
I've Fallen for Us

It is too damn early for this. Too damn early. 


The loud banging on the door continues even after a few minutes, and finally I've had enough. Slowly and carefully unwrapping my arms from around Jungkook I slip off the bed, wondering how the hell the people next to our room haven't called someone to shut the obnoxious knocking up already. 


I open the door, glancing over my shoulder to a still sleeping Jungkook before looking back at whom was knocking. I've never seen such a sight.


"Jimin?!" I yell, staring at his dripping figure. He's wearing a think white tank top, soaking wet, his hair matted up into clumps on his head, eyes red and blurry. Shivering, he ducks into me and shuts the door behind him, the water that had been dripping down and pooling into his hallow collarbones now wetting my shirt as he squeezes me tight, quiet gasped sobs escaping his small mouth.


"What happened??" I ask loudly, alarmed. He just hugs me tighter. I hold him tightly, ignoring the sound of Kookie moving around on the bed.


"Jiminnie what happened?" I whisper into his ear which is just in mouth shot because of how short he is. His shirt sticks to his stomach, s showing clearly under the white tank.


"I tri- I tried.. I tried so hard! I just couldn't!!" He wheezes, eyes clenched together tightly. My heart sinks into my stomach as I pull him to sit on the bed, pushing Jungkooks legs out of the way for him to sit down on the edge of my bed. 

The heat rumbles in my chest as I watch him sob into his hands. How dare he??! But right now clearly is not the time, I remind myself, shaking my hand to try to relieve some of the anger that is crashing into me like waves. I kneel down, taking one of his hands into my own to look at his face and he let's me. His eyeliner is smudged halfway down his chin, eyes red with snot running from his nose, lips pink and plump. The little hiccups of his breath hurt my heart. To hell with what he did. To hell with whatever happened to Jimin too.


"What happened?" I whisper, glancing behind Him in to where Kookie's propped up on his elbows now, watching us with a sleepy expression. 


"Yoongi," he whispers, shaking his head. "That ." 


And that's how you know something's wrong. What the could he have done?! 


I open my mouth to ask but a small voice interrupts. 




Said boy turns, staring at Jungkook a second before launching himself at him.


"GOD I'M SO SORRY!!" He yells, latching onto Jungkook like he's the last person in the world.


I watch Jungkook calm him down for a few moment before clearing my throat.


"So what happened?" I ask, crawling up to join them on the bed. Jimin lay with his back against Jungkooks chest.


"Yoongi! I came home!" He yells, voice hoarse. He's still soaking wet. I get up, grabbing some of my clothes out of the dresser before throwing them at him to change.


"Thanks.." He mumbles, slipping his shirt over his head silently. 


"So you came home?" I say again, nodding my head for him to continue. Jungkook dozes off on Jimins shoulder, arms wrapped loosely around his waist.


"Yoongi. I came home and um," he says, wiping his nose with his thumb. He's looking at me, but his eyes are black, blank. I nod for him to go on.


"I came home and he had his tongue down some guy, uh Namjoon or something's throat." He says quietly, shaking his head with the words. 


As soon as I hear the news my chest clenches. I can't even imagine what I'd do if that was Tae with some boy. Namjoon? 


"You knew the guys name?" I ask, tilting my head at him in confusion. Where have I heard that name before?


"No. I yelled at him, them to get out. I asked who the he was, not really caring to know his name, you know?" He asks, moving his hands in circles. "He had the audacity to respond with, his fiancé, who the hell are you?!" He says, clenching the comforter tightly in little fists. 


"FIANCÉ?!" I yell, mouth wide in shock, which scares Jungkooks eyes open for a second before him knocking out again. 


"Yeah, that's what I said." He shrugs, rolling his eyes and shaking his head slightly, eyes darting around the dark room.


".. what um. Why are you wet?" I ask, slipping under the blanket cause the cold. Apparently the air conditioning in our building is always on. 


"I uh." He coughs. Looking down he just shakes his head. Then I remember.


