
I will be number 1!!!!

"Taehyung, your here, play basketball with me!" Jungkook asked. Taehyung noticed there was something up, Jungkook seemed down, and he doesn't even know how to play. "Are you ok?" Taehyung replys. "Don't talk Taehyung, just play, please" Jungkook begged, "But you know I don't like basketball!" "yes, but play, just one little match, please, for me?" Jungkook got on his knees and begged. "Oh alright, no need to beg, whats gotten in to you." Taehyung sighed and went to go stand in place.

"Ok, we shall play till someone scores three baskets" Taehyung nodded, lets play. Jungkook started with the ball, to give him a head start, he knew  Jungkook wasn't going to win. Jungkook came forward with the ball, and went to go pass Taehyung, but Taehyung intercepted his path and stole the ball from Jungkook and Jump shooted a basket. One point to Taehyung. "This match is pointless" Taehyung said as he passed the ball to Jungkook to let him start. 

Jungkook again moved with the ball, but this time he stopped just before reaching Taehyung and spun in the other direction, causing Taehyung to loose his balance and fall. Jungkook ran with the ball and went to shoot but incedently he missed. He turned to Taehyung and shot a glance "Play seriously would you, the Taehyung I know wouldn't have fallen over!" Jungkook was harsh with his words, it sort of scared Taehyung a little. "you asked for this" Taehyung said as he went and stole the ball from Jungkooks hand, before even Jungkook was able to atleast try and avoid the attack. He tipped the ball in the basket nicely, making it look easy. 2 points for Taehyung and 1 point for Jungkook.

Taehyung just needed one point and this game is over, but a slight part of him doesn't want this match to end he was enjoy this match, even if it was an one sided match, maybe because he was having fun. Jungkook noticed Taehyung was in a daydream so he took this oppotunity and went for the basket, but Taehyung having great reflexs, soon intercepted Taehyung and stole the ball, in a matter of seconds, and even though he was the other side of  his basket he threw ball directly at the basket, and it went in, game is over.

Jungkook clapped at Taehyungs performance, and without knowing a tear rolled down his cheek. "OMG Jungkook, why you crying?" Taehyung asked running over to give him a hug. "Thank you for letting me see you play one last time" Jungkook started "wait whats this about?" Taehyung butted in. "I'm sorry Taehyung, but i'm moving away, my parents are getting a divorce, so I won't be able to see you play anymore." Taehyung collapsed to the floor. "Say what? your... your leaving? but what about us?" "Taehyung I'm breaking up with you, I played this match because it's the last time i'm going to see you." "But...But.." "No buts, i'm sorry, and goodbye" and with that Jungkook left Taehyung on floor in tears.


Taehyung finally made it home and went straight to his room, he felt aweful, his boyfriend has just broke up with him and is moving away, he lost it at the sports hall, even kciking the ex-captin, "damn, why is this happening to me, I don't want to go back" Taehyung shouted out loud, throwing books at the wall. ONly he forgot that he wan't home alone, and nealy had a heart attack when his brother entred the room.

"Yah! Taehyung, will you keep the noise down...OMG are you okay" Jongdae blutered when he saw Taehyung's red, tear stained face. "No, clearly i'm not ok, I just want to be left alone, sorry hyung" Taehyung got himself into his bed and pulled the covers over. "Alright, but i'm always here if you want to talk" Jongdae, bent over and kissed the lump under the covers before leaving the room.

Night time arrived and Taehyung couldn't sleep, he tossed and turned, no matter what posistion he was in he couldn't get to sleep. And even if he did go into a deep sleep, he'd wake up straight away from nightmares of his past.

Morning came, and Taehyung got up and looked at himslef in the mirror, his eyes all swollen from crying, and the dark circles from lack of sleep that night. 'Great' he thought, and decided a nice warm bath might help. After his long bath, he made his way downstairs, only to find a visitor, who had already made himself at home. 

