First Date Huh?

I Hate You Because I Love You


 Narrator’s POV~



“No-no.” Ah Young cupped , still with her widened eyes flickered open upon the couple. “Don’t tell me…it’s


Lee Jae Jin?” Ah Young shook her head and ran to you



 ~~~~~~!” Ah Young went to you who was busy searching for hats. “What’s it?” you put back


the hat that you just wore back to the shelves. “Oh…nothing but can you help me?” Ah Young asked, scratching her


head sheepishly. “What?”







“Isn’t that Lee—I mean Stupid Freak?” you pointed towards the direction where the guy was standing with a


wavy-brown haired girl standing next to him, talking. “I guess so…” Ah Young absent-mindedly answered with her


eyes flickered open towards the couple. Irritated, You slapped the back of Ah Young’s head. “Ouch! Yah! What


was that for?!” Ah Young hissed in pain, rubbing her head.



“That’s for being clueless.” you stated bluntly and continued, “…and that is Lee Jae—I meanStupid Freak.” you 


coughed for your carelessness. “Psh, I’m not. I was just not sure whether he’s Jae Jin or not.” You glared at Ah


Young, “Of course that’s him! You see, you can recognize him by just looking at his stupid face!”



“Righttttt…” Ah Young furrowed her eyebrows, unconvinced. “W-what?” You stuttered. “Oh nothing~” Ah Young


skipped forward, whistling. Unknowingly, Ah Young went towards Jae Jin and Yuri that were sitting on a bench,





“Yo~ Jae~” Ah Young chided. Jae Jin looked up and gawked, “Oh, Ah Young. What’re you doing…here?” “Well duh!


‘Course I’m shopping here. What else?” Ah Young stated bluntly. They were having a light chat when all of a sudden


a coughing sound appeared.



“Huh? What’s that?” Ah Young asked, looking around. Yuri stood up abruptly, “It’s me. The both of you chatted like


I was not here” She scoffed. “Sorry.” Jae Jin apologized, rubbing the back of his neck while Ah Young made an ‘o’


shape on .



An awkward silence accompanied them. Trying to break the silence, Ah Young asked things that came straight to her


mind, “Uh…so what are you guys doing here together?” “We’re…having a date.” Jae Jin stated shyly. *What’s with


him? Acting all shy and—WHAT THE? What’s with me?!* You mentally hit her head. “Date? You mean your first


date?” Ah Young corrected, folding her arms. “Uh…sort of.” Jae Jin meekly smiled. Then, for the first time, You 


spoke, “First date huh?” Jae Jin turned to you, “Ah! You were there all along?” “Psh. Very funny, Stupid Freak.”


 You answered sarcastically.



“Whatever, Blondie Freak.” Jae Jin snorted, smirking. The both of you had your usual fight for a good 5 minutes


until the same coughing sound echoed again. You two stopped your debate and turned to the same person. “Again you


treated me like I was not here.” Yuri gritted her teeth, folding her arms. “Sorry.” Jae Jin apologized again.




You and Ah Young exchanged looks and Ah Young frowned in disapproval. “Oh come on, Jae Jin. I’m bored here.


Can we just go?” Yuri pleaded in an elegant way. “Uh…sure. Hey, Ah Young, we gotta go.” Jae Jin had a bitter look


attached on his face. “Oh, okay!” Ah Young faked a smile.



“So see ya on Monday, guys.” Jae Jin left with Yuri. When they were out of you and Ah Young’s sights, Ah


Young looked at you and frowned, “I felt awkward just now.” “I know.” You shrugged, “Well, never mind


that. Let’s go return to our adventure.”



“Sure, let’s go!” Ah Young grinned. They continued their shopping spree. They had a great day but for you, you 


couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. When you reached home, your mom was not home.



“Where did mom go?” YOu mumbled to yourself and made your way to the kitchen. You opened the fridge and


gulped on some orange juice. When you closed the fridge, you noticed a piece of paper attached on the fridge.


“What’s this?” You wondered and took it.



Sweetie! Mom won’t be coming back home today! Just heat up the food that I made this evening! Be sure to eat it!



-Love, Mom :)



You sighed but eventually went upstairs and took a warm bathe. Later, you flopped onto your bed and stared at


the ceiling, deep in thoughts about today’s incident.



“Why do I feel so lonely ever since the two of them started dating?” You mumbled and heaved out a deep sigh. *My


heart fell when they had their date today. What’s with me? Maybe I was hungry that time? Hmm…It must be


because of that.* you thought and fell into a deep sleep.






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premiummilk #1
at last!
done reading this wonderful fic of yours!!

:DD keep on writing and be inspired!!
vachina #2
For some reason I see my name..
qt_boice15 #3
this is so sweet.
qt_boice15 #4
I cried when Jonghoon went to US. And I'm very very happy when Jaejin kiss her. I wish it was me. *Big Sigh*
radicalred #5
I just can't like the main girl, she's so hopeless and violent. I don't know why ah young hangs out with her? just my personal thoughts, I'm just on chapter 12 right now, maybe it will change soon hopefully?
Yuri30 : .. anyone can be yuri :] <br />
<br />
Juju-H : yeah ~
Loved it ^^<br />
It's that aren't many FT Island fanfics out there =(
I think I am very familiar wif d character of Yuri. it is me right? hahaha. I always got a bad character, perhaps bcuz I was a bad person? ahhahhaha~ I hope I will get a better character if JY make a new fanfic~ hehehehe! By d way, nice fanfic~ thumbs up 4 our Miss JY and u 2 Heenew~ :D
aiyarare #9
i've read the chap 22. i don't know, i just can't think of you(the main girl)hurt Jonghoon's heart. hm,,it's just like look back to my past.. n i regret too hurt someone who care on me like him
aiyarare #10
i need to read it more be4 i can say something.>>haha.. the problem is my brain n my worse english<< but since you forbid to save ur story,, i think i'll read it again n i'll say my opini when i finished with it. ur fic have end but i still have'nt read many chapter..