Vampire flower(black rose)

...''Hyung. Why are you so obsessed with that girl? Yes. She is the Special but I can smell another 10 people of her kind in this town. So why don't you just give up and go to those weaker ones?'' a firm voice broke the silence in that big black room. A loud thump was heard. Someone hit the table with his hands. It was Hyun Shik. The leader of the organization that HongBin told Ayla about. ''How many times do I have to tell why do I keep insisting to get her!?!?! Are you ing retarted. Ah! Jae Joon. Are you!!!'' he yelled really loud like the loud thump wasn't enough. ''This is the last time I'm telling this. This is for all of you here present. Her blood is the most powerful among all the Specials. Why you may ask? Her line of vampires is the oldest. It goes back to hundreds of years. And if you idiots remember that kind of blood is the strongest. And one glass of that blood can make me the strongest vampire in the world''.

 Let me explain this to you. You see, Ayla is a Special, you already know what it means. Her father was also a Special and his father too and so on back to the first vampire in her family line. He was the strongest vampire in the world. He had an ability of ten vampires. When the first Special is born it takes around 20 years for him to become a full vampire. The vampire blood overtakes. Thankfully that vampire line was only on the male side. So Alya won't become a vampire. If a girl is born like that she will never transform(in rare cases she will) but her blood will be stronger. Also it depends how on long the line is. The longer the line of male vampires is the stronger the blood. Ayla was the first girl in her line that's why they want her so bad.

''Master. Ms Yin is here. She wants to see you. May I let her here?''. ''Yes, Yonghwon. You may'' Hyun Shik replied to the small voice of a small person standing on the door. That small person bowed and left the room.''Darling~~'' a very screeching voice was heard in the corridors. It was Yin, Hyun Shik's fiancée. ''My ears are already bleeding.''. ''Ya! Yijeon. Watch your mouth!'' he growled at her ''Did you forget who is she?''. ''No..''. Yin entered the room and ran to her love and gave him a big passionate kiss. ''You know rooms exist for a reason'' Yijeon openly showed her disgust. ''Look who's talking. What about you and that guy… Hongbin. You would push down your tongue down his throat like it was candy. I don't recall you complaining back then.''. It was a low blow for Yijeon. She and Hongbin were a thing. After being a vampire for such a long time you need someone to please you. Of course Hongbin never liked her. Their relationship was purely ual. But then after Hongbin found his soulmate he broke it off with her. It's been 16yrs and she still haven't forgotten his body on hers, that feeling of pleasure. She would never stand a chance to get him back with that girl in her way.''That was too low Yin noona'' a voice broke down the silence. ''You're right Il Sang. Sorry Yijeon.''. ''Nah it's ok. We cool'' she said that but she was hurt…

After all of them gathered around they had to make a plan how to get rid of Hongbin and his friend to get to the girl. It wasn't easy but they came up with an idea which included Yijeon as the main actress. But they decided to stay low for few months just so that Hongbin could lower down his guards…

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Dorjie #1
Chapter 21: The drama was awesome although it was short.
But the story was
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 21: I like the last ending more than the others ^^ It ends the story on a positive and hopeful note :)

i really enjoyed this story!!

Great job authornim :D :D
LennyV #3
Chapter 21: You're a really good writer! I'm not a fantasy-type reader but your story hook me up!! It's awesome! U know what, I laughed out loud reading the 2nd ending ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I really like the 3rd one ^^ Thanks for the story ♥
Milica123 #4
Chapter 22: Wow,good luck.Can't wait. ^^ <3
xoxosenshine #5
Chapter 21: Omg , this is such a nice story . Goodjobbb
Chapter 21: Thanx for the happy ending ^^
Chapter 21: its..its beautiful XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
xoxo12xoxo #8
Chapter 21: Love it!! Omg i thought she'll die . Bte, thanks for this lovely story!!!
Chapter 20: I loved this ending ^^ Interesting twist :) A happy ending would be nice the last one XD We'll be expecting!
Chapter 20: I readed your story and I like it :) it's really good!! :D and sad at the same time