Declaration of a Match

I will be number 1!!!!

Taehyung sat alone reading some manga in the classroom. He knew Jimin was at the basketball club, but he wasn't going to go. The only reason why he played that match was because of Jimin. So there he sat reading his manga, and didn't notice that someone had entered the classroom.

Yano was heading to the basketball club, but stopped when he saw Taehyung alone in the classroom, he decided this would be much more fun, if Taehyungs around. Hoping he would get noticed he walked into the classroom, but Taehyung was too ingrossed with his manga to notice.

"Boo!" Yano snuck and then screamed into Taehyung's ear. The shock it gave Taehyung he ended up throwing his manga across the classroom in fright, causing Yano to burst out into laughter.

"Holy!!! Yano!!! can you not do that!" Taehyung shouted as he went to pick up his manga, "Awwh it's all creased now" Taehyung pouted.

Yano came over and used the back of his hand the Taehyungs cheek, "You know your really cute when you pout like that"

Taehyung brushed away Yano's hand, "Please don't." Yano didn't like that, and grabbed onto taehyungs wrist to stop him from walking away, a dark look in his eyes. "You know how long i've waited for this, when I moved that day I never stopped thinking about you, I went to all your matches, created a blog, I was obbessed, and now that I got into the same highschool as you I thought you would be mine, but you had no idea who I was, but then when you figured it out in the changing rooms the other day, that darn Hoseok got in the way, again." 

Taehyung tried to take Yano's hand of his wrist but his grip was too tight. "Yano, please, your hurting me" but Yano wasn't listening, "You know, Hosoek was always there, even at your matches, he even told me that he started to play basketball so he  can get closer to you. That hurt so much, and then to realise that he is at this school too, and on the basketball team. I Joined the team because I hoped you would, but you don't seem to want to join. What ever happened  to that promise." Taehyung stepped back, shocked by what Yano is saying, 'Hoseok played basketball because of me' he thought 'but that can't be, can it?" 

"For sake V! stop refusing me! You want this just as much as I do" Yano pulled Taehyung closer and kissed him directly on the mouth. Taehyung stood wide eyed took a minute to realise what is going on, and he kissed back out of reflex, he could still remember the taste from those years ago, it weridly comforted him. 

Things where getting heated, as Taehyung allowed Yano's tounge into his mouth, letting there tounges touch, and taste each others mouths. Just then Yano broke the kiss, Taehyung letting out a small moan of disapointment. But he then gasped when he felt his top being lifted off, "Y..Y...Yano? wha...t you doing?" Yano smiled taking his top of too, reveling his toned body, although Hoseok's was better, after getting a peek at them in when they where changing. "Shhh! V! just relax!"and Yano moved his hand down Taehyung's chest.

Taehyung felt tears forming in his eyes, it was bringing back awful memories, "Yano, please, please don't go any further I beg of you" Taehyung let a tear fall, but Yano didn't notice but he heard and he wasn't happy. He pushed Taehyung against the wall of the classroom with force, and trusted his hips agaisn't Taehyungs. He went to make out with Taehyung again, but stopped he noticed Taehyung had his eyes tightly shut, but tears falling from the edge.

Just then out the corner of his eye he saw someone run past the window, he looked to the door which had been opened. He turned back to Taehyung who wasn't silently sobbing, and rememeberd what the others said about his past. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I totally forgot, oh my, I...I..!" and with that he released himself from Taehyung, grabbed his shirt and ran out the classroom. Taehyung confused and totally shook up fell to the floor "I'm sorry" he whimpered, "I'm sorry."


Jimin ran all the way back to the sports hall, not slowing down once, he didn't want to waste any time. He threw open the door and ran to Yoongi and Hoseok. "!" Jimin panted. Hoseok looked worried, "Jimin calm down, what about Taehyung?" 

"Taehyung and ... Yano...!" Hearing it more clearly Hoseok didn't waste anytime and imediatly ran, Yoongi followed straight after, and Jimin slowly headed that way too, he had no stamina. 

Hoseok was the first to arrive and burst into the classroom, "Yah! Yano! what do yo...Oh my god, Taehyung?" Hoseok ran over to Taehyung who was on the floor. Yoongi finally arrived and saw Hoseok with Taehyung on the floor and walked over. "Taehyung? what happened are you alright?" Hoseok asked. "Where is Yano, what did he do" Yoongi added. But Taehyung didn't say anything, he just looked at them both "I'm sorry, I really am!" and then got up, grabed his shirt and left, leaving a very confused Hoseok and Yoongi.

"What was that all about, did we do something?" Hoseok questioned on Taehyung appologised. "I don't know but we must get to the bottom of this, lets ask them tommorow."

Taehyung walked down the corrider and bumped into someone who was running to the classroom. " that hurt! who the...Tae? omg? Tae are you ok?" Jimin asked, hearing Jimins voice Taehyung burst into tears and threw himself at Jimin, hugging him tightly. "Jimin, why! why! just why did that have to happen back then!" Taehyung cried into Jimin's shoulder. "Shhh, Tae! it's alright, i'm here, shh, calm down" Jimin softly spoke, Taehyung's back, like he was a mother comforting his son.

Over the next week Yano didn't turn up to school or the club, Yoongi was worrid he didn't want to loose a member, not when he will be graduating soon. Well atleast Taehyung has joined which Yoongi was over thrilled by because Taehyung was such an excelent player. Although Taehyung never said the actual reason as too why he joined.


