In the shadows

I've Fallen for Us

I wake up to small hands clenching my shirt tightly, quivering as he shakes. My eyes snap open automatically, but to nothing. It's still night out, the wind blowing against the window, making a small screeching sound. I try to roll over, body heavy from sleep but can't because something sharp is digging into my arms. Actually no, ten things are. Cold little fingers. I stay still, mind foggy, eyes half lidded as I try to make out Jungkooks sleeping figure in front of me, but I don't. I do however, find a awake Jungkook, whimpering with each inhale of breath, his grip getting tighter as the seconds pass. My mind starts to race.


"Jungkook?" I whisper quietly, not wanting to scare the small bundle in my arms, but get no reply, just fingers tightening.


"Kook, are you okay?" I say, worried and fully awake now, my eyes fully adjusted by now and my heart clench as a tear slides down his cheek. Then I notice his position.


He has his knees pulled up in between us, and I watch as he takes one hand down to his stomach, clutching it and taking a shaky breath, tears streaming down his cheeks with a small gasp.


"Kookie baby what's hurting you?" I say, sitting up slowly and watching him shiver in the shadows underneath me, his breathing heavy and shaky. His eyes meet mine, the littlest light shining in from the blinds shines on his face and I can see how much pain he's in. And I have to do something. 


I turn quickly, tearing my phone off the charger with a thrashing move of the arm and dial the number quickly, bringing the phone up to my ear as the hand previously on my arm goes down to join the other one on his stomach.


"It hurts," he whimpers, a loud choked gasp follows it and he curls up even more into himself, head in between his legs.




"Mom! Something's wrong with Kookie he can't breathe, I think something's wrong with his stomach!" I yell into the phone, my hand going to untangle his own, fingers wrapping around one of his hands and holding it tightly to my chest, my eyes never meeting his.


"What? Is he sick right now?" She asks quickly, and my heart sinks.


"Yes! " 


"How long has he been sick?!" She yells even quicker into the speaker, but I watch his small arm curl around his stomach and lean down to pepper soft kisses on his cheeks, neck and lips, hoping to distract him from the pain a bit. 


"Hoseok! How long?!" She yells, and I gulp, my mouth dry as sand paper. How long has he been sick? My mind goes blank, and I struggle to find the words.


"Um.. ah um. I don't know a few days??? M-m-mom please! I don't know what to do!" I yell, untangling myself to turn the light on, ignoring the low hiss I get in return.


I run back to the bed to see his eyes red, knuckles white and bottom lip bloody, probably from biting down on it to hard. 


"GET HIM TO THE HOSPITAL!!" She yells back, and I hear a lot of rustling in the background.


"DO I CALL AN AMBULANCE OR WHAT?!" I yell back, him wincing inwardly at the raise in my voice.


"YES! I'LL BE THERE IN TEN MINUTES!" She yells, before the line goes dead, leaving me alone with him once again. 


"Okay... um um okay! Kookie I'm going to call an ambulance," I say, my hands reach forward to claim his, unusually cold and weak frail hand. "God baby please stay with me!" I yell, punching in the numbers with a shaky hand as he closes his eyes slowly, his breathing slowing down. 


"Hello?!" I yell as the line gets picked up.


"Hello 911 what's your emergency?" A male voice calmly says.


"I need an ambulance! He's sick I don't know he can't breathe and..and" I yell, becoming a sobbing mess into the phone.


"Sir I'm going to need you to stop crying and tell me where you are." He replies, but my brain hurts. It pounds against my skull like sticks on a drum, my jaw aching suddenly, not allowing me to get any words out. My address lingers in my mind, but it won't leave my mouth. No matter how hard I try, air fills my lungs rapidly, unabling my words to come out. They get caught in the air on the way out of my throat, forcefully shoved back in and choke me slowly, painfully. 


"Sir please stay on the line while we trace your call." He says quickly, but his tone is still calm. After a second a deep voice fills my ears again.


"Sir an ambulance is on its way, please remain calm help will be there soon." 


The voice is far away. All I know is I'm clutching as small body to me. And then I'm not.


When I wake up light pours into my eyes, causing me to groan in annoyance and swat the large flies buzzing near my eyes away. I open my eyes widely now, remembering the previous events, and notice that those flies were actually two hands. 


