Real Story




Joon was sitting on his bed. L was standing, facing him.

 “You should told me earlier,” L said, worriedly.

“I just knew it either,” opposite of L, he was calm.

“Are you going to be okay?” L asked him.

“I hope so. Pray for me.”


Cut to.


L was doing something in his room, suddenly Joon rushed in.

“She is going back to this town,” he jumped crazily because of too happy.

“Who? ~~~~~~~~?” L asked him. But no answer, Joon was too busy jumping around.

“Why are you this happy? Beware. Don’t hurt yourself,” L tried to stop him. But Joon kept jumping around. L gave up. He smiled seeing Joon this happy.


Cut to.


Joon was lying on the bed. There was an infuse on his hand. L was sitting on a chair beside the bed.

“L, my time is going to end,” Joon said in soft voice.

L closed his eyes. He hated to hear this, “Don’t say like that.”

“But that’s true. Doctor said my remaining time is about a year,” Joon took an inhaled.

L kept quite. He already knew Joon’s condition is bad, but he didn’t expect it will be this bad.



“I have some favor,” Joon’s voice was so serious.


“~~~~~~~~ seems still loving me. Me too. But I didn’t want to hurt her. Can you take care of her.. for me?”

L was so shocked, “What do you mean?”

“If.. I and her.. have a relationship again.. She will hurt after I… go.”

“Sssssssh. Don’t talk like that, Joon. Stop it,” L really really hated this conversation. It was like talking to the hopeless person, and he knew, Joon wasn’t.

“But I will go. I will make her hate me to death. So she won’t feel lose me. Then, you go with her. Make her be yours. Take care of her. Don’t let her hurt even more,” after said this, Joon coughed.

“You are egoist. What about Lizzy? She will hurt too. You are dating with her right now. Why aren’t you thinking about her too?”

“Lizzy and ~~~~~ is different. ~~~~~~~ doesn’t know about my condition. Lizzy knew about it from the first. And her care towards me makes me.. love her. I have no choice but love her too. I love them. But Lizzy is ready to lose me. Since she know it from the first place, and knew the risk of loving me from the first.”

L stood up due to his anger, “And why me? Am I your doll? Am I your slave?”

“Because I know, you are loving her, ever since I had dating with her. You became a player because of her, because you want to forget her,” Joon’s tone was so calm. L sat down again. Joon knew him that well. He couldn’t hide anything from him.

“Am I wrong?” Joon asked.

L didn’t answer it. It means yes.

“Please, make she loves you, L. This is my favor. My last favor.”


Cut to.


Joon was writing something on a notebook. L was playing with guitar. After a while Joon gave L the notebook that he had written on.

“Let’s study about ~~~~~~! In this notebook, I’ve write anything about her,” Joon opened the book, “This page is about what she love, this one is is about what she hate... Read this! This is completely complete.”

"Are you a stalker?" L took that book. He opened that book and read it. “Wah, daebak. You have everything.... Uhm? Hate.. pink? Hate strawberry? Is she a girl?”

Joon slapped L’s head, “Don’t talk bad about her!”


Cut to.


“I can’t take this anymore. I can’t see her hurting like this. Whatever I do can’t make her feel any better,” L closed his face with both of his hands.

Joon, lying at the bed, said, “It just needs times. Time will heal everything.”

“That’s so easy to be spoken. But the real is not like that,” L said hopelessly.

“Just bear it a little more. You can do it..”


Cut to.


L was walking alone. Suddenly he heard somebody talking. It was you and Joon. L hide behind the wall.

“Because of you, I found L..”

L heard that. L was so happy hearing that. As you walked away, he approached Joon. L looked at Joon. Joon’s eyes were so teary. And he was so pale.

“What happen?” L grabbed Joon’s hand, afraid Joon would be faint anytime.

“She forgot me completely… finally,” but as he said it, his tear dropped.

“You regret it?” L observed Joon.

“I knew I would. And now, I am,” he wiped his tears, “Go for her. She just said that she is happy found you.”

“I know. I heard it. Are you okay?” L looked worriedly at Joon, but Joon nodded. Then L ran after you. As soon as he found you, he back hugged you.



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this was a good read! ^^ kyaaa~ so sweet.
Awww! So sweet!
It was a great story. I so didn't expected what happened, LOVE IT!!!
ayeshaL #4
@kimmylovesyou im sorry to make you cry T_T thank you for reading =) dont cryy~~<br />
@Alexa1994 did you cry actually? o.O i did it then lol XD thank you :D<br />
@leejoonlover dont get over it T_T you cant forget this~~ T_T <br />
<br />
let your friends to read this too please, hehehe :D
this is the saddest and sweetest story ever <3 I cried. :'(<br />
so sad!!!!! oh my gosh I can't get over it!! So sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The story is epic I LOVED IT <3. It really surprised me I didn't expect Joon's death, although when L visited someone at the hospital I didn't think that he was Joon... <br />
It really made me cry *Sobs*
>_< You made me cry...T_T<br />
I hated Joon before for making her suffer like that..<br />
but now that I know the real reason...<br />
It's just so...>_<<br />
Why caan't you just tell her Joon? *cries*<br />
>_< Thanks for writing a great story..*Blows nose*<br />
But still sad here..*cries again*
ayeshaL #8
@c-anyousmile yeah, he likes "you", it is mentioned in chapter 23 :D joon's words :D sorry to confuse youu ;AAAAA;<br />
@sujus_pylover uhm.. i hate happy ending :p this is life, it isnt always happy ending :)) thank you x)
sujus_pylover #9
kinda sad ending...but im glad<br />
bcoz i believe that not all first love will remain until the end..<br />
at least was there n had replace joon...<br />
but the way joon want to push ~~~ to L its mean..<br />
by the way...i love ur story...