The next day after the Taehyung and Yano incident, and after having Jimin stay the whole night at Taehyungs, Jimin had somehow managed to persuade Taehyung to join, or atleast part of it, most of it was to do with Yano.

Taehyung turned up with Jimin at the basketball club, shocking everyone when he handed in his 'join the club' form. "Oh my god, Taehyung, you decided to join, how come?" Yoongi asked trying not to sound to happy about it, even though he was overly happy about it. "Hmm well lets just say Yano said some things, and Jimin helped" he took a glance to Hosoek, who was currently practicing shooting, and smiled remembering what Yano said about Hosoek playing basketball to get closer to Taehyung.

Yoongi noticed Taehyungs glance and smile at Hoseok and smirked. "Eh I see, thats how it is, well cool, good to have as a member." 

"oh yeah, take care of me, and i'll play the best I can" Taehyung replied.

With Taehyung joining the basketball team, it meant there team got a lot stronger, and Yoongi decided it would be best to put Taehyung as a regular member, swaping out for someone else, who wasn't really happy about loosing his spot as a regular, but being replaced by Taehyung meant the team have more of a chance of winning. 

A few days after Taehyung joining, the members all noticed that Yano wasn't tuunring up and got a little worried. He wasn't even turning up for classes. Yoongi decided he need to find out why and decided to ask Taehyung as he was the last one to see Yano.

"Yo Tae! would it be possible to have a quick word" Taehyung nodded and followed Yoongi into the store cuboard. "Sorry for taking you here but what I want to ask you may not want to say with others around" Taehyung again nodded.

"So you see, about what happened the other day, is that why Yano is not turning up?"

Taehyung sighed "Well I can't say for sure but it could be something to do with it." 

"Ok, so can you tell me what happened? I'm only asking because I need to know that my club will have enough members when me and the other third years leave." Yoongi asked

But before Taehyung could answer they heard a bang coming from outside the store cupboard. Yoongi slid the door open and saw that a group of guys from another school had came in and where talking to Hoseok. 

"Are you the captain?" The what seemed the leader of group asked. "No, he's not I am" Yoongi said approaching and telling Hoseok to go back to practice. "What do you want?"

"I want to know if Kim Taehyung is a member of this club?" the same person asked, looking around to see if he could spot Taehyung. Of course Taehyung was still in the store cupboard. From inside the store cupboard Taehyung could hear everything, and he recognised the voice, which made him even less want to come out, but he knew he had too so he took a deep breath in and put on a brave face and went out.

"Yes Namjoon i'm right here!" Taehyung spoke, everyone turned to look at him, "Oh well, guys would you look at this, Taehyung is in the club, well then its good to see you, and it mean's it has meaning for what i'm declaring. I, Namjoon, captain of my basketball team declar a match agaisnt you, but the match will decide who gets Taehyung! if you win Taehyung stays on your team, but if you loose Taehyung will have to transfer and join my team!" 

Namjoons sudden bet shocked everyone, especially Taehyung. "Namjoon, what are you saying!" Taehyung asked but not getting answer, "will you do the match, oh I forgot to say if you don't play, well we will force Taehyung onto our team!" 

Yoongi couldn't get any words out, he wanted to say no to the match, but he didn't want to loose Taehyung. "Fine! We'll play the match!" Taehyung spoke for everyone in the room, even if they didn't agree.

"Oh good, well the match will be at the end of the season, because then Taehyung can transfer to my school in his second year, good luck, oh and Taehyung its good to see you" and with that Namjoon and his team left.

"You ing bastard! you can't just decide on your own!!!" Yoongi shouted, shaking Taehyungs shoulders. "lt's alright, Namjoon is an ex-member of my middle school team, and besides I wouldn't of accepted the match, if I knew we could win." 

"Tsk! fine, but you do know what happens if we loose right." 


Dun DUn dUnnnnnnn..... ~~~~~~

next chapter, it changed from the first time I worte it, i got annoyed because I lost all that I had written, but its cool, because i rewrited it :)

wow, Yano had alot to say, and it seems him and Hoseok are both after Taehyung

Oh and whats with Namjoon, suddenly declaring a match with Taehyung as the prize :S

hehe I hope you like this chapter

Thanks to all who read and support, love you all

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sang2gisa #1
ah~ kuroko no basuke. i love this anime. and thats why im curios abt this ff ><
Chapter 17: oh my god, this is so cute. Can't wait..
Chapter 17: Yeayy great cause yeah i need more chapters!
Chapter 16: You definitely need to write an epilogue dude
Update soon
KoariAndHerCoctail #5
Chapter 16: epilogue!! epilogue!! Please! :D I want them to be happy couple forever! TT-TT i beg you :DD and i really love you :D I like basketball and so i really love your story :)
Chapter 13: I bet the one who called the staff was chen and baekhyun lol

And they saw the whole scene thats why chen called tae!!!

Update soon
Chapter 13: They kissed!!! I like their date moment :D
ochakenchao #8
Chapter 13: it's so sweet
i want to stalk their date
Chapter 11: Tae you so lucky... Hoseok really love you! Lol at Jongdae and Baek!!!
Chapter 11: It was so cute at first i mean their date

And lol for baek and chen,what the hell they are doing at the cinema lololol

Im curious about that shop and everything

Update soon