


"Hi, where are you going?"


"Oh I forgot! I need to go, I'll tell you when I get back!" He yells, leaning down to kiss the corner of my mouth sloppily before jumping up from the bed.


"Love you!" He yells, just as the door slams shut and I laugh. 


"I love you too!" I yell, even though he most likely can't hear me. Or, maybe he can. If he isn't to far down the hallway. That's the thing about these rooms, the walls are thin, so people within the next two maybe even three rooms can hear anything that's yelled, even if it's fairly quiet. Safety reasons, I suppose. 


I wonder why he's so excited? Maybe he's going on a date with Tae? I sit on his bed, hugging his pillow to my chest and smile at the faint smell of Hoseok. Actually, all of me smells like him, and its not faint. His smell engulfs me, my skin veins in all, but I don't mind. He smells like warmth, smells like security, and hope. I hum to myself, getting up to go to the bathroom but trip over Hoseok's pajama pants that I'm wearing. Falling with a thump, my vision goes dark and I groan in pain, clutching the side of my shirt as I shrivel up against the bed, standing up slowly and wincing as I step down. Glancing down I notice my toe. The nails missing, skin turning dark very quickly. I try to bend it but the pain that shoots through my foot is something else.


".." I mumble, letting myself fall backwards on his bed, grabbing my phone and curling into his pillow, unlocking my phone screen and pull up my messages. 


To: Hoseok

"Hey um. So I think I just broke my toe, love you!" I type, looking over the black letters on the screen briefly before hitting send. I send the same thing to Jimin. When I'm done I let it fall next to me on the bed, shifting to stare up at the ceiling. 


The bed vibrates under me slightly and I hold in a gasp, quickly grabbing my phone off the bed to answer the call.




"Jeon Jungkook. How the hell did you manage to break your toe?!" Jimin's shrill voice says.


"Long story?" I say, shrugging to myself.


"Can you bend it?"




"Did you try?" He asks, and I hold back a groan. Of course I tried!


"No Park. Of course I did!" I reply, rolling onto my stomach with a soft umph.


"Where are you?"


"Hoseok's room?" 


"Right. Of course you are," He says, voice filled with annoyance.


"What's that supposed to mean?" I growl back, glaring at the wall.


"Nothing I just should have known." He says, and mentally I imagine the smirk on his face.


"Again. What's that supposed to mean?" 


"I'll be there in a second." He says, ignoring my question and hanging up. It only takes a minute to get here. 


He doesn't even knock, just opens the door, shutting it gently behind him and walks to me, my face pushed into the bed, unable to see him.




"What?" I grumble, slowly rolling over and ignoring the pain my foot is in. Its pulsing now, and I groan.


"You really did break them." He says, an expression of disgust on his face. I raise my eyebrow at him.




"Look at your foot, Kook."


I stare at him for a moment before slowly letting my eyes slide down to my toes, and can I just say ew. My big toe, pinky toe, and the one next to it are all a blue-black color.


"I thought I only broke one!" I whine, falling back onto my back and frown to myself. I close my eyes, humming to myself as the light that pours into the room turns my vision green under my closed lids. I can hear him walking around, and suddenly something soft hits my face.


"Ugh Jimin!" 


"Put those on, I'm going to tell Yoongi," he says, Yoongis name soft and smooth on his lips, pausing for a second after saying his name, eyes flickering bright for a second before continuing." That your broke toes and I'm taking you to the hospital." Well that ruined the moment. 


"Yeah, I'm surprised you and him weren't doing it when I called." I say with a snort, watching him grab the door handle, shaking his head with a sly smile on his lips. He pauses for a moment, looking at me.


"What?" I ask, a weird feeling in my stomach grows as his eyes rake over my body slowly before meeting my eyes.


"Same goes to you," he says before disappearing out the door. What does that mean?


I frown, eyebrows knitting together as I stand on my right foot, slipping on the jeans Jimin threw at me from Hoseok's dresser and sit down to put the shirt on. His clothes seem rather big on me, and I sit waiting for Jimin to come back, ignoring the feeling of elastic band pressing against my hip bones.


"Okay I told him!" I hear him yell from the hallway, opening the door to enter the room. I smile at him as he extends his hand, me taking it gratefully. 


"I LOVE YOU PARK JIMIN! DON'T YOU FORGET THAT!" A voice yells from down the hall and I groan at the romantic affection.


"I LOVE YOU TOO!" Jimin yells back, helping me to the hallway, letting me lean on the wall while he locks the door, my phone in my back pocket. 


We start walking down the hall, my arm slung around his shoulder for support when we hear another yell.