Drowning. My head snaps up at him.


"You tried?!" 


"I didn't know what else to do," he says, salty tears mixing with even saltier snot and eyeliner rubbed on his face. "He was all I've ever had." And I understand, because Taehyung is all I've ever had too.


Once during mess hall Jimin who had sat across from me, wrote down on sentence on a piece of paper, sliding it over to me under one of the old civics books we were using to study for our test. The question flashed across my eyes, red and smudged ink bleeding out onto the snow white paper in small neat letters.


If you were to commit suicide how would you do it?


We passed that note back and forth, discussing it silently, like it was our secret from the world, and in a way it was. 

Drowning he had said. Overdosing I had said. All you see is the water, the feeling them light, away slowly, he wrote. I like the thought of over dose, cause you just slowly go insane, it'd make for one hell of a show in your eyes, and then you just slow down.. And like that your gone, I replied.


I never thought to take that seriously however, but I've always known Jimin would do it. He'd snap eventually under pressure, he'd lose it. And I was right. He did.


"Why'd you stop?" I ask, leaning my head against the wall eyes closing. I listen to the rise and fall of his chest, a hum vibrating out of his throat into words.


"I just kept coughing. The pain hurt more than I thought... I managed to crawl out of the tub, but the water kept rushing over me, surrounding me." He says with a heavy sigh, and I nod.


"Why with clothes?"


"So that when someone found me I'd be decent. " he says with a small shrug, Eyes narrowed, staring off into the space in front of him.


I chuckle lightly, causing him to look up at me with the quirk of an eyebrow. He waits silently.


"You've never really been one for modesty" I say with a small shrug, and my chest gets lighter when a deep laugh comes from the younger male. He frowns instantly though, his eyes getting intense again.




"I forgot to turn off the water."


"Eh. Let Yoongi deal with it tomorrow." I say simply.


"What if it floods his room?" He asks a quietly, sinking into himself slightly and I shrug once more, leaning over to peck his temple lightly.


"I'm sure he'll figure it out. Get some rest here with Kook." I say, helping him pull his hips up to take off his wet black sweats before slipping on my dry, grey ones. 


"Where are you gonna sleep?" He asks and I answer that by jumping into Taehyung bed, hugging his pillow into my chest, sniffing in the scent of warm banana bread with a small smile. He smiles, eyes cresents and nose wrinkling as he does so but he's one of the most beautiful things in the world so even with the ugliest facial expression he'd still be perfect. We lay there silently, the previous wave of tired rolling back over me and I tug his blanket to my nose, kissing the soft fabric lightly. God I miss him.


"Hey Jimin?" I ask, rolling over to look at him. 




"Come shopping with me and Jungkook tomorrow?" I ask, my vision unfocused due to the sleepiness.


"For what?" He whispers, running a hand through his wet, jet black hair.


"You'll see, unless you'd rather be with that face." I say which he quickly objects to.


"No. Never again with that sugarless bastard." He spits, shaking his head with a exhausted sigh before burying his nose in Jungkookies soft hair.


"Goodnight Jimin." I say, but he's already asleep. His soft snores mix with Jungkooks, making a sweet symphony in the silent night. 


What feels like not even an hour later the sun is up, threatening to blind me with its hot rays and I groan, rolling onto my stomach. God five more minutes!!! I yell in my head but remember something that wakes me up instantly. Jumping out of bed I rush over to the two sleeping boys a few feet away, hitting them repeatedly with the light baby blue pillow.


"Nooo!!" Jimin growls, face planting into Jungkooks side.


"Why hyung?" Jungkook squeaks, squinting up at me. 


"Cause we need to go. Now. Jimin you want Yoongi to come looking for you?" I ask slowly, which causes him to jump up instantly, grabbing mindlessly at my clothes in the drawer before slamming the bathroom door shut behind him with a quiet, hell no.


"Dress Kookie!" I yell, grabbing my own clothes and stripping at the foot of Taehyung bed.


