Real Story

Morning came. You woke up, opened your eyes and sat on your bed. You were wondering what would to do today.

“Ah right. I have to register at my new school.” you murmured.

You stretched your body and walked to the bathroom. Suddenly, your phone rang.

“Hello?” you picked up the phone.

“Ummm.. have you wake up?” its Joon. Your heart pounded fastly, as always.

“How can I answer your call if I haven’t wake up?” you were trying to throw joke.

“Hahahaha. You’re right.” He laughed. “What are you going to do today?”

“ I’m going to register to your school,” you said.

“mmmm.. okay. I’ll help and accompany you. Let’s meet at 8 in the school gate,”

“Jinjja? Ow, thank you. Really thank you. See you.”

You took a bath, picked your best dress, putted some make up, and had breakfast.

Finally, you arrived at the school gate at 7.50 but Joon was already there. As he saw you, he smiled and waved his hand. Your face blushed.

“waiting for a long time?” you asked him.

He shook his head, “absolutely no. I’ll wait even forever. Hahaha.” You tickled his stomach. He laughed and grabbed your hand. Then he took you to go inside the school.

 He led and helped you to register at the new school.

“Why.. Why are you helping me today?” you asked him.

His eyebrow moved up, “you hate it?”

“No, no. Of course no. I just… ask—“

“Because I want to,” he putted his hand on your head softly, throw a killer smile. You blushed.

“I shouldn’t be like this. He is my ex, not my boyfriend”

“Thank you,” you smiled at him, putted his hand off.

After you finished the registration, he took you to walk around your new school. This building is very big and you loved it.

You two arrived at the school garden. The school garden was so beautiful and groomed. The atmosphere reminded you of something. Reminded you of how you and Joon started everything.

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this was a good read! ^^ kyaaa~ so sweet.
Awww! So sweet!
It was a great story. I so didn't expected what happened, LOVE IT!!!
ayeshaL #4
@kimmylovesyou im sorry to make you cry T_T thank you for reading =) dont cryy~~<br />
@Alexa1994 did you cry actually? o.O i did it then lol XD thank you :D<br />
@leejoonlover dont get over it T_T you cant forget this~~ T_T <br />
<br />
let your friends to read this too please, hehehe :D
this is the saddest and sweetest story ever <3 I cried. :'(<br />
so sad!!!!! oh my gosh I can't get over it!! So sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The story is epic I LOVED IT <3. It really surprised me I didn't expect Joon's death, although when L visited someone at the hospital I didn't think that he was Joon... <br />
It really made me cry *Sobs*
>_< You made me cry...T_T<br />
I hated Joon before for making her suffer like that..<br />
but now that I know the real reason...<br />
It's just so...>_<<br />
Why caan't you just tell her Joon? *cries*<br />
>_< Thanks for writing a great story..*Blows nose*<br />
But still sad here..*cries again*
ayeshaL #8
@c-anyousmile yeah, he likes "you", it is mentioned in chapter 23 :D joon's words :D sorry to confuse youu ;AAAAA;<br />
@sujus_pylover uhm.. i hate happy ending :p this is life, it isnt always happy ending :)) thank you x)
sujus_pylover #9
kinda sad ending...but im glad<br />
bcoz i believe that not all first love will remain until the end..<br />
at least was there n had replace joon...<br />
but the way joon want to push ~~~ to L its mean..<br />
by the way...i love ur story...