Real Story

“Next week is your birthday, ryte?”

You were walking home. Holding your hand, L was swinging your hand back and forth.

“Mwoyaaaaa. You are no fun! You should pretending do not know it now. You should prepare something to surprise me!” you pinched his arm.

“Aw, it hurts! Why do you like to pinch me? Hit me?” he messed your hair.

“Because you always do this!” you pinched his arm again.

“Okay, okay. Back to the topic. Where do you want to go? Let’s go hiking!” he teased you.

You make a face like you eat something very sour. “You know that I hate it!” you pinched his arm.

“I didn’t know,” he rise his eyebrows up, made an innocent face.

“Liar. You know everything about me,” you pinched his arm again and again.

“Awwwwww. Stop it, stop it. Don’t pinch meee in my arm. Pinch me here,” he pointed to his cheek. You slapped him instead. Softly, of course.

“I think its overflowing, you always mean to me T.T”

“You deserve that,” you putted your tongue out. He pinched your nose softly.

“Do you want to go to amusement park?” he offered.

“YEAH!!” you screamed. You beamed, smiling very wide.

“Look, your face changed drastically,” he messed your hair again. But you ignored your messy hair. You couldn’t wait for it.


Finally that day came. L and you were already arrived in amusement park.

“What should we do first?” he asked you.

“Let’s buy a couple bunny-ears!” you pulled him to the store.

He groaned, “Nooo. Not this thing..”

“Oh, ya. Yes this thing,” you pulled him harder. He didn’t has other option but followed you. you putted pink bunny ears on his head. “Cute!”

“Who? Me?” He threw an aegyo. He winked at you.

“No, the headband is,” you turned your blushed face. He was so cute that you couldn’t handle it.

L putted the pink bunny-ears on your head, “Its look better on yours.” You were about to replied him, he said, “I know, I know. You hate pink. But you look goods in pink.” Then he took the white one, and pay it.

You were surprised. As you remember you never told him that you don’t like pink. You looked at him in amazement, but he just gave you a mysterious smile. Then he left you first, got out from the store. You followed him.

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this was a good read! ^^ kyaaa~ so sweet.
Awww! So sweet!
It was a great story. I so didn't expected what happened, LOVE IT!!!
ayeshaL #4
@kimmylovesyou im sorry to make you cry T_T thank you for reading =) dont cryy~~<br />
@Alexa1994 did you cry actually? o.O i did it then lol XD thank you :D<br />
@leejoonlover dont get over it T_T you cant forget this~~ T_T <br />
<br />
let your friends to read this too please, hehehe :D
this is the saddest and sweetest story ever <3 I cried. :'(<br />
so sad!!!!! oh my gosh I can't get over it!! So sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The story is epic I LOVED IT <3. It really surprised me I didn't expect Joon's death, although when L visited someone at the hospital I didn't think that he was Joon... <br />
It really made me cry *Sobs*
>_< You made me cry...T_T<br />
I hated Joon before for making her suffer like that..<br />
but now that I know the real reason...<br />
It's just so...>_<<br />
Why caan't you just tell her Joon? *cries*<br />
>_< Thanks for writing a great story..*Blows nose*<br />
But still sad here..*cries again*
ayeshaL #8
@c-anyousmile yeah, he likes "you", it is mentioned in chapter 23 :D joon's words :D sorry to confuse youu ;AAAAA;<br />
@sujus_pylover uhm.. i hate happy ending :p this is life, it isnt always happy ending :)) thank you x)
sujus_pylover #9
kinda sad ending...but im glad<br />
bcoz i believe that not all first love will remain until the end..<br />
at least was there n had replace joon...<br />
but the way joon want to push ~~~ to L its mean..<br />
by the way...i love ur story...