Meet Alesandra

Run To You.... Will You Stay?

Alesandra looked around in panic as two men followed her. She hid in the half way crowded train station.

"Hey, Sandra...... c'mon your dad is worried." On of the two men assured.

Alesandra hated being called Sandra..... she took off seeing people board on a train.... not sure where it's going but just trying to escape.

"Hey!" The two men scream spotting her just before the doors closed. Once the train began to move Alesandra took a seat and sighed. She didn't know where she was going..... but she was free from her farther.... for now.

When she arrived she realized she was in Seoul.

She aimlessly walked around moving her wallet to her pocket afraid she may get robbed. Wich she was smart to do.... not even two minutes later a man pushed her and stole her purse from her.

As she fell Alesandra hit her head on the wall twice as she fell on to a pile of garbage. ...

Her mind became hazzy and she began to pass out..... she smiled, rather being dead than alive..... she closed her eyes praying for death.

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baby_nany #1
Chapter 16: Woah!! Is the album first sensibility???!! I like the name Alisson more!!! And poor Yongguk!!! Zelo Fighting!!!!
LovelyReader16 #2
Chapter 10: are u planning to update any time?
Jessicanly #3
Chapter 7: I realy like it. All you need to do is just fix the mistakes but its a great story.