Taehyung's Past Part 1

I will be number 1!!!!

Taehyung and the rest of the Basketball club arrived at the pub. Apparently it's a pub they always go to after each match, so the staff know them very well, which explains the warm welcome the staff working gave them, especially one staff who Taehyung was surprised to see here. "Waah! you lot are back, and judging by your smiles, you won your match, am i right, oh I see some new faces, nice to meet you, I'm Baekhyun" Jimin and Yano introduced themselves, and Baekhyun shook their hands.

The members noticed that Taehyung had somehow managed to get avoid from being seen, and was now sneaking up to back of Baekhyun, "Boo!" Taehyung shouted in Baekhyun's ear causing him to jump a mile. "OH MY GOD!!!!! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU...OH MY GOD TAE TAEIE?" Taehyung was crying from laughter, "Ahaha you never learn to watch your back do you, and how long have you worked here?" Taehyung asked when he finished laughing. "Come here you idiot! dare try that again and i'll kill you!" Baekhyun pulling Taehyung into a headlock. "Ow, Ow, Hyung!" Taehyung moaned. "Aha know who's laughing, but it's good to see you!" Baekhyun released Taehyung who pretended to be in pain, rubbing his neck and pouting.

"Umm, you two know each other?" Yoongi asked, Baekhyun just smiled, "You remember my boyfriend I was telling you about, well this is the younger brother of that guy!" Taehyung looked up from the floor and nodded. "Yah! Mr.Byun, get back to work or I'll deduct your pay check!" Someone angrily shouted from behind the counter, which Taehyung presumed was the boss. "oops, gotta go, see you later, bye bye" and with that he left to go and serve someone at the counter.


They sat down at a table and Yoongi, being the eldest, got up to order drinks.  He returned with a bottle of wine and glasses, oh and some juice for those who are under aged. Pouring a glass to the members on the team, and then handing the juice to Jimin, Taehyung and Yano. "So Taehyung is that really true? your brother is Baekhyun's boyfriend?" Yoongi asked, his curiosity bubbling. "Well last time I checked, yes" Taehyung replied, taking a sip from his glass, and then choking when everyone started to laugh, "W...what?" "Oh, you see, you know how Baekhyun is, we didn't believe him, as he never brought him to show us, aha, but to think he actually does!" Hoseok laughed holding his stomach. 

Jimin and Yano were talking amongst themselves, finding out about the other's interest, but Taehyung couldn't help but notice, every know and then Jimin would glance up at Yoongi. Everyone else where talking about the match, and how good it was, this was a atmosphere Taehyung wasn't used to. It got him thinking back to his past, and his old teammates, and what happened.

The next thing he knew, he grabbed Hoseok's drink and drunk it all at once. "Woah! Taehyung? are you alright, and hey that was my drink, and wait your under age." Hoseok complained. Jimin looked at Taehyung, he knew he proberally thought about his past, he's seem him do this before, and it's not good for Taehyung.

"So Taehyung why did you decide to play that match anyway?" Yoongi asked, it's obvious everyone was curious but no one dared to ask. Taehyung drank another glass before talking, "Well...I don't know, My head told me not to play, but my heart still wanted me to play, aaannnndddd, I was overwhelmed by how Hoseok played basketball." Hearing this made Hoseok blush, "ooooh, looks like someone has a crush" Jimin blurt out, only causing Hoseok to go even redder. Taehyung gave a slap to Jimin, "Yah, don't make up lies, I never said I loved him, I just liked the way he played basketball." Hoseok got a little hurt by that comment,  but decided to keep quite and listen.

Baekhyun came over right at the moment, noticing that Taehyung looked a little pink in the cheeks, "So who allowed my boyfriends brother to drink, he's going kill me if he finds out." Baekieeeeeee!!! I wuv youuuuuu" Taehyung squealed, running over to give him a tight hug. Everyone in the pub turned to stare at the drunk boy who was squeasing the life out of Baekhyun. "Tae! would you let go, it's embarresing, what if you brother see's?" Baekhyun said trying not to get more attention on them.

