Real Story

During the break time, you went to find Lizzy in her class. You craned your head in, and Joon saw you. He walked to you.

“I’m not searching for you. I need Lizzy,” you said, waggled your hand. He looked annoyed, he did “merong” to you. You replied him with merong to.

Lizzy saw you and walked approaching to you. She smiled to you brightly, too brightly maybe. You grabbed her hand and took her to the school garden.

“How dare you to not tell me about your boyfriend!” you punched her arm softly.

“Im sorry, im sorry. Okay, what do you want to know?” she calmed you down, smiling calmly.

“His name?”

“Er… Raizo.”

“Raizo? Japanese?”


“How is him?”

She titled her head. She was remembering her boyfriend, she smiled ever more brightly, “He is caring. Handsome… um… a bit.. idiot? Haha. Tall, yeah. And cheesy.” She laughed at herself. She enjoyed it more than you.

“Hwa. He is similar with Joon, right? Joon is idiot and very cheesy, hahahahahah,” you said cheerfully.

Lizzy was taken a back. She replied, “yeah.. I think.”

“How about you?” its your turn to talk.

Your face blushed. Joon flashed in your head. “Um.. yeah. Its seems that I’m still loving Joon. He looks still the same too. I’ll wait until either him or me confess.”

Lizzy looked so uneasy. She seemed… nervous? You had no idea, so you said, “don’t tell Joon, please. I’ll take care of this myself. I don’t need your help this time.”

Had been silent for a while, she said, “okay. Goodluck, baby.”

“Ah, yes. I’ve been  wanting to say this. Thank you for everything. Thank you, because of you, I could love Joon.”



After you sent off Lizzy to her class, you were going to back to your class too.

All of sudden, someone’s hand closed your eyes from the back.

“Guess who am i?”

“L. Put your hand off my eyes,” you said calmly.

“How do you know?” he lowered his hand. You turned back your face, and rolled your eyes.

“~~~~~, let’s be mine,” he said out of the blue.

“wh, whaaat??!” you shouted due to the shock.

“Would you be my girlfriend?”

“HAHAHAHA. Are you trying to make me as your third girlfriend? Uh, no. fifth? Sixth? Are you kidding me?” you laughed. He is seriously joking right now..

“I’ve broke up with all of my girlfriends. I only want you,” he gave you a serious and deep gaze. You were stunned. You were totally blank, is he serious? Or just a joke?

“L, stop kidding around,” laughing, you punched his chest, “you are quiet funny, though. I almost thought it was real.” You smiled at him.

He kept staring you for a while. Then he smiled. But the smile was weird.

“what’s wrong, L? are you still acting right now?” you still confused. You didn’t know what to do.

He sighed, “nothing.” He putted his hand on your shoulders from the back, “Because I was funny, I’ll send you off. Let’s go to your class!”

Arriving at your class, you waved your hand at L. You went in. As you walked in, you tilted your head, still amazed with L’s joke. Your friends saw you were with L.

“You know L?” Jinri asked you.

“Yeah, why?”

“He is super handsome, but a player. What a pity,” Sujeong rested his chin on her palm.

“But, according to gossip, he is trying to forget a girl, that’s why he dating with many girls,” Jinri said.

Hearing Jinri’s words, you became even more confused. L was serious or not?

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this was a good read! ^^ kyaaa~ so sweet.
Awww! So sweet!
It was a great story. I so didn't expected what happened, LOVE IT!!!
ayeshaL #4
@kimmylovesyou im sorry to make you cry T_T thank you for reading =) dont cryy~~<br />
@Alexa1994 did you cry actually? o.O i did it then lol XD thank you :D<br />
@leejoonlover dont get over it T_T you cant forget this~~ T_T <br />
<br />
let your friends to read this too please, hehehe :D
this is the saddest and sweetest story ever <3 I cried. :'(<br />
so sad!!!!! oh my gosh I can't get over it!! So sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The story is epic I LOVED IT <3. It really surprised me I didn't expect Joon's death, although when L visited someone at the hospital I didn't think that he was Joon... <br />
It really made me cry *Sobs*
>_< You made me cry...T_T<br />
I hated Joon before for making her suffer like that..<br />
but now that I know the real reason...<br />
It's just so...>_<<br />
Why caan't you just tell her Joon? *cries*<br />
>_< Thanks for writing a great story..*Blows nose*<br />
But still sad here..*cries again*
ayeshaL #8
@c-anyousmile yeah, he likes "you", it is mentioned in chapter 23 :D joon's words :D sorry to confuse youu ;AAAAA;<br />
@sujus_pylover uhm.. i hate happy ending :p this is life, it isnt always happy ending :)) thank you x)
sujus_pylover #9
kinda sad ending...but im glad<br />
bcoz i believe that not all first love will remain until the end..<br />
at least was there n had replace joon...<br />
but the way joon want to push ~~~ to L its mean..<br />
by the way...i love ur story...