"Ah finally your awake!" The man above me says with a smile, and I glance around to notice I'm in a room, a small blue curtain separating me from the faint outline of a bed. That's when I notice I'm in one too, my fingers slide across the soft pillow as I sit up, watching him nod to himself.


"You came in earlier with a smaller boy, your okay to leave. From what it says here," he says, tapping the clipboard in his hand with the pen in his other. "You passed out because of hyperventilating. And your dehydrated, you need to drink more water, but other then that, your good to go. Your friend, or boyfriend? I don't know, is over there," he says, pointing to the curtain. " and he can leave too, we gave him some medicine to help with the pain and here's your prescription. " he says, handing me a piece of paper, which I take gladly.


"Now, you need to take good care of him and keep him hydrated and fed, our chart says he's severely under weight, by at least 50 or so pounds. With that, take care and if anything else occurs please do not hesitate to bring him back, and I hope you feel better as well." He says with a smile and I smile the best I can before frowning again. 


I get up slowly, ignoring the small, gently but annoying thumping in my head and stumble over to the curtain, pulling it back gently.


He moves, rolling over to look at me and I smile slightly as he reaches an arm out to me, in which I take around my shoulders, picking him up bridal style and walking to the open door the doctor just left from. He hums quietly into my chest, eyes closed and breathing slow, and I carry him as carefully as I can down the hall, peoples voices fluttering around us as we leave the hospital building to find my mom's car parked outside. She smiles at me, waving me over to her car. I smile back, opening the front door easily and resting Jungkookie in the front seat, kissing his temple softly as I buckle his seat belt then climb into the back.


"I'm so glad you're both alright," my mom says, looking out the rearview mirror as she pulls out of the lot onto the road and gets into the turning lane. 


"Me too," I say with a smile, looking at the way Jungkooks black hair falls onto his neck in the back, caressing the smooth pale skin flawlessly. 


They talk quietly in the front seat while I look out the window, my arm rested on my head. Something catches my attention though, and its my mother's voice. Because she's speaking to me now.


"What?" I ask, looking at her in the side mirror. 


"Taehyung, isn't he coming home today?" She asks thoughtfully, pulling into the parking lot of our dorm. 


"Yeah." I respond, climbing out of the car to open the passenger seat, unbuckling his seat belt. He watches me with lazy eyes, and I look up to him with a warm smile, to which he returns before taking my hand to get out of the car. I turn as he starts to walk ahead, wrapping my arms around his waist to pull him into a back hug before reaching down to lift him off the ground like I did earlier. 


"Thank you mom," I say, leaning down gently to look into the car window. 


"Your welcome sweety, but Tae shouldn't stay with you for a couple of days till Kookie feels better. You don't want him catching it, especially not with the stuff that's going on." She says, and I nod, stepping back as she pulls away, and look down as a cold soft hand caresses my cheek.


"What about him coming home?" He asks quietly with a yawn.


"Baby Taes supposed to come home tonight, but I have to call him and figure things out because he can't be near you till your better." I say softly, smiling at him as I walk into the elevator, not wanting to carry him up the stairs.


"Aw but I want to see him." He whines, and I chuckle at his cuteness.


"I do too, I really miss him. But he can't be near you, you don't want him getting sick." I say and he nods, taking his feet again as I pull the dorm room key out of my pocket, my other arm wrapped around his waist to hold him up securely. 


We enter the room, him curling up on my bed as I sit on Taes, dialing his number and holding it up to my ear. It only takes a minute for me to hear the soft snores from the boy on my bed, and for the love of my life to pick up the phone. 


"Hey babe! Your coming to pick me up soon right? I'm so excited to see you!" He squeals as he picks up the phone, and my smile falters. I feel bad for what I'm about to say. It's like I'm *choosing Jungkook over him, But really it's for his own good. I just hope he'll understand.


"Actually baby, um. Well you see Kookies sick right now and with your condition I don't think it's a good idea for you to come home." I say, swallowing the lump in my throat as I finish the sentence. It's followed up by silence. 


"Has.. has he been there the whole time I've been in the hospital?" He asks quietly, and I can't tell if he's mad or not.


"Only from when we thought... we thought that.." 


"Thought what?"


"We thought you weren't gonna make it babe.." I whisper, hoping that he doesn't hear it. But of course he does.


"I was always gonna make it baby. Always" he says, and I actually believe it. I forget about his condition. He's a fighter, I was never going to lose him.


