A Plan?

Vampire flower(black rose)

...While Taekwon and Wonshik went to get Ayla the rest stayed to make a plan. ''We know he's after you both, so it would be the best if she stays with you and one of us will be there as well'' Hackyeon was the one who always lead their plans. ''What about school, there's no way I could pass as a 16 year old boy in her school. And skipping is out of the question.'' Hongbin was young but not young enough. He looked to mature for a teenager. ''What about me? I finished high school 10 years ago and I was 16 when I became a vampire. I could pass by as an exchange student.'' He was right. Hyuk was the youngest for a reason. He was only 16 when Hackyeon saved his life by turning him into a vampire. They finally made a plan, of course when the other two come they would make some changes if needed. The plan was this. Ayla will stay with Hongbin until they get rid of danger. Thankfully Hongbin's roommate is Wonshik so they won't be alone. In school Hyuk will keep an eye on her, after school they will be picked up by Hackyeon. Jaehwan and Taekwon's duty is to check her friends and people she knows for a possible treat.

 Soon after Ayla and the guys came. She was really angry and confused. She came straight to Hongbin and she hit him the hardest she could and yelled on the top of her lungs ''Ya! You idiot! How could you just leave like that. I was still scared from my dream. And when you left I was scared even more! You could at least say something you idiot!''. ''I-I’m sorry… I had to make sure that what you dreamt was nothing but a nightmare'' he felt so apologetic to her but there was nothing he could do exept apologize until she calms down. ''Me being here probably means that that wasn't just a dream. Am I right'' her palm actually hurt from the force she used to hit him, she felt bad too but he deserved it. they had to explain the plan once again to them. ''So I have to stay with you until this is over?'' it will be the first time Ayla will be with a guy under the same roof and that was a bit scary-ish to think. ''Yeah… WonShik is my roommate so he'll be there to protect you as well. And meet Hyuk, he will attend the same school as you to keep and eye on you. And I think you met all of them.''. ''What about me? She hasn't met me yet'' Hackyeon's pout would always melt you. But he was right Alya never met him before.

When ALL the members were introduced to Ayla and she introduced herself to them it was time for her to go back to her house to get more clothes and some stuff she needs. It was pretty late when they arrived at Wonshik and Hongbin's house. Killer loved his new place right away. Wonshik showed her a room where she will be sleeping while Hongbin prepared late dinner. She was exhausted but hungry. For dinner Hongbin made eggs, bacon and he made her a juice, it sounds more like a breakfast than a dinner but it was fine. They usually eat out but they were both tired and taking her out this late wasn't safe. After dinner Ayla went to wash up.

 ''Hong. Where did you put Pantorax?''

 ''In the fridge, hyung.''

''Are you sure? There's nothing there''

''I'm sure.'' The two boy yelled at each other since Hongbin was in the room and Wonshik in the kitchen. It seemed that they ran out of Pantorax.

''Hongbin?'' Ayla got out of the bathroom in her cute pajamas. '' I brought Pantorax. The one Jaehwan left. You didn't drink it all and I don't want to have that at home.''

''You're a lifesaver. Hyung! It's ok. Ayla brought it''

The boys had their ''milk'' and Wonshik went to bed. Ayla was a bit worried so Hongbin stayed with her to see what's wrong. The talk that seemed short lasted for hours. Hongbin explained everything to her, this time without hidding anything. She told him her reason for being so worried. It was already 4am when they set to their rooms. Hongbin did something unexpected. He placed a warm good night kiss on Ayla's cherry lips. She was surprised but she found herself liking it. her cheeks were red as blood. They went to their rooms but both of them spent another hour unable to stop thinking about that kiss…

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Dorjie #1
Chapter 21: The drama was awesome although it was short.
But the story was
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 21: I like the last ending more than the others ^^ It ends the story on a positive and hopeful note :)

i really enjoyed this story!!

Great job authornim :D :D
LennyV #3
Chapter 21: You're a really good writer! I'm not a fantasy-type reader but your story hook me up!! It's awesome! U know what, I laughed out loud reading the 2nd ending ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I really like the 3rd one ^^ Thanks for the story ♥
Milica123 #4
Chapter 22: Wow,good luck.Can't wait. ^^ <3
xoxosenshine #5
Chapter 21: Omg , this is such a nice story . Goodjobbb
Chapter 21: Thanx for the happy ending ^^
Chapter 21: its..its beautiful XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
xoxo12xoxo #8
Chapter 21: Love it!! Omg i thought she'll die . Bte, thanks for this lovely story!!!
Chapter 20: I loved this ending ^^ Interesting twist :) A happy ending would be nice the last one XD We'll be expecting!
Chapter 20: I readed your story and I like it :) it's really good!! :D and sad at the same time