A Baby-Maker Machine?!

My Million Dollar Wife
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                               Afternoon next day, a black BMW fetch Dara. Very luxurious. The chauffer is wearing mint green polo and black slacks. He’s very courteous and doesn’t talk much, but looks alert enough. He arrived at exactly 5 PM. She already finished readying herself an hour ago and spends the remaining hour walking back and forth inside the house, nervous that Jiyong might back out of the meeting.

                She avoided biting her fingernails but failed to do so because of so much apprehension she’s feeling. When the car arrived, she was trembling as she locked the house. The thought of backing out also crossed her mind like what usually happens when someone invites her. She will compromise herself and back out at the last minute. She felt like her house is calling her, wants her to go back and she always comply.

                If Jiyong’s driver was late, she might do that. She’s never comfortable with any social setting. She functions normally when there’s no person around.

                When she visits the market, church and malls once a month, people think that she’s a snob when in fact, she’s not. She’s just stressed out in crowded places. She tends to be paranoid, defensive and sensitive.

                So even before she arrived at II Pavone, her finger is already bleeding due of constant biting of her nails.  

                “A-are we here already?” she nervously asked the driver.

                “Yes, Ma’am.”

                She knew that Pavone means peacock and the pizzeria in front of her has a caricature of the said bird but until now, she’s still confuse whether to enter or not.

                She tried to calm herself. She’s already 24. And even if she’s not socially active, she’s still aware of the things that happen outside of their house. She read a lot. She watched a lot of lifestyle shows, talk shows, documentaries. In other words, she’s not dumb.

                She told the maitre’d Jiyong’s name and she personally escorted Dara to the reserved table. She felt like all the people there was starting at her even if they’re not.

                Jiyong was already waiting in the table. Seeing him makes her more conscious. She’s wearing jeans, brown loafers, white blouse with puffy sleeves, some ruffles and cinched waist. She also let her hair down and even wore lipstick before going out but because of her constant nails biting, maybe it’s already gone.

                Jiyong stood as soon as he saw her and invited her to sit.

                “We’ll order later.” He said to the waiter as soon as they were settled down.  

                “No. Let’s order now.” She immediately interrupted. “I need to go home early.” She already misses her house so much. The comfortable chair, the clean smell of it, her soft bed.

                “Sure.”Jiyong signaled the waiter who immediately handed them the menu.

                “Order for me, please.”                She said to him. Her mind was preoccupied with other thoughts and she might end up ordering something which is not on the menu.

                While Jiyong looks happy with what she said. “My pleasure.” He smiled from ear to ear. He looked even more interesting now than before. If Dara will describe him, she will say that his face was ordinary. With average features like Napoleon and Hitler—it was odd that looking at him made her think of those men. Maybe because even if his facial features looks ordinary, Kwon Jiyong’s presence is extraordinary.

                He seemed to demand for attention.

                He was

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Chapter 2: curious jiyongie kkkk
Chapter 24: I surely miss this!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: first time reading other author asides H. this is a fun story. cute
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 24: Cute story~
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 23: Ahhhhhh it’s so short!!!
Fr0zenMus1c #6
Chapter 20: Lol this is really hilarious. The idea of Jiyong wanting to cry because even his finger got fat is just hilarious.
Fr0zenMus1c #7
Chapter 16: Ahahaha! Thunder warned you but you didn’t listen. Now it’s all sinking in.
Fr0zenMus1c #8
Chapter 15: Wow. Madame Kwon gearing up for battle. I like.
Fr0zenMus1c #9
Chapter 11: Hahahahaha!! Male version of Medusa indeed. Even this Chapter’s title is hilarious :D
Fr0zenMus1c #10
Chapter 7: Lol at Jiyong trying to fix the chakra at his groin.