One Year Later.

I've Fallen for Us

"One year later. The weather is chill and calm, cemetery practically empty except for a couple people paying their respects to whomever they're visiting for. I sit on a picnic blanket with the two newly weds, Jungkook and Jimin. 

"Pass the basket hyung." Jimin says with a soft smile to me and I laugh as Kookie holds his hands up. 

"Babe you've already had eight." 

"One more?" 

"No." He says and I laugh, tossing a sandwich to Jiminie over Jungkooks head anyways,  ignoring the slight disapproval from the younger. I sigh then,  looking at the grave before me. Taehyung. Died almost 5 months ago to be exact.  He was never going to make it and we all knew. 

I loved him more then anything else in this world. And I always will. 

"Want some sandwich hyung?!" Jimin screeches out and I watch as he digs up a small piece of dirt, placing a bite of food under it and burying it. 

"Your stupid. " Me and Jungkook both say with a laugh, smiling softly at his wide grin. I sigh carefully,  getting up to dust off my jeans.

"Shall we go, then?" 

"You sure?" They ask, looking at me and I nod. 

We pack up our picnic, standing before the grave in silence. 

No one could ever understand how much I loved him. No one knew what I went through with him,  and he's my first, my last. My forever and always. I fell in love with him. I fell in love with us. 

"Goodbye Taehyung."


"And that, my friends, is the end of my story, I've Fallen for Us." I read out aloud. It's a chill Sunday afternoon, my fiancé, Tae, Jimin and Jungkook all about the room, eyes on me. 

"Yah!" Jimin yells first, throwing a couch pillow at me. "Why do you have to make me the bad guy! That never happened with me and Kookie!" 

"Why did I have cancer? " Taehyung speaks up with an incredulous laugh. I smile as him, gently pecking his lips before chucking the pillow back. 

"I had to make up some stuff!" I yell with a huff. "How else will my book be published? " I say and Jungkook nods slowly in agreement. 

"So when are you sending it in?" Baby Tae asks from my side, squeezing our intertwined hands. 

"Monday." I say. 

"I'm sure it'll be a hit!" Jimin yells squealing and I toss a piece of lint at him. 

"I'm sure you'll get hit." I say with a snort. 

"Alright you guys," Kookie says with a soft smile, hands together. "You two need to leave so me and Jimin can unpack. " He says, and said person groans. They just moved into this apartment not even a month ago yet they still have in boxes. 

"Sure. Call me if you need anything, " I say, hugging both of them before taking my fiancé by the hand and head down the stairs to our car. 

"Hey baby?" I say, and he stops, looking at me. 


"I love you."

"I love you too, even if you gave me cancer in your story." He says, sticking his tounge out and I laugh, climbing into the car next to him. We only have a week before we go back to our home in California. 


This is the end. I hope you guys enjoyed! So to clear some stuff up!

The whole story was something Hoseok wrote and was reading out loud to the boys. Tae never had cancer. They got engaged and moved to Cali. Jimin an Kookie got married. The whole story was something Hoseok made up just to publish because he's always wanted to be an author. Some parts, we're based on their "real lives." 

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Chapter 35: I was crying !! YOU ! You. You are awesome. Cool story, I'm happy they're happy in the end :))
cpayan #2
Chapter 35: Omg the beginning was so sad at first and then I realized it was just a story that hoseok told the boys and I'm just like "shook and triggered"
abbieyen16 #3
Chapter 35: Omg yaaaassss!!!! Tae doesn't have cancer!!! And they live happily ever after!!!!! *claps like a mad man* amazing job!!!!!
Chapter 28: *best, Sorry my mistake
I think this fanfiction is the n'est i've ever read.... 'Don't know What to think about this
coffeelatteleo #7
Chapter 35: Got fooled there. Hahaha. At least it's a happy ending. Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 35: You... I should have known. This is karma and I'm so sorry to everyone. Why me.... T~T gah. You totally got me. My heart dropped then I was like. Oh. You. You can't do that. But okay.
XVLove #9
Chapter 35: AH It's so great!!! I love how it was end and I like it when you put the twist at the end and make it happy ending, I almost got heart broken because I thought taehyung really died. I really enjoyed it... Just a bit sad because finally, the story is completed... I hate it, but end is one of the most important things in live... I think I need a pillow now... It's just too sad...
Good Job, I look forward for your next works :)
Chapter 34: Take your time! Fighting!! ><