"I love you so much baby." I say, a cold tear falling down my cheek into my lap. 


"I love you too," he whispers, "so much." 


"Hey baby, did you know Kookies under weight?" I say suddenly, and I hear a sharp inhale.


"He is? By how much? Is it fatal?" He says quickly, words jumbled but I can make them out. 


"By 50 pounds or so yeah.." I whisper, watching said boy roll onto his stomach, his shirt rolling up exposing a piece of his bony ribs and I sigh, frowning at the pale little ribs visible just under the thin layer of skin.  


"Oh god. That's not good!" He squeals into the phone, voice raising in octaves with each word. 


"Yeah, exactly. I'm gonna make sure he gains weight and his sickness goes away before you see him again." I say. 


"Yeah.." he whispers, and I swear I hear him say 'but he's not your responsibility and he doesn't even live there' under his breath but shake it off, believing I'm mistaken. 


"So what are you going to do baby?" I ask softly as the boy on my bed stirs, his eyes meeting mine.


"I'll rent a room at a hotel for a few days, or stay with my parents." He says, and I feel horrible. 


"Yeah. That'll give me time to clean your side of the room!" I say with a laugh and he laughs too.


"Yeah. Hey baby I gotta go, I'm gonna make plans for where I'm going to be staying, but I'll call you when I'm settled for the night." He says and I smile. 


"Okay baby, love you," I say, blowing a kiss into the phone and earning a giggle. 


"I love you too!" He says, before hanging up. I look at Jungkook once again, who's shifted onto his side, his eyes never leaving me.


"What's wrong Kookie-ah?" I ask, going to sit with him on my bed, leaving my phone on Taes bed. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck, my chin resting on his head of hair, his breathing soft and slow.


"You actually made him not come home? I could just leave Hoseok, I don't even live here." He says quietly and I hug him tighter. 


"No because then your not going to eat, or take your meds. I know you Jungkook. When you get sick you think you deserve it." I say.


"I do. I'm such a burden to you and your boyfriend. He needs you but your with me right now," he says shaking his head. "That's not okay and its my fault."


"No. Do not say that again, ever." I say, tilting his head up by pressing my fingers under his chin. His eyes meet mine and I can see tears forming, so I hug him even tighter. "This is for Taehyungs benefit. He understands that I need to take care of you, your like a brother to me, and he knows how you can be also. I can live a few days without seeing him, and vice versa. Your not a burden to either of us." I say, rubbing his back soothingly. 


He sighs, going limp to my touch and I smile, closing my eyes as well. 


The only thing I hear before going to bed is the vibration of my phone on bedsheets across the room, and little did I know, that text message was going to change my life forever. 


Hey!!!! I hope you all like this chapter! I'm sorry it takes me so long to update, but with tests and stuff I can't update as often as I would like. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and are looking forward to the next one! ;)

Please don't forget to comment! And I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoy, and please remember this is my story and I'll go whatever way I want with it, I know people complain about Kook and Hobi being to close but I'm going to write my story how I want to write it and if that bothers you then oh well? I hope you all enjoy this chapter however, and thank you all again!!! <3


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Chapter 35: I was crying !! YOU ! You. You are awesome. Cool story, I'm happy they're happy in the end :))
cpayan #2
Chapter 35: Omg the beginning was so sad at first and then I realized it was just a story that hoseok told the boys and I'm just like "shook and triggered"
abbieyen16 #3
Chapter 35: Omg yaaaassss!!!! Tae doesn't have cancer!!! And they live happily ever after!!!!! *claps like a mad man* amazing job!!!!!
Chapter 28: *best, Sorry my mistake
I think this fanfiction is the n'est i've ever read.... 'Don't know What to think about this
coffeelatteleo #7
Chapter 35: Got fooled there. Hahaha. At least it's a happy ending. Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 35: You... I should have known. This is karma and I'm so sorry to everyone. Why me.... T~T gah. You totally got me. My heart dropped then I was like. Oh. You. You can't do that. But okay.
XVLove #9
Chapter 35: AH It's so great!!! I love how it was end and I like it when you put the twist at the end and make it happy ending, I almost got heart broken because I thought taehyung really died. I really enjoyed it... Just a bit sad because finally, the story is completed... I hate it, but end is one of the most important things in live... I think I need a pillow now... It's just too sad...
Good Job, I look forward for your next works :)
Chapter 34: Take your time! Fighting!! ><