Today I'm going to do it. 


Jimin bumps into me on accident when leaving the bathroom and I smile at him, noting all the black gook gone from his cheeks and chin. Instead his face has replaced it with two thin layers per eye, perfectly on with the flick of his skinny white wrist.


"You look great." I say, and Jungkook, who's messing with his hair glances over and nods, causing Jimin to smile.


Jimins always worked so hard for everything. Everyone always assumes Jungkook puts in the most effort into everything cause he's the youngest, but that's just not it. Everything comes natural to Jungkook. Jimin had to work for his abs, work for his money, etc. Jungkook is naturally beautiful, and even though Jimin is to, he never feels like it. He needs to be told to believe it. He works hard to be okay. To not break down with criticism, even though he doesn't exactly handle it well. He tries the most out of all of us.


"Ready to go?" I ask, spinning to look at both of them. They nod and we head out, past a certain dreaded room, ignoring the soft, soaked mush of brown carpet under our feet as we pass Yoongi's door. I'm sure it's nothing.


We arrive at the store, and surprisingly it's not crowded. Instantly, though, Jimin and Kookie want to go to find new snacks, but I'm on a mission. I grab them both by the forearm as they're about to run away and drag them to the section with glass cases, brightly lit. 


"Hi may I help you?" The woman behind the case that runs this department says, smiling at us.


"Yes please!" I say, letting go of the two to approach the woman.


"What about this one?" Jimin hollers a few minutes later, pointing into the case.


"I don't think so..." I whisper, looking down into the case. My eyes slide across them but one catches my eye. I smile, tapping at the glass and waving the two boys over. They smile and nod.


"How much is it?" We all ask in union and I hand her over the cash as she slides a sliver, tiny box into my hands, smooth and glistening in the light. 


"Thank you!" We say, waving to the lady. 


"Good luck!" She waves back, a bright smile on her face.


My phone rings as I let the two drag me across the store, throwing junk food into a basket and I turn away from them, picking it up.




"I got the tickets." 


"For what date?" I whisper, keeping my eyes on the two who are laughing, grabbing a thing of juice off the counter and slamming it into the basket.


"Like you wanted, Christmas night." He replies.


"And you'll be at the airport when we land?" 


"Fashoo man."


"Thanks Tony. " I say, hanging up with a bright smile on my face.


Today's the day everything starts falling into place.




Finally I did it! This is so long over due. I figured out a way to make it go the way I wanted. Thanks for being so patient and understanding with me! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed it! I got Jimin's thing from the MV so yeah I hope this was okay for you guys! <3

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Chapter 35: I was crying !! YOU ! You. You are awesome. Cool story, I'm happy they're happy in the end :))
cpayan #2
Chapter 35: Omg the beginning was so sad at first and then I realized it was just a story that hoseok told the boys and I'm just like "shook and triggered"
abbieyen16 #3
Chapter 35: Omg yaaaassss!!!! Tae doesn't have cancer!!! And they live happily ever after!!!!! *claps like a mad man* amazing job!!!!!
Chapter 28: *best, Sorry my mistake
I think this fanfiction is the n'est i've ever read.... 'Don't know What to think about this
coffeelatteleo #7
Chapter 35: Got fooled there. Hahaha. At least it's a happy ending. Nice story author-nim!
Chapter 35: You... I should have known. This is karma and I'm so sorry to everyone. Why me.... T~T gah. You totally got me. My heart dropped then I was like. Oh. You. You can't do that. But okay.
XVLove #9
Chapter 35: AH It's so great!!! I love how it was end and I like it when you put the twist at the end and make it happy ending, I almost got heart broken because I thought taehyung really died. I really enjoyed it... Just a bit sad because finally, the story is completed... I hate it, but end is one of the most important things in live... I think I need a pillow now... It's just too sad...
Good Job, I look forward for your next works :)
Chapter 34: Take your time! Fighting!! ><