"DON'T TAKE TOO LONG JIMINNIE, DADDY WANTS TO PLAY AGAIN TONIGHT!" Yoongi yells and I groan, along with a few other people, who reside behind closed doors.


"Gross hyung!" I yell back to Yoongi before glancing up at Jimin, who's smiling like an idiot. "You guys have no shame." I say and he laughs, shaking his head and we turn the corner to the elevator, which is tucked away in the corner of this floor.


"Where are we going?" I ask curiously as we board it, him clicking the first button. The doors slide shut, floor lifting under us slowly before descending down, and I hold onto him around the waist, closing my eyes. I've always been scared of elevators. 


"We, my maknae, are going to the underground parking garage."


"Your parents finally bought you a car?" 


"Nope. I bought it myself. Well actually, Daddy," he says sweetly, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively at me for a moment then continues," bought it for me. But I earned it!" He adds as the doors to the elevator slide open. Like that makes it any better, I think to myself with the shake of my head, looking into the dark space before us now. The faint outline of cars are all I can see and he leads me over to a car nearby. My eyes widen as my vision adjusts and I can see the beauty in front of me.


"HE BOUGHT YOU A MUSTANG?!" I yell, in disbelief, him snoring and opening the door for me, reaching in to buckle my seat belt for me. He repeats his previous words, I earned it, to me with a wink before shutting the door and going around to the front, climbing into the drivers side. My hands trace the smooth leather seats as I stare at his radio.


"I keep forgetting you know how to drive hyung, which by the way later you need to let me drive this thing!" I say, rubbing my hand across the dash board. I hear him chuckle.


"How you gonna drive with broken toes?" He responds, pulling out of the parking garage and onto the main road.


"You only need one foot to drive hyung, your actually giving a pretty good example of that right now," I say, looking over at his strange positioning, one foot propped up on the seat with his knee to his chest, other foot down on the gas pedal. "Or any other time you drive." I add, looking out the illegally tinted windows at the cars around us. We stop at a red light, and I glance over at him, remembering something. But just as I'm about to open my mouth to speak, my phone starts buzzing. Jimin looks over at me as I pick up the phone.


"Hello?" I say, bringing my phone up to my ear. 


Hoseoks voice flows from my phone speaker and I smile to myself.


"Kookie-ah! Oh my god are you okay? How the hell do you manage that? Do I need to come take you to the hospital? I'm still waiting to be called back, I can cancel-"


"Hoseok-ah." I say, and his words turn into air. "I'm okay, Jimin is taking me to the hospital right now." I say and I hear him let out a breath.


"Okay good. Does it really hurt? " he asks, his voice laced with concern.


"Yeah.. but it's okay hyung. Anyway, your waiting to be called back for what?" I ask, tilting my head to rest it against the window as Jimin curses under his breath, the car suddenly going impossibly faster then it had been into a very wide turn. 


"JIMIN SLOW DOWN!" I yell, not even bothering to take the phone away from my ear.


"Kook what's going on?" Hoseok asks, but my attentions focused on Jimin.






"What happened?" He asks and I grunt, gently hitting Jimin in the arm as he smiles, laughing at me but never truly slowing down.


"This idiot decided to do some tokyo drifting . You know how fast he likes to drive around corners, driving in general is dangerous with him on the road." I reply to Hoseok, ignoring Jimins hits from the side.


"Focus on the road!" I yell, laughing as he tries to tickle me and seat his hands away, turning my attention back to my phone call.  


"Hey, I gotta go. I hope you feel better. I'll be home later." Hoseok says quickly, pulling the phone away from his ear to say something before returning to me.


"Okay. I'll see you at home, if we ever make it there!" I yell at Jimin playfully, avoiding even more attacks. I hear Hoseok laugh.


"I love you Kookie-ah" He says and I smile.


"I love you too," I say, hanging up the phone and look over at Jimin, who's staring at me.




"You guys sure are close," he says, never looking back at the road and I start to fear for my life when I hear a bunch of honking. I smash my hand against his cheek, turning his eyes back to the road.


"God you scare me sometimes!" I yell and he laughs, the awkward atmosphere gone. We pull up to the hospital, and he goes around to help me out of the car.


After being seen, and having to use crutches with my whole damn foot taped up, we make it to the car. It's like 9 PM now, and I groan, exhausted.  


"Thanks for taking me." I say as we drive, squinting at the cars headlights passing by us.


"No problem." He says, eyes on the road. I swallow for a moment, before glancing over at him. His face is lit up from others cars lights, and his eyes are dark with tiredness. 




"Yeah?" He asks, eyes flickering to mine for a split second, before back at the road and I smile. He's finally learning!


