~Bonus~ Apartments

I've Fallen for Us

"Jungkookie do you like this one?" He asks, smiling as we walk around the apartment that we're viewing. I smile, nodding and lean on the kitchen counter slightly, the whiteness of the room almost blinding. I'm surprised my parents let me move in with Jimin hyung, because of what happened.


"Let's go look at the bedrooms!" He yells excitedly, red beanie almost falling off his head as he bounces down the hallway, me in tow. The land lady who's showing us the apartment is in the living room, messing with the broken TV.


"Don't worry about it!" Jimin told her when he say her fretting over it when we first got here. "We can just buy a new one." But I think she was more at the broken TV that she had to pay for because the last person who had this apartment disappeared. 


We enter the first bedroom, a large wide room with sliding closet doors and a huge window overlooking Seoul. I smile, plopping down on the bed but careful not to ruffle the red pillows sheet. 


He walks around it, tracing the walls with his finger tips slowly. His eyes shine and he's smiling still. His black muscle shirt hugs him just right, jeans tight enough to show well you know, the show inside of them and I swallow, smiling at him even though he's not looking at me. 


"It's perfect." He whispers, once his index finger reaches the window seal. He looks over at me, eyes wide, waiting for approval. His eyeliner perfectly applied around his beautiful, brown eyes. His teeth show slightly as he smiles and I nod instantly, just wanting to look at him some more. 


Yes. I know. We fought. What he did wasn't right, but what he did to make up for it was. He promised me that he would never stop repaying me for what he had done, and I know he won't even if I had asked him to. 


"Come on let's go check out the other room," he says, swiftly coming to the bed to pull me up, our fingers laced. I smile at that as he leads me down the hallway to the next room.


It's walls are white of course, and it looks similar to the other one, but the bed sheets on this one are blue. Sort of navy. His smile grows and I look at the window, a shadow moving in the corner of my eyes before we're both flying into the king sized bed, our giggles muffled by a mouthful of sheets. 


"I could see us living here," he says after a minute, pulling me close to him, and I smile. "You can work on your dancing and singing, our private studio is just down the street. It'll be perfect," he says, face towards me. He brushes my hair out of his eyes with his palm, and I notice how close are faces actually are. I look into his eyes, an innocent darkness in them that makes me feel strange. He's like a puppy, who needs to know what we're doing is okay. I smile slightly, leaning forward to knock my for head gently against his. 


"It's perfect." I whisper, closing my eyes as he leans forward, his long jet black eye lashes tickling my cheeks. I can feel his breath hit my face faintly, his arms coming up to wrap around my waist, pulling me even closer. My heart beats a mile per minute and I open my mouth slightly, hoping it'll help me breathe. My head is spinning from our closeness. 


"Hey are you guys," the lady asks, coming into the room. She glances back behind her for a second, missing the way we separate quickly, sitting up to face her. "Are you ready to move to the next apartment?" She asks with a tight smile.


"Actually," I feel a warm hand on mine and look down at our hands resting on the bed, skin color a nice contrast to the blue underneath us. "We choose this one." He says, and I watch as her tight smile grows big, genuine. 


"Come on down, I have the paperwork ready in my office." She sing songs, spinning on her heels to leave the room. 


"It's official?" He asks, and I nod.


"It's official."


Jimin signs the papers as I stand behind him, awkwardly swaying and looking around the stuffed office. The lady smiles at us once more.


"I hope you enjoy your apartment." She says. Jimin thanks her and I step out into the hallway.


"Oh Noona?" He asks suddenly, stopping halfway out the door to look at her.




"Are animals allowed?" He asks and I quirk my eyebrow, looking at the back if his head. 


"No. It said that in the papers." She states sternly.


I sigh as we walk out.


"You didn't read the papers did you?" I ask, looking at him as we walk back to the dorm to get our stuff.




"Then why did you buy the place?" I ask as I stop to tie my shoe.


"Do you not like it?" He asks, and I can hear his voice laces with concern. I look up and shake my head, stepping back by his side as we continue to walk.


"I do." Not as much as I like you, I think to myself with a small smirk which he doesn't see.


"That's why." He says, hand slipping into mine.


It takes us a few days to get used to it. The land lady only visits to see how we're doing, apologizing, again, for the TV. She doesn't know we threw it out already. 


After we have the new TV set up Jimin goes to the kitchen to make us lunch while I cuddle up on the couch, watching finding nemo. 


My nose burns slightly as I yawn, propping up my head on my arm, closing my eyes slowly, the TV screen being too much of a blur for my mind to comprehend. 


My head gets heavier, a pout on my lips as a tear escapes my tired watery eyes. 


"Are you okay?" A voice, deep and smooth asks. Jimin. I open my eyes as he slides onto the couch, hand hesitantly going to touch the tear on my cheek. 


"Yes hyung, just tired." 


"Oh lunch is ready," he says, smoothing out my hair with a cold hand.


"Can we eat in here?" 


"Nope cause this carpet is new."


"It's not new." I whine, but he only smiles.


"New to us."






"But we can watch a movie together while we eat." I say, nodding towards the screen. He shakes his head, chuckling.


"It didn't look like you were even watching it." 


"I was very interested in it actually." I lie matter of factly.


"Sure." He snorts.


I smile and he tries to pull me up.


"Hyung~" I coo, but he only smiles.