"Jongdae won't careeeee, who wuvs you toooo!" Taehyung moved foreward to kiss Baekhyun but was abruptly stopped, by someone grabbing his collar. "Ok, Taehyung, I think you should sit down." Hoseok said pulling Taehyung off Baekhyun and appologising on his behalf, but little did he know how Taehyung acted when he was drunk, because the next moment Taehyung was full on kissing Hoseok, right there in front of everyone. Of course being startled he pushed Taehyung off him, Taehyung pouted, "Hyungggg, you know  you want this, or I wouldn't of felt movement from down there" he pointed to his crotch, "I'll be willing to help you out!" 

Everyone had their mouths wide open from shock on hearing what taehyung just said, and Jimin hid his head in shame, he knew this was coming. Yano was keeping quiet was fuming inside, he wanted Taehyung to be saying that to him not Hoseok, he punched the table, and walked out, making everyone jump from his sudden movement.

Hoseok face burned, he was so red, he couldn't believe this quiet, excluded boy, has turned into some drunk who likes . "Taehyung? what are you saying?" Hoseok finally spoke, you could hear the quiver in his voice. "Hyung? you mean you can't tell, you wuvvv me, don'tcha!" Yoongi couldn't believe what was going on, he was so shocked that he realised he had been squeasing Jimins tigh, only noticing when Jimin let out a cry, "Hyung, that hurts, would you let go" Jimin shouted making Yoongi jump. He looked to where he was holding and realised it was Jimins Thigh, he imediatly let go, and followed with alot of 'sorrys'. Although Jimin secretly liked it.

Hoseok couldn't take much more, and was about to slap Taehyung, when someone burst in through the door, "Yah! if you dare lay a hand on my brother I will kill you!" Everyone turned to face the person, and watched as he stormed towards Hoseok and Taehyung. Baekhyun felt a pang a guilt arise, as he knew he was going to get blamed for this. "Jongdae hunny? it's not Hoseok's fault, Taehyung is a little drunk." Baekhyun said, his voice higher in tone than normal."I don't care who's fault it is, but if any of you, dare to hurt my little brother, there will be punishment, he had enough of that already! Come on Taehyung, lets go home!" Hoseok shouted picking up Taehyungand throwing him over his shoulder. "Uwwaaa hyung!!! i was getting to the good part, bye bye guys!" Taehyung pouted.


When they left, Hoseok sstumbled back to his seat, who was bewildered to what just happened. "Woah Hoseok are you ok?" Yoongi asks, passing water to him. "Oh my god, i'm so sorry for Taehyungs behaivour" Jimin appologised to Hoseok, but Hoseok was to stunned to say anything. Baekhyun pulled up a seat and sat with them, his shift was over. "So what did Jongdae mean, about 'he has had enough already'" Yoongi asked Baekhyun, and Baekhyun looked down, "well I don't know the full story, I don't think anyone does, other than Taehyung himself, he hasn't opened up to anyone about it." Jimin looked at Baekhyun "Actually I know what happened, but I don't think it's right for us to say." 

"Well, your right, but if Taehyung's going join the club, they should know before hand, and if Taehyung decided to tell them, that's alright." Baekhyun replied, "Yeah, your proberally right, do you want me to say?" Jimin asked and Baekhyun nodded "Yes, and i'll  in with things I saw."

Everyone looked a Jimin, all ready to hear the story of Taehyungs past.

"Well I met Taehyung in middle school, and he was by far the best player of his age, he had to of played since young. Everything was great to begin with, our first year was alot of fun. Taehyung enjoyed playing with his teammates, and loved it when he won matches. Word got around that Taehyung is a 'prodigy' of this sport, and everyone wanted to watch him play, he was quite the popular one.

