Should We Go Out ?

I Hate You Because I Love You

Your POV~


Today was supposed to be my ‘Nap Day’ but somehow I had a feeling that it’s not. Because you see, Jae Jin asked me out to meet him downtown. Well, I don’t have a reason to not go.


And half part of me wanted me to go too. Of course. It’s JAE JIN for god sake.


So as I was saying, I received a text message from him early in the morning. He told me to meet him downtown at 12 pm. I ran downstairs, already dressed up with a loose pink t-shirt and a pair of jeans matching with a red converse.


So off I go.





“Jae!” I waved at the familiar figure that was standing not too far from me. He looked up and smiled, “Ah…you’re late.” “Sorry~” I apologized as I rested my hands on my knees, panting.


“It’s okay anyways.” He looked around as a smile crept up on his lips, “Let’s go somewhere fun!” He dragged me along with him to an arcade.





“Ahhhh!!!!!” You screamed your lungs out while Jae Jin burst into laughter until his eyes went teary. “Why did you bring me to this kind of place?! It’s scary!” You feigned a faint.


“Psh…scaredy cat.” Jae Jin rolled his eyes while walking to somewhere. You pouted and ran after him.


“What should we eat?” He asked, pointing to a different type of foods. You looked at each of the various kinds of foods and a few of them caught her attention and made her drool.


“What? You want that one?” He questioned while taking the food from its tray. “Could you pick that one too?” You pointed at a bunch of spicy rice cakes.


Suddenly, Jae Jin chuckled. “What?” You asked, bewildered. “N-nothing. Which one do you want?” He seriously looked around even though a smile was still attached on his lips.


“Oh, that one!” You ignored the matter immediately and chided. Jae Jin sighed and took a few from the tray.





“Whew~ I had a great time today!” You cheered. Jae Jin shook his head, smiling. *You should because I’m about to ask you something that’s shocking.* He thought as he grabbed hold of Your wrist.


“W-what’s wrong?” You asked as Jae Jin pulled her to a nearby park. Soon, they were standing beside a water fountain that lit up the park.


“What is it?” You tilted you head in confusion. Jae Jin nervously rubbed the back of his neck, “Umm…you see. I want to ask you something important.”


“Oh, sure. Go ahead then.” You urged. Jae Jin gulped and looked around as his hand slowly made its way to yours. When they hands were intertwined, Jae Jin looked at your eyes deeply and sincerely.


He inched closer and whispered to your ear which sent a cold shiver along your spine. “Would you like to…go out with me?” He suggested as his hot breath trailed down to your neck.


However, You was shocked and her body felt numb. Her tongue couldn’t move instead it just froze. Jae Jin retreated and looked at You. After a few moments, he softened.


“It’s okay. You can answer my proposal later. I won’t push you.” After that, he left. You stood there, unfazed. After a while, you snapped, “Whoa. Did Jae Jin just confess to me?!”














Hi Guys ~it's me HEENEW~ any BOYFRIEND FANS HERE ?? lol . i think i'll make a new FF since the first fic is already done, but i didnt published it yet . well, thanks to miss Jiyoungie :>
but i didnt really sure wheither to make it or not .. BECAUSE IT WILL BE MY FIRST FIC ~~~ so, should i make that ? hmmpp ~~


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premiummilk #1
at last!
done reading this wonderful fic of yours!!

:DD keep on writing and be inspired!!
vachina #2
For some reason I see my name..
qt_boice15 #3
this is so sweet.
qt_boice15 #4
I cried when Jonghoon went to US. And I'm very very happy when Jaejin kiss her. I wish it was me. *Big Sigh*
radicalred #5
I just can't like the main girl, she's so hopeless and violent. I don't know why ah young hangs out with her? just my personal thoughts, I'm just on chapter 12 right now, maybe it will change soon hopefully?
Yuri30 : .. anyone can be yuri :] <br />
<br />
Juju-H : yeah ~
Loved it ^^<br />
It's that aren't many FT Island fanfics out there =(
I think I am very familiar wif d character of Yuri. it is me right? hahaha. I always got a bad character, perhaps bcuz I was a bad person? ahhahhaha~ I hope I will get a better character if JY make a new fanfic~ hehehehe! By d way, nice fanfic~ thumbs up 4 our Miss JY and u 2 Heenew~ :D
aiyarare #9
i've read the chap 22. i don't know, i just can't think of you(the main girl)hurt Jonghoon's heart. hm,,it's just like look back to my past.. n i regret too hurt someone who care on me like him
aiyarare #10
i need to read it more be4 i can say something.>>haha.. the problem is my brain n my worse english<< but since you forbid to save ur story,, i think i'll read it again n i'll say my opini when i finished with it. ur fic have end but i still have'nt read many chapter..