"It's getting cold you know." 


"Bring the food in here."






"Baby," he says, voice husky, and I stop, eyes wide. "Come on please eat with me in the kitchen." 


I can only whisper a small 'okay.'


While we're eating his phone rings. He ignores it.


"Who is it?" I ask, annoyed after the third call, the phone vibrating loudly against the table. 


"Yoongi." He spits, jamming meat into his mouth.


"Are you ever going to forgive him?" I ask, sighing and leaning my head on my right hand.


"I want to throttle the ." He huffs, swallowing only to put even more food into his mouth. I understand though. If it was me, Yoongi hyung would have no right now.


I set my plate in the sink, sitting down next to him to grab his phone. He only watches me. 


"Yoboseyo?" I say, ignoring Jimins pointed looks.


"Ne?" I say when he asks me if Jimins here.


"Ne, where do you want to meet?" I ask and ignore Jimin jumping slightly at that question. I'm about to answer Yoongi when I'm pulled into Jimins lap, dropping the phone gently on the carpet underneath us.


He leans forward, eyes closed, pressing his lips to mine, automatically taking my bottom lip in between his teeth and . My heart clenches as I kiss him back, forgetting about Yoongi on the phone. I grab his shirt tightly in my fists, rocking against him as he pulls me closer, hands on my lower back. I let out a light moan, biting his lip gently before pulling away.


"When?" I ask, pressing my forhead to his. He doesn't answer me, huffing in as much air as he can get. His lips are slightly red, and I reach up, gently pressing my fingers to trace his lips. 


"A while." He moans as I clutch into him tighter, hand finding its way to remove his slick black snap back. My fingers knot in his hair and he groans slightly as I tug experimentally. 


I can hear the beeping of the disconnected phone line near my left foot and I smile. 


"Baby what do you want for your birthday?" He asks, and I look at him, shocked he would be asking that right now. 


"It's not allowed." I say, shaking my head. The picture of the small, white puppy pops into my mind. But the apartments have a no animal policy. 


The next day I wake up to find something tickling my neck, rather heavily laying on my upper chest and throat. I freak out for a second, moving slowly to pick it up off of me. 


"Jimin!" I yell instantly, it's name tag in my hands.


"Yes Kookie-Ah?" He asks, coming into the room with a knowing smile on his face. 


"It's not allowed!" I say, yelping as the puppies rough tounge slides over my thumb. I smile, looking up at him.


"Happy birthday." 


"She's so cute.." I whisper, petting her head lightly.


"You know her name?" He asks as he sits with me on the bed. 


"Kookie." I saw with a small laugh. 


"Yup." He says. I set her gently on the bed, looking at him for a moment.


Small pecks turn into a long kiss. I pull back, laying down softly onto the pillow and look at him, breath shaky. 


"Can I ask you for another present?" I say, and he smiles but huffs playfully.


"Another? Really a puppy wasn't enough?!" He howls, eyes forming cresents, hair tousled up.


"Nope." I say with a smile. He leans down to rest his head against mine.


"What do you want?" He asks. I look at him.




As he opens the I moan, pulling him down to kiss him roughly. He's been going so slow and I need him even worse now. We've both tuned out the dog barking in the background, tiny paws padding across hard wood floor somewhere in the apartment.


"Jimin please!" I yell, but that gets drowned out by the sudden pounding on the front door. I watch as his eyes go wide and silence fills the room. 


"Ne?" Jimin calls out.


"Open this door right now. We've been notified that you own a pet, Mr. Park." It's the land lady. 






I said I'd update, I forgot to write, but I promised an update so here it is, Jikook! :D what I said to you guys yesterday wasn't something I had to say but something I felt I needed to tell you guys. 


I hope you all liked this update! Thank you guys for reading, I love you all! 


Until the next update. Bye!! <3


P.s anyone else loving the new Dope (Sick) MV? JIMIN, KOOKIE STAY IN YOUR LANE! I find myself freaking out over Jiminnie when my bias is Hobi. Agh the struggle of Bangtan at its finest. So excited for the concert next month! 

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Chapter 35: I was crying !! YOU ! You. You are awesome. Cool story, I'm happy they're happy in the end :))
cpayan #2
Chapter 35: Omg the beginning was so sad at first and then I realized it was just a story that hoseok told the boys and I'm just like "shook and triggered"
abbieyen16 #3
Chapter 35: Omg yaaaassss!!!! Tae doesn't have cancer!!! And they live happily ever after!!!!! *claps like a mad man* amazing job!!!!!
Chapter 28: *best, Sorry my mistake
I think this fanfiction is the n'est i've ever read.... 'Don't know What to think about this
coffeelatteleo #7
Chapter 35: Got fooled there. Hahaha. At least it's a happy ending. Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 35: You... I should have known. This is karma and I'm so sorry to everyone. Why me.... T~T gah. You totally got me. My heart dropped then I was like. Oh. You. You can't do that. But okay.
XVLove #9
Chapter 35: AH It's so great!!! I love how it was end and I like it when you put the twist at the end and make it happy ending, I almost got heart broken because I thought taehyung really died. I really enjoyed it... Just a bit sad because finally, the story is completed... I hate it, but end is one of the most important things in live... I think I need a pillow now... It's just too sad...
Good Job, I look forward for your next works :)
Chapter 34: Take your time! Fighting!! ><