
Title : (6/10)

Well...it sounds really really cliche and if I were to come across this title I would certainly just skip it. It fits to the story but the appearance of it can be improved so that it can capture the readers' attention.

Description&Foreword : (10/10)

The way you described the story was simple and frank and the little segment of your story in the foreword was just nice,not too much not too less. And I kind of spotted this mistake in the prompt which you incorrectly copied it from the competition. "Everyone wants happiness. No one wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain." Bet'cha didn't see it xD It's okay,it wasn't intentional,I guess.

Grammar&Language : (16/20)

I spotted some and I'm gonna point it out since the competition is over. You tend to write words in present tense,which sounds really unusual for stories and writers. In the first paragraph,first line. "She watched closely as each falling snow flake fell slowly while listening to the Christmas carol that was playing on the radio in the cabSanta You Are The One.It's past tense,don't write everything in present tense because it sounds really weird. Same goes for the second line,change everything in past tense because if you write it in present tense,it sounds as though you're writing a drama script.

"With the window scrolled down,she stretched her right hand out to feel the snow,each landing softly on her opened palm." Like I did before,I changed the present tense to the past tense.

Please change everything to past tense,since English is your first language,you know how right? So I don't really have to point out whose tense mistakes.

"Youngwoon frowned when he saw one of the fans leaving so soon. He feels as though he knows the fan." Yeah so I changed the 'and' to a fullstop and 'he' because it's two different part,thus it should be in 2 different sentences.

That's all about this section,sure there are still errors but those are constant errors of the same problem,so since I pointed out some you should know how to change it yourself,there wasn't any other problem though,I hope you'd take more note of your tense since it's one of the important factors of writing and if not careful,you might be writing a drama script.

Character : (13/20)

Well...I don't think they really need to know about Youngwoon because he's suppose to be the same as the real celebrity right? So since it's like a reality fic here,Youngwoon's character elaboration was not much needed,but it's better if you still do. The reason of the missing 7 points was because of Minjee. I feel that she's lacking in elaboration because I couldn't quite understand her. In oneshots you're suppose to tell the readers everything about the characters with as little words as possible,but however I still do not really get the OC well.

I just now that...she's an indecisive person because she couldn't decide whether to see him or not. I give 3 points for that,and the other 10 points was the way you elaborated her actions. Yes. So I hope in future you can tell the readers' more about the main characters of the story even though it's a one shots.

Flow of story : (5/10)

I found it too fast for my liking. When Youngwoon decides to visit Minjee,is there no hesitation or something? I mean there were seperated for quite some time now,was there no dreaded decisions or dilemmas that Youngwoon was having? Was he so sure that Minjee would accept him back if he visits her right now? Even though she still loves her,Youngwoon still has his career to think of. When you described Minjee going home,what was Youngwoon doing? You totally missed out his part in the story,especially this point of time.

Originality&Storyline : (6/10)

I've seen stories like this. But this story,I had a feel that it was somehow rushed,I don't know which part it was rushed,but I had an overall feeling that it's rushed and the decisions were made too quickly,however these type of plots are quite rare so that's for the 6 points,but the mains setting was cliche though,so basically -4 points for that.

Overall : (56/80)

An okay score. My overall enjoyment for this...wasn't really high,but I don't feel any rage nor excitement for this either,reason being because it sounded abit too plain and dull,it feels as if it has no emotions,like bright emotions of the story or whatsoever,but I do hope you'd take more note of your tense and such. Please remember to credit the shop in your foreword so that I can cancel your name off the list. Thank you for requesting at KMS & HMH Review Shop! Have a nice day~

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