"You sure know how to make yourself at home" Taehyung said walking into the lounge, drying his hair with a towel. "Woah! Tae! warning first, don't you realise your so hot when you look like that" Jimin joked pointing at Taehyungs messy hair. Taehyung threw the towel at Jimin, "save those compliments for Yoongi" Taehyung watched as Jimins face went from white to red in a matter of seconds. " know I like him?" Jimin stuttered, "Nope, but I do now" Taehyung smirked as Jimin turned even redder. "You basterd, I hate you" Jimin picked up a cushion and hid his face behind it.

"So, why are you here anyway?" Taehyung asked making himself a coffee, to wake him up. "Ahh yes, errrm, theres a match today, our school agaisnt their biggest rivals, and i want to go watch, but not alone" "So, you came here to bring me along" Jimin looked up at Taehyung his eyes sparkling, nodded. "Ok, i'll go, but for you" at those words Jimin fell off the chair in shock, "you'll actually come, Tae! I take back what I say, I love you you." Jimin got up and threw himself around Taehyung. "Ok, stop with the hugging, or i'll change my mind, what time do we have to leave?" "ahh heck, we have to go know" Jimin replied. Taehyung drank his coffee, burning his throat and then left with Jimin to head to the school.


They took there seats in the audience, and they were near the front because of Jimin saying we have to leave know or will be late, when infact there is half an hour till the match starts. "tsk! i burnt my throat for nothing you know" Taehyung sighed, slumping into the chair, which somehow felt nostalgic. "Don't complain, we get a good view" Jimin was bubbling with excitment, Taehyung smiled is rare to see his friend so happy, and it's all because of the teams captin, seriously he falls for people to easily Taehyung thought to himself.

The teams came on to the court, introducing themselves to each other, loud screams coming from fangirls, filled the room, Taehyung felt nostalgic again, seeing and hearing all this, brings him back when he was there on the court. "SUGA! SUGA! OVER HERE!!!!" Jimin shouted hoping to catch his attention, and well it worked, as Yoongi turned to face them and gave them a big smile and wave. Taehyung watched as Yoongi whispered something in one of the players ears, causing him to look up at them, and if Taehyung could rememeber his name was 'Hoseok.'

Hoseok looked directly at Taehyung, and smiled, Taehyung found himself slightly blushing. Damn Hoseok looked hot in his basketball clothes, his muscles on his arms. Taehyung looked away, realising that he had just been staring for minutes, making Hosoek a little self concious. 

The whistle blew signaling the start of the first quarter of the match, and the opposing team started with the ball, player numer 4 dribbled the ball down the court, and just as Yoongi came to block, he passed it to another player, who managed to get passed the home teams defenders and shoot a 2 pointer. Woah that player is good Taehyung thought to himself, as he went from player to player, his eyes stopped on Hoseok, who was getting ready to tackle the oncoming player. 

And bam, Hoseok snatched the ball from the player and dribbled it down the court, passing to another player, who then passed back, passing many of the opposing players, and he scored a three pointer. Taehyung was amazed, Hoseok scored a three pointer, he's a good player, and he oculdn't take his eyes off of him. 

The first and second quaters had finished and it was know half time, although Hoseok and the rest of the team where great playerss, it seems the opposing team was alot better, the score stood at 32 - 26. "Do you want me get some refreshments" Jimin asked and Taehyung nodded, still amazed by Hoseok, was there a player like him before. Jimin came back with too drinks, handed one to Taehyung and sat back down.

"So you seem to be enjoying this, or atleast someone" Jimin chuckled as he took a sip from his sip. "Say, do you know if our team has one against the opposing team before?" Taehyung said ignoring Jimins statement. "Hmm, i don't think they have, the opposing team is just too strong, tehy always hate playing against them, and thats with two great players." Taehyung looked back to the scoreboard, it is possible for them to win theres two more quarters of the match left, its just some of the members are not great players, and are the ones to loose possesion of the ball and miss baskets.

