A Sensual Act, Daragon Style

My Million Dollar Wife
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Warning: Adult scenes ahead... I'm not warning you because of the ual content. I'm warning you because I know I at writing "sensual scenes". Like Dara once said, I'm not y. I don't know how to be y. :)) LOL So here goes nothing...




                Jiyong walked towards Dara. It felt awkward when their eyes met. He avoided her gaze for he felt ashamed and guilty when she noticed that he suddenly lusted over her.

                But it last only for a second.

                He was not a saint and he was not known to do saintly things in situations that only required him to be a man. Being a man was what he did best.

                All of his hesitations about Dara’s innocence flew away. It was that thingie she was wearing that made all the difference. He now desired her. Therefore he must have her.

And he knew how.

He held her waist. It was cold. And there was a slight tremble. Or was it his hand shaking? It did not matter. He held her closer to him and slightly lowered his head to kiss her forehead, eyes, and cheekbones. He was willing to kiss every square inch of her. Who cares if his tongue and lips would be gone tomorrow?

                It was the same with other babes he had been with.

                Well, maybe not. This babe was his wife. It’s as if there is an unwritten rule that he needed to be extra careful, extra gentle, extra patient, all extras. That’s not a problem. He has a talent on being extra ordinary.

                He did not kiss her on the mouth yet.

Instead, he went at her neck and her there. Dara moaned when Jiyong found her sweet spot. He it leaving a hickey, proof that his woman was really his. He kissed her shoulders then arms until he reached her fingers. He froze when he accidentally kissed her ring finger while staring at their wedding ring. He felt that something pulled him hard and because he doesn’t know how to explain it, he shooed it away from his mind. Which was easy. His desire was mounding up.

                And her cold skin was starting to get warm.  Her breathing became faster making it sound like small gasps. Very audible. Very encouraging. So he continued kissing her everywhere.

                Ten fingers down. Ten to go. Just like his nanny told him.

                “Don’t rush things, Jiyong. Start kissing the feet.”

                “Of the bed, yaya?”

                He was thirteen ye

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Chapter 2: curious jiyongie kkkk
Chapter 24: I surely miss this!❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 14: first time reading other author asides H. this is a fun story. cute
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 24: Cute story~
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 23: Ahhhhhh it’s so short!!!
Fr0zenMus1c #6
Chapter 20: Lol this is really hilarious. The idea of Jiyong wanting to cry because even his finger got fat is just hilarious.
Fr0zenMus1c #7
Chapter 16: Ahahaha! Thunder warned you but you didn’t listen. Now it’s all sinking in.
Fr0zenMus1c #8
Chapter 15: Wow. Madame Kwon gearing up for battle. I like.
Fr0zenMus1c #9
Chapter 11: Hahahahaha!! Male version of Medusa indeed. Even this Chapter’s title is hilarious :D
Fr0zenMus1c #10
Chapter 7: Lol at Jiyong trying to fix the chakra at his groin.