Second year of middle is when things got bad. The teams coach got ill, and had to quit his job, which upset Taehyung as he loved his coach, they where like brothers. But he still wanted to play basketball, it was his dream to become the number 1 player. But with the new coach, Taehyung started to become less and less joyful, and his playing seemed to have got weak, I didn't know what was going on, I wasn't on the team, but one day I snuck into the hall for to watch their practice, and that's when I saw it. The new coach, was beating the Taehyung and his team if they did something they didn't like. I guess overtime Taehyung stopped playing basketball, but never gave the actual reason, which is annoying because if he just quit because of the beating, he could just join another team." 

Jimin finished, and everyone sat in silence, Baekhyun was the first to talk. "I know something else too, which I heard from Jongdae. We where in highschool at the time, and Jongdae always went to watch everyone ofhis little brothers matches, he was really proud. He took me to one, to show how proud he was, but Taehyung never showed for that match, and his team seemed to be a little off, but they still won. We went back to his house, and found that the front door was unlocked, which was odd as Jongdae knew he locked it. He went upstairs, worried that it was his brother, and yes, sure enough there in his bed was a weak, shaking little boy, tears falling down his face, bruses all up his arms. Of course Jongdae lost his temper and went to find the couch, but Taehyung stopped him, saying that it would only make things worse. Taehyung went to school the next day, and we decided to check out his practice, so we snuck in, and saw that Taehyung was getting abused by his coach, Jongdae was about to loose his control, and go and kill the coaches gut, but Taehyung beat him to it. He punched the coach in the face and said " this, this is not basketball, i'm never playing again!" and then left the hall, leaving a pissed of coach and a depressed atmosphere from the team. Taehyung never came home that night, we searched for him the whole night, but no sign, I told Jongdae to sleep and he will be back in the morning, which he was, but he didn't say anything about what happened." Baekhyun finished, leaving an even bigger silence.


Next chapter done, would of been up yesterday but stupid hot weather, makes you really tired and you have no strength to do anything. Well today was hot too, but I managed to get it done, I'm going to die from this heat >_<

okay enough about the heat 

a lot happened in this chapter, Baekhyun made his appearance (you knew it was coming ;) ) this time being Taehyung's older brother Jongdae's boyfriend. Also Taehyung turns into a addict when he's drunk.

and dun dun dun, Parts of Taehyung's past has been reviled . i named it part 1 because later on we will be hearing Taehyung's past again but this time by Taehyung himself, so we find out more of what happened to him, oh ho ho can't wait :)

Lets hope the weather cools a little, tomorrow its storms, storms and storms so i won't be uploading because i'll be hiding under the stairs, as I have a phobia of thunder and lightning :S

Thanks everyone for reading, and subscribing, and for commenting, oh I do like you guys.

I've also started a new vhope fanfic,but havn't decided whether to just work on this one, and upload the other after, or work on both at the same time? 

Thanks again, and I will update soon :)

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sang2gisa #1
ah~ kuroko no basuke. i love this anime. and thats why im curios abt this ff ><
Chapter 17: oh my god, this is so cute. Can't wait..
Chapter 17: Yeayy great cause yeah i need more chapters!
Chapter 16: You definitely need to write an epilogue dude
Update soon
KoariAndHerCoctail #5
Chapter 16: epilogue!! epilogue!! Please! :D I want them to be happy couple forever! TT-TT i beg you :DD and i really love you :D I like basketball and so i really love your story :)
Chapter 13: I bet the one who called the staff was chen and baekhyun lol

And they saw the whole scene thats why chen called tae!!!

Update soon
Chapter 13: They kissed!!! I like their date moment :D
ochakenchao #8
Chapter 13: it's so sweet
i want to stalk their date
Chapter 11: Tae you so lucky... Hoseok really love you! Lol at Jongdae and Baek!!!
Chapter 11: It was so cute at first i mean their date

And lol for baek and chen,what the hell they are doing at the cinema lololol

Im curious about that shop and everything

Update soon