"What did you mean earlier when you said same goes to you?" I ask, and he scrunches his face up for a moment before nodding, like he remembers what I'm talking about. 


"Oh that. You did I'm surprised you and Yoongi weren't doing it when you called, and I said same goes for you, as in you and Hoseok hyung." He says with a nod, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.


"WHAT THE IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" I yell, exhaustion but a trick of the mind now.


He shrugs, pulling off the highway. We still have about twenty five minutes to go before we get back to the dorms.




"What?! I just said I'm surprised you guys weren't ing when you called!" He yells back, trying to keep his eyes on the road but I know he's struggling. It takes everything I have to not reach over into the backseat, grab a crutch and beat him with it. How dare he?!


"WE'VE NEVER ED! " I yell back.












"A BROTHER!" I yell, slamming my hands down on the dash board. Anger flashes across his face and he quickly pulls over, unbuckling my seat belt.


"NO BROTHERS ARE LIKE THAT!" He yells glaring at me now. 




"I HOPE YOU GUYS AREN'T SLEEPING AROUND. YOU WOULDN'T WANT HOSEOK TO SPREAD YOUR DISEASES TO HIM WHEN THEY FINALLY MAKE LOVE FOR THE FIRST TIME!" He yells, pushing me now. I growl, opening the car door and hoping out. my crutches. I needed out.


"HOW EN DARE YOU ACCUSE ME OF HAVING DISEASES! I'M A !" I yell, trying my best to stand on the one foot.


"ARE YOU REALLY?!" He yells, rolling up the window and speeding off before I can say anything else. I growl, swinging my arms around, punching the air in front of me. IF ONLY IT WERE THAT DAMN JIMINS FACE! I yell in my head, taking one more swing but accidentally fall, hitting the floor hard. I groan, ignoring the pain in my foot as I grab my phone out of my pocket, staring at his icon picture for a minute before clicking into it and texting him.



I miss you so much. 


I click send as the tears start to roll down my cheeks and do the only thing I practically can do in this situation. Call Hoseok.


"Hello?" He asks, answering the phone instantly, leaving no room for it to ring.


"Hey.." I whisper. 


"Are, Kookie are you crying?" He asks, and I can hear some rustling.


"Yeah. Jimin." I say, and I can hear his breath hitch.


"What the did he do to you?!" He yells, and I hear a loud slam.


"Can you come get me?" I ask, wiping my tear drenched cheeks.


"Where is he?!" I hear him yell.


"WHERE'S WHO?!" Yoongi yells back.


"YOUR IDIOT!" He yells.


"NOT HERE NOW GET OUT. CALLING MY MAN A IDIOT THE IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I hear Yoongi yell before another slam. 


I listen to his breathing for a minute, shivering as the wind from cars passing by hit me and I bite my lip.


"Baby where are you? " he asks, and I tell him. Which only makes him more mad.


"HE LEFT YOU ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAF AT NIGHT?! HE'S SO DEAD!" He yells, and I wince, tears streaming faster. My nose burns, the night just a blur of light in my eyes. This is the loudest I've ever heard him yell.


"I'm coming to get you." He says, and hangs up.


I stare down at my phone screen, silently letting the sobs out as I run my phone over my bright screen, wiping the fallen tears off of it. Cold drops drench my eyelashes and I shiver, the night suddenly becoming a lot colder. 


It only takes fifteen minutes for him to get here, and I wonder how because we live more then that many minutes away, but I don't complain about it. He hops out of the car he was driving, who's car? I don't know, and comes over to cradle me on his arms on the floor. His warmth draws me in instantly, and I curl up into his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around the lower half of my body.


"Shhh." He coos, into my hair, and I feel a soft pressure on my head for a split second. It was his lips. 


"Will you tell me what happened?" He asks after helping me into the car, but I don't respond. I don't feel like this is something I can tell him, especially since it involves something that's never happened between us. Especially since Jimin accused us of doing something so.. intimate. 


"Really Kook?" He asks, reaching over to take my hand in his right one, his other hand on the steering wheel. "It's not like I'm going to kill him." He adds with a light chuckle, trying to lighten the mood but I just sniffle and shake my head. 


"You might.." I whisper, hiccuping quietly.


"Well. For one he's already dead. He left you, at night. ALONE on the side of the road, so that alone makes me want to run him over with this car. Secondly, he made you cry and NO ONE, makes my baby brother cry, and third of all. He left you immobile, remember? No crutches?" He asks, motioning around in the car as to show they aren't here. I nod. 


"So he's already dead." He says with a shrug, pulling into the parking garage.


"Who's car is this?" I ask, looking around at the seats.


"Taes. I bought it for him, it was supposed to be a surprise, but his doctor said he can't drive. " he responds with a sad smile and I nod.


