
Title : (9/10)

I don't know why,but to me,your title gives off a cute feeling,it's probably just me,but I find it cute xD Your title fits the overall story and plot,so 8 points for that,I give you 1 out of 2 points for appeal,since it can be improved,but still,good work!

Description&Foreword : (10/10)

I like how you give a little information in the description and then elaborated more in the foreword. At first I thought it was one whole story,and I was quite confused the first time I read your description and foreword(I didn't read your A/N sorry xD),but then I read your story and realized it's 2 in 1. I just find 2 in 1 'packages' unique. Haha,so perfect score in this section,not much to say here.

Grammar&Language : (18/20)

I only found a few mistakes,so the marks isn't that bad.

In your foreword,I found a mistake in your 1st paragraph 2nd line(and maybe 3rd), "He was finally able to move on,but then much to his dismay that one girl in his class suddenly decided to rekindle his spirit again." So...if you hadn't notice,I shifted 'much to his dismay' and added a comma between 'on' and 'but'. Now it sounds more right,doesn't it? Usually these phrases like 'much to his dismay','to his despair' etc should be placed in front before the rest of the subject goes behind. It sounds more...correct,haha.

In chapter 1,at the beginning,an unnecessary word. "Well,that's what the normal definition of it is." When you add 'of it',the reason why it's unnecessary because it makes it seem as though you're repeating yourself,since you already made it clear that you're explaining what's christmas,the 'of it' is unnecessary because people are already very clear of what you're talking about.

"Choi Ahreum - the Christmas worshipper who somehow wounded up in the same class as me for two ing years already." I changed 'wound' to past tense and I cancelled 'already'. Adding the 'already' behind makes it sound like broken English,well it's not that case everytime,but in this situation it does sound like broken English,it sounds like Singlish(singaporean language) to be exact,LOL. So yeah,it's better without the 'already'.

" "Put down the chair," I sighed,"You're making a scene." " Typo error there xD First you say it's a chair then you say it's a table,and then you say it's a chair again,LOLOLOL.

"Causing much of a commotion again,Ahreum decided not to get down like a normal person." Your one shots was so long @_@ I had to re read everything so that I can spot out the mistakes. And...I can't spot out any mistakes in Minseok's scene...so 2 points for these 4 minor mistakes,haha..well done!

Character : (20/20)

I love Ahreum! She's so funny and she kind of reminds me of myself. You elaborated the character's personalities equally,some which are meant to be 'not elaborated',are 'not elaborated'(if you get what I mean). About Minseok,I just can't help but imagine him sitting by the lake with that cute chubby face of his,and by the story I could tell that he's determined since he stayed until his wish was finally granted,and Sora,she's a quiet girl that doesn't like talking to people,probably likes solitary places. About Luhan,he's like cold on the outside but inside he's actually caring,I don't know but I think it's like this...I hope i'm not wrong ._. so perfect score! Hehe.

Flow of story : (10/10)

Easy to score perfectly! You paced everything equally and I didn't see a rush on things,furthermore I understood everything perfectly,so since it's a perfect score,I don't have much to say here.

Originality&Storyline : (9/10)

I've seen fics like this before,that's the missing 1 point,the rest was for how your story is in a 2 in 1 'package' kind like,and I totally loved the first scene,it was really funny on how Ahreum tried to convince Luhan at class. I had a good laugh over it and some of the curse words made it even more funny,it's been a while since I laughed over a fanfic,in a good way of course,so good work! And the angel concept,it's quite unique and...let's say...grand? To me,angel concepts sound grand though,haha.

Overall : (76/80)

Nice score there! And I have to thank you,because of your story,I managed to write a non-cliche christmas fanfic,the lastest one was inspired by this story,I didn't really steal the whole concept though,just maybe the angel and the disappearing part,okay I didn't steal,I was 'inspired',so thank you for writing this story! Haha. My overall enjoyment was high because of your very-less grammatical errors and a good plot. That's all now,remember to credit my shop in your foreword so I can cancel your name off the list! Once again,thank you for requesting at KMS & HMH Review shop! Have a pleasent day~

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