The teams came back onto the court to start the third quarter, and the looks in the teams eyes had become more intense, the game is just starting, things where about to get serious.

3 minutes into the third quarter and the opposing team gave away two free throws to Hoseok's team for fouling. making the score 32-30. Taheyung sat up on the edge of the seat, the score is getting close, he also noticed that the opposing team seemed to be playing a bit more violently this quarter, of cousre Hoseok's team knew this as well, and they where trying to get by. Suddenly the opposing team made a break through and scored a massive three pointer. There was 3 minutes left of this quarter, and Hoseok's team seemed to be really tired compared to the opposing team, because they where constantly running up and down the court being lead by the opposing team, things where not looking good, and by the end of the third quarter the opposing team had more of a lead now, 50-30.

Taehyung wanted them win so badly, but the players where really tired, and it will be tricky to catch up in the last 10 minutes of the game. Jimin also looked worried, he also wanted his team to win. Just at that moment Jimins phone went off, "Hello, Suga? whats wrong, errrr, sure, ummmm, ok" Jimin ended the call and look at Taehyung, his eyes wide with worry. "What wrong, why did he call?" Taehyung asked. "Tae! you have to play instead of me! one of there memebers got ingured and can't play this last quarter, so Yoongi asked for me to step in as a sub, but if i did that they will loose, you have to play, they have to win this match." Jimin took a big breath after finishing what he had to say, Taehyung looked stunned, "But i hate basketball, and i'm not a memeber, i won't you can do it." Taehyung said. "No! Taehyung, you play, pretend to be me, please, your the only one who can turn this match around, please i'm begging."

Back down on the court Yoongi was starting to panic, he knew they couldn't win this match, he also knew Jimin isn't ready to play, but there other two subsitutes had already played, and Jimin was the only one left. Hoseok came over to Yoongi, "Suga, clam down, if you get stressed think about how this will look to the other memebers, your the captin, you have to be strong till the end." Yoongi sighed, and turned to his team, "right, everyone listen, the chances of us winning are close to none, but lets do our best till the end." 

Jimin hadn't turned up yet, and the last quarter was about to start, so he put in one of the subs, hoping that Jimin would come soon. The whistle blew for the match to start, and the opposing team already had the ball. "Yah! block them with everything you have left, if we can't win, atleast make them not score anymore" Yoongi shouted to his teammates, hoping to give them some strenght. They where blocking good, the other team kept on loosing the ball, and missing shots. 2 minutes into the game and the whistle blew. "Player change" and Yoongi turned to the captin, who gave the call, expecting to see Jimin, but it wasn't Jimin, it was Taehyung.


Waah! next chapter up like i said! :) 

Poor Taehyung, alot happened to him in this chapter, Loosing his temper, jungkook leaving, and know replacing Jimin as a member. :O

whats going to happen, oh and Taehyung seems to be getting attracted to Hoseok :D yayyy 

Thanks again for reading :) :) 


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sang2gisa #1
ah~ kuroko no basuke. i love this anime. and thats why im curios abt this ff ><
Chapter 17: oh my god, this is so cute. Can't wait..
Chapter 17: Yeayy great cause yeah i need more chapters!
Chapter 16: You definitely need to write an epilogue dude
Update soon
KoariAndHerCoctail #5
Chapter 16: epilogue!! epilogue!! Please! :D I want them to be happy couple forever! TT-TT i beg you :DD and i really love you :D I like basketball and so i really love your story :)
Chapter 13: I bet the one who called the staff was chen and baekhyun lol

And they saw the whole scene thats why chen called tae!!!

Update soon
Chapter 13: They kissed!!! I like their date moment :D
ochakenchao #8
Chapter 13: it's so sweet
i want to stalk their date
Chapter 11: Tae you so lucky... Hoseok really love you! Lol at Jongdae and Baek!!!
Chapter 11: It was so cute at first i mean their date

And lol for baek and chen,what the hell they are doing at the cinema lololol

Im curious about that shop and everything

Update soon