"Please tell me what happened." He says as he parks, the car slowly filling with silence as the engine dies down.


"I can't hyung." I say biting my lip. Would it be so bad if I told him? 


He doesn't say anything, just gets out the car to come to my side, unbuckling the seat belt and pulling me out pressing his body against mine against the car, his face resting in the crook of my neck.




"You know you can tell me, right Kookie-ah? Yeah. I might lose my temper, but you have to understand why. He left you there, alone, at night. That's not okay. He made you cry too, and that is. Definitely. Not. Okay." He says, pulling back to look me in the eyes but our body's remain on each other. He searches my eyes for a moment, as if to make sure the words actually reached me, and I let myself get lost in his eyes. I know he just cares, and he's going to talk to Jimin, no matter how much I try to avoid them talking, so there's no use in fighting. And I'm done fighting for tonight. 

So I tell him the story. I've never seen him run so fast to the elevator, let alone while carrying me. He slams the button with his elbow, and glares at the door as it shuts.


"Hobi-ah." I say, reaching up to cup his face. He leans into my hands, looking down at me with a soft but still edgy expression, and I sigh, knowing that this isn't going to blow over any time soon.


"I want to kill him." He says, with a exhausted sigh, leaning his back up against the cool elevator wall. 


"I know." I say softly, nudging my head into his chest. "I hope I'm not too heavy." I say, not looking at him.


"You could never be too heavy for me Kookie-ah." He says, shaking his head.


"What do you mean?" I ask, tilting my head even more into him. He smiles and I smile into his chest, shaking my head slightly.


"Hard to explain?" He says as the door slides open. I furrow my brows together, looking up at him as he walks down the hallway, kicking Yoongi and Jimins door hard, yelling "YOUR DEAD TOMORROW PARK!!!" At the top of his lungs. He buffs as he slams out door shut with his back, setting me down gently on my back. I smile up at him, and he smiles back, helping me undress and get into pajamas, before switching into his own. He goes to the mirror on the wall and runs his hands though his hair.


"Where were you earlier?" I ask, and he shakes his head, a bright smile coming into his face.


"I got a job!" He squeaks proudly, jumping on me gently but still playful, like the way he is, drawing a laugh out of me. He lays on top of me slowly, our hips matching up, and wraps his arms around my neck, his face in the crook of my neck, and I smile. 


"I'm really excited for you!" I say, smiling as wide as I can even though he can't see it.


"Lets go to bed, I got an idiot to crush tomorrow. " he says and I laugh. 


"Goodnight." I whisper, closing my eyes and letting my breathing fall in sink with his, every exhale our stomachs meeting each other's. I run my hand gently through his hair, the tips tickling my finger tips. Resting my hand oh his back I try to not think of today. 


"I love you." He says, squeezing me tighter. "I'll see you tomorrow." 


"Yeah.. I love you too, Hoseok-ah." 


Hey! So if you guys haven't already noticed, this is in Jungkooks point of view. I really wanted to do something different, and I wrote so much cause this was different for me but I really enjoyed it. I added him breaking his toe cause I did yesterday, and lets just say it really hurt! Anyway thank you all so much for reading and commenting in my story. It means so much to me that you guys like my writing. Please don't forget to keep commenting and showing your support!! I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes this chapter may have, and like always, I love you guys!~

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Chapter 35: I was crying !! YOU ! You. You are awesome. Cool story, I'm happy they're happy in the end :))
cpayan #2
Chapter 35: Omg the beginning was so sad at first and then I realized it was just a story that hoseok told the boys and I'm just like "shook and triggered"
abbieyen16 #3
Chapter 35: Omg yaaaassss!!!! Tae doesn't have cancer!!! And they live happily ever after!!!!! *claps like a mad man* amazing job!!!!!
Chapter 28: *best, Sorry my mistake
I think this fanfiction is the n'est i've ever read.... 'Don't know What to think about this
coffeelatteleo #7
Chapter 35: Got fooled there. Hahaha. At least it's a happy ending. Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 35: You... I should have known. This is karma and I'm so sorry to everyone. Why me.... T~T gah. You totally got me. My heart dropped then I was like. Oh. You. You can't do that. But okay.
XVLove #9
Chapter 35: AH It's so great!!! I love how it was end and I like it when you put the twist at the end and make it happy ending, I almost got heart broken because I thought taehyung really died. I really enjoyed it... Just a bit sad because finally, the story is completed... I hate it, but end is one of the most important things in live... I think I need a pillow now... It's just too sad...
Good Job, I look forward for your next works :)
Chapter 34: Take